Savior Simulator

Chapter 516 Terroir Change (for Subscription)

Chapter 516 Terroir Change (for Subscription)

The moment the little monster died, the body suddenly exploded, emitting a large amount of mud-like body fluid.

Gu Siyi was taken aback, and when she came back to her senses, she realized that a lot of mud had been splashed on her legs, which was burning and stinging.

She quickly retreated to a distance, took a pack of wet wipes from the shelf, and wiped off the mud spots on her legs. She found that the skin where it was splashed was red and swollen, and even blisters appeared, as if a bottle of hydrochloric acid had been splashed on it. The burning pain was unbearable.

"Damn little monster!"

Gu Siyi grinned in pain and couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The crying sound from the opposite side caught her attention.

The pair of mother and daughter who fell into the mud just now had already climbed up.

The mud stained on the bodies of the mother and daughter also had acid-etching properties, causing their skin to become red, swollen and stinging.

Gu Siyi quickly opened a pack of wet wipes, handed them to the mother and daughter, and told them to wipe off the mud quickly.

Then they ran to the opposite shelf, picked up a large bucket of pure water, and helped them rinse their skin to avoid more serious acid damage.

The mother and daughter were fine, and thanked her with tears in their eyes.

"Hurry up and find a secluded place to hide." Gu Siyi urged.

After sending the mother and daughter away, Gu Siyi unscrewed a large bucket of pure water to rinse her burning legs, feeling a little better.

She wanted to call the police, but the line was still busy and she couldn't get through.

When the six gods were in a state of confusion, another string of bubbles appeared on the water surface on the first floor, and more little bat-like monsters flew out.

This group of guys, who seemed to be mentally abnormal, let out piercing laughter as soon as they appeared, and released a large cloud of yellow and green, covering the first floor within 2 minutes.

The turbid mist slowly floated upstairs, exuding a disgusting smell.

Gu Siyi covered her nose with a wet tissue to avoid the stinky cloud.

However, no matter where she hid, she couldn't escape the smell like rotten eggs, which made her dizzy and nauseous, and she could barely open her eyes.

In the store on the second floor, some people were already vomited by the stinky cloud, and even passed out.

Trapped in a shopping mall where monsters are rampant and poisonous gas is lingering, people including Gu Siyi can't help feeling hopeless.

At this moment, a sharp siren sounded from outside the window.


Gao Fei turned off the engine of the motorboat, turned around and gestured.

Wang Daqing nodded knowingly, and immediately channeled his divine power to collectively bless his teammates with "Blessing of Buoyancy".

Gao Fei walked on the waves and entered the first floor of the mall first.

I saw a large cloud of stinking green clouds head-on, and there were piercing and strange laughter coming out of the fog.

He didn't have the "tenacious" specialty of resisting toxins today, so he didn't dare to rush into the shopping mall filled with poisonous smog.

Holding his nose and opening the astrolabe, he scouted the situation in the mall.

Apart from giant crabs, mutated octopuses, and water trolls, there is a small monster called "mud mephit" that is the most numerous in the mall.

Gao Fei has come into contact with "smoke mephit" and "lava mephit" in the game. "Mud mephit" belongs to the same category of mephits, and its attributes and challenge levels are similar to those of the first two types of cousins. The difference is that it is native to the water element The plane is a mixture of water and earth elements.

The mud mephit spews can deal 15d2 acid damage to creatures in a 6-foot cone that fail its Reflex save, and creates a slippery, slippery terrain that will cause you to fall if you step on it.

In addition, the ooze mephit can cast the 3rd-level "stinking cloud spell" once a day.Creatures that inhale the stinking cloud become sickened and unable to fight if they fail a Fortitude save.

In the special police team that Gao Fei belonged to, only Jiang Feng's Yang Yan monk could use "qi therapy" to relieve the poisoning symptoms caused by "stinky cloud".

However, even "qi therapy" cannot make people immune to toxins.

When Ma Tao's priest is upgraded to level 6, or Wang Daqing's paladin is upgraded to level 8, they will have the opportunity to learn the second-level magical spell "protection against toxins". Not enough to upgrade.

The young special police officers stood at the entrance of the mall, and the cries for help from the mall made them very anxious.

However, the stinking cloud of smog blocked the way to rescue the refugees, and there was nothing to do in a hurry.

Gao Fei thought for a while, and said to his companions: "Elemental creatures are naturally immune to toxins. I will go to explore the way first, try to dispel the stinky cloud, and then you will follow up."

"Brother Fei, do you want to add a buff?" Ma Tao asked.

"A bull's head is the same as a cat's head, Xiaotian, add a 'magnifying' technique for me, and nothing else will be needed."


Ma Tao immediately blessed him with "Strength of a Cow" and "Elegance of a Cat", increasing his strength and agility attributes by two points each.

Qi Tian also blessed Gao Fei with the "Giant Enlargement Technique" and a "Magic Tooth Technique" as a gift.

Get ready, Gao Fei puts on the "Druid Mask" and "Berserker Mask", first transforms into a large-scale earth element form, sneaks into the first floor of the shopping mall through the underground, and breaks out of the ground. A majestic body made of rock appears in the stagnant water in the center of the store.

A water troll was beating the mutated octopus nearby. It had torn off all eight octopus legs, and was gnawing at the round octopus head, causing ink to splash everywhere.

Gao Fei didn't bother this buddy to enjoy the seafood feast, and slowly raised his head.

Just above his head, in the air filled with stinking clouds, a group of mud mephits were flying around happily, having fun by creating chaos.

Gao Fei sneered, switched to the wind element form, left the water, floated into the air, and transformed into a tornado column!
The howling wind hovered above the water surface, and in a blink of an eye, it attracted the surrounding stinky clouds and mud mephits together.

The thin slime mephits couldn't resist the strong wind, screaming and whirling with the wind, and finally they were all sucked into the eye of the wind.

Gao Fei maintained the form of the whirlwind, wrapped in the stinky cloud and a large group of mud mephits, flew out of the window through the window, and roared straight into the sky.

Jiang Feng and others who were guarding the entrance of the shopping mall saw that the stinky cloud had been dispersed by Gao Fei's whirlwind, and rushed into the shopping mall to deal with the remaining monsters.

A large wind elemental that takes the form of a whirlwind automatically inflicts 2d6 slash damage each round to the creature it engulfs.

A small mud mephit, HP is only about 25 points, and after three rounds, the HP will bottom out.

A dying ooze mephit exploded in the whirlwind, spraying acid mud with the wind.

Gao Fei felt burning pain in his body, and quickly canceled the whirlwind form, throwing all the other mud mephits out.

As if fireworks were blooming, the bloody mud mephits exploded one after another, gathering into a short burst of acid rain.

At this time, Gao Fei had already fallen back to the ground, switched to the earth element, which was naturally immune to acid damage, and bathed in the acid rain dripping down, without changing his face.

Gao Fei maintained the form of the earth element, sneaked into the ground, and returned to the first floor of the shopping mall.

As soon as he emerged from the ground, he saw Gu Siyi jumping over the fence on the second floor, leaping down, kicking in the air, and kicking heavily on the water troll's back!
(End of this chapter)

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