chapter 51
"Something's wrong...Gao Fei, I'm afraid there's something else tonight!"

Su Mo was already in a deep sleep, Jiang Feng could not activate the "sentence mode", and could only chat privately with Gao Fei through the astrolabe.

"We ran all the way and fought two battles in a row, but we haven't got the plot milestone yet. This is really a long day."

After Gao Fei sighed, he yawned.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect the plot of this chapter to be so long. It's hard work for you to stay up so late with me. Why don't you sleep for a while, and I'll think about it. Is there any side missions that I haven't done?" Jiang Feng apologized Say.

"It's okay, I'm not sleepy, and I can't finish the task, I'm worried, and I can't sleep well."

"Me too..." Jiang Feng's face suddenly changed halfway through his words, "I just received a notification from the system that I can descend!"

"Oh? Let me see... Sure enough, I can do it too!"

Not caring about chatting, Gao Fei hurriedly switched the operation mode, leaning on the sleeping Basaka.

Almost at the same time, there was a buzzing sound in the night sky outside, and Basaka woke up from his sleep.

Gao Fei shared his senses with the character he relied on, sat up suddenly from the bed, felt a dull pain in his temples, and his heart was beating fast.I opened the status bar and looked at it. It turned out that the long rest was interrupted and I failed to get the benefits of sufficient sleep.

Gao Fei's berserker is a chopper professional, and not sleeping well has little effect, but for a spellcaster like Garcia and Jiang Feng's monk, the problem is serious!

The long rest was interrupted, and the magic pool and true energy pool could not be replenished, which would seriously hinder their combat effectiveness.

Gao Fei hurriedly put on his armor, opened the window and looked up, his scalp felt numb.

In the clear night sky, at some point, a group of flying insects as big as helicopters appeared, circling and flying under the moonlight, with motor-like roars when their wings vibrated.

Gathering his mind a little, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe to look at the illustration book of this giant flying insect.


·Giant antlion (giant antlion adult)
Challenge Level: 4 (1100XP)

Neutral, Huge Magical Beast (Vermin subspecies)

Life: 115 (10d12+50)

Speed: Walk 30 feet/fly 60 feet

Defense: AC 19 (natural +8, Dexterity +3, size -2), touch 11, flat-footed 16

Attributes: Strength 24, Dexterity 16, Constitution 21, Intelligence 3, Wisdom 14, Charisma 10
Skills: Perception +4
Senses darkvision, tremorsense, passive perception 14
Special Ability: Insect Traits

Special Attacks grab (DC 19, creatures no larger than Large), throw (deals fall damage, 1d6/10 ft.)

Gao Fei couldn't help cursing "MMP" in his heart!
It turns out that the group of helicopter-like flying insects in the night sky are all adults of the giant ant lion.
Similar to insects in nature, mature giant ant lions will create a cocoon made of sand and mucus to wrap themselves, and emerge from the cocoon in the form of a "giant antlion" a month later.

The giant antfly transformed from juvenile to adult has lost the ability to create quicksand traps, and instead grows two pairs of huge wing veins, which are enough to support a huge body to fly in the air.

The group of giant ants in the air left their nests this morning to go out to look for food. When they returned to their nests at night, they found that many larvae had been slaughtered, so they held a grudge. action!
The intelligence attribute of the giant antlion is 1 point higher than that of the giant antlion, and the fighting method also reflects the wisdom far exceeding that of natural insects.

They are well aware of how dangerous humans are, and they did not land easily to fight melee. Instead, they swooped in groups, grabbed heavy objects such as stones with their slender and strong lower limbs, flapped their wings to raise the height, and threw the heavy objects on the roof, like countless meteorites The ping-pong-pong fell down, smashing the roof full of holes.

The officers and soldiers hiding in the house were frightened and hurriedly grabbed their weapons and fled out the door.

Just a few steps away, a huge black shadow that blocked the moonlight floated over his head.

The giant antfly swooped down at high speed, stretched out a pair of front paws and clasped the shoulders of the officers and soldiers, and dragged it up into the night sky. No matter how much it screamed and struggled, it still held tightly, motionless.

It wasn't until the prey was dragged thousands of feet into the air that the giant antfly let go of its claws and threw the prey down, smashing its body to pieces and splashing blood all over the ground.

Seeing this scene through the window, Gao Fei felt a chill in his heart, but he didn't dare to take half a step out of the door.

However, it is not safe to hide in the house. A particularly strong giant antling hovered in the air and slowly descended to the top of the roof. Its two sharp claws grabbed the eaves at the same time, and at the same time, it lifted the roof with force. Films are flying all over the sky.

Gao Fei heard noises coming from above his head, and when he raised his head, he saw the open ceiling, dust mixed with thatch falling down, which dazzled his eyes and made him cough uncontrollably.

At the same time, the giant antfly poked its head down, a pair of compound eyes that were bigger than the headlights of a car shone strangely, and suddenly stretched out its front paws, trying to grab Gao Fei.

Gao Fei staggered and dodged, tried his best to open the door, and rushed out of the door in a panic.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a black shadow suddenly passed over his head, and his ears were filled with buzzing and roaring.

The severe pain from both sides of his shoulders made Gao Fei realize that something was wrong. He turned his head and saw that the giant antfly's shiny black claws were like two large vices, almost piercing his shoulder blades, and he was dragged up by force. to the night sky.

The shoulders were firmly clasped, and Gao Fei was so painful that he couldn't even lift his arms. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of the giant antling's grip.

When he was in a state of anxiety, the opposite window opened, and Jiang Feng's monk jumped out of the window and rushed towards him.

After fully accelerating the run-up, Jiang Feng took a leap and jumped more than five meters into the air. He hugged Gao Fei's waist with both arms, trying to combine the strength of the two to prevent the giant antling from continuing to rise into the air.

The monk and the berserker weighed more than 300 kilograms in total, but they only forced the giant antling to sink slightly, and soon stabilized its center of gravity. The two pairs of pulse wings buzzed and trembled, and continued to increase the flying height.

Seeing this situation, Gao Fei quickly lowered his head and urged Jiang Feng: "Leave me alone, jump down!"

Jiang Feng hesitated for a moment, still holding on tightly to his waist and did not let go, looked down at the rapidly shrinking surface scene, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I've already flown too high, and now it's too late to jump."

"If you don't jump now, you will be thrown down with me by giant ants in a while, and you will be smashed to pieces. It will be difficult for others to separate and bury our bodies!" Gao Fei said angrily.

"If they can't be separated, then they won't be separated!" Jiang Feng simply smashed the can, "Broken arms and legs, etc., shovel them up and put them in sacks, and just make a pile of us and bury them!"


Three changes are over, please recommend a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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