Savior Simulator

Chapter 503 Lamb Braised Noodles

Chapter 503 Lamb Braised Noodles
The paladin's "Thunder Slash" is said to be magic, but it is actually more like a martial skill.


Thunder Slash: Bonus action blessing, which lasts until the melee hits the target, causing an additional 5d6 thunder damage. If the fortitude save fails, it will be knocked down and temporarily deaf.


It only costs 3 points of mana to add 5d6 thunder damage, and it comes with two negative states of "knockdown" and "deafness". The price/performance ratio is still good!

The paladin's "Thunder Slash" can be launched in conjunction with the "Sacred Slash".

With Wang Daqing's level, double slash combo can cause an additional 11d6 points of damage to the enemy at most!
The job of a paladin is not just for being a meat shield and a nanny. If you go up a few levels, the output damage will also explode!
Jiang Feng upgraded the Tiangong special police to level 9. After deducting the 3 experience points spent by the level 900 astrologer, there were 2500 points left, not enough to upgrade the Yangyan monk, so save it for later use.

Gao Fei himself gained a total of 8450 experience points today, including inventory, a total of 29350 points.

It cost him 10 points to upgrade his main profession "Tiangong Special Police" from level 11 to level 21000, and he saved the remaining experience points first.

Level 11 SWAT can be equipped with 6 free specialties.

In addition to the unshakable "energy replacement" and "flexible rage", the remaining four free specialties, Gao Fei chose "dexterous movement", "proficient in jumping", "weapon proficiency" and "proficient in critical strike".

At present, it is still in the configuration of "Two Guns". If there is a temporary need to change it, it will take 1 minute to complete the reconfiguration.

On Team 12, Captain Li Jiajia is a level 6 special police officer, a level 4 poet and a level 3 astrologer.

The five rookies all had about the same amount of experience. They were all upgraded to level 4 as a special police officer, and all of them were level 3 as their main sub-professionals.

Gao Fei was quite interested in the main secondary occupations of these newcomers, so he took a good look at them while taking a bath.

Huang Hansheng is a level 3 "radiant apostle".

The god-given weapon is "Warhammer" - electric baton, which is equivalent to a light warhammer.

His professional abilities include "Endure the Environment", "Spontaneous Healing" and "Guiding Energy". Divine spells include 0-ring "Sacred Fire" and "Dancing Light", and 3-ring "Blessing" that can only be understood at level 1 ——A very practical group gain buff.

What is especially worth mentioning is the guiding energy of the Radiant Apostle, which can be called the biggest feature of this profession.

Huang Hansheng guides positive energy, which can be used to heal companions and kill undead, and can also be transformed into light magic power, deriving more unique usages.

With his current level, there are two derivative usages.


Holy radiance: Spend 1 channeling energy to emit a strong radiance around 30 feet, providing strong lighting for 1 minute/level, undead and photophobic creatures within the light range have disadvantages on attack and saving throws.

Guided Light Blade: While "Holy Radiance" is in effect, allies within the illuminated range will receive +2d6 radiant damage with their weapons.


In Gao Fei's opinion, "Holy Radiance" is similar to Monk Yangyan's "Daylight Barrier", so it can only be said that it is not bad.

The follow-up "guiding light blade" is powerful.

Especially at low levels, the group will increase 2d6 radiant damage, the improvement is quite significant!
Gao Fei's fanboy Xu Zhigang, "Warrior" has been upgraded to level 3, and his professional abilities include "fighting style (giant martial arts)", "strongness", "taunting" and "catch-up".

"Warrior" has nothing to say, a pure chopper career, no need to use his brain at all, just a reckless one!

Gao Fei also noticed that Xu Zhigang followed his advice and changed the weapon of his choice from a +1 giant sword to a +1 giant axe, so as to maximize the power of "brutal strike", which made him quite relieved.

Hao Le's "Wandering Swordsman" is upgraded to 3rd level, and the sneak attack damage roll becomes 2d6.

He also got a lot of professional abilities, including "sarcasm", "grace", "sly attack", "cleave", "dexterous movement" and "intuitive dodge", which is worthy of being the strongest rogue paradigm in singles.

Among them, "elegance" and "sly strike" are the core abilities of the wandering swordsman.


Grace: Dexterity weapons, attack roll + Charisma modifier.

Guilty Attack: Dexterity weapon, weapon damage + charm modifier.


The next newcomer, Cai Wei, is a wind elementalist who has been promoted to level 3 and has acquired professional abilities such as "dark vision", "endurance to the environment", and "spell sharpening".

There are three spells mastered, 0-ring "stunning" and "blade protection", and 1-ring "obscuring fog".

The 3rd-level air elementalist also has electricity resistance 5 points, and can release a 30-foot "shock ray" at will, dealing 2d6 points of electricity damage.

The range and damage of "Electric Shock Ray" will increase step by step with the Warlock level, and the bonus of "Spell Sharpening" can be obtained.

Generally speaking, this profession is relatively mediocre. It is not as strong as Astrologer in the early stage, and its potential is not as good as Dragon Blood Warlock.

The last one is Zhou Guanqun, a level 3 "Ocean Knight".

Among his professional abilities, only "Blessing of Buoyancy" and "Taming Sea Beast" are unique. The others are similar to ordinary paladins, and he doesn't know where he is so confident.

Some were born in Rome, while others were born as mules and horses. Zhou Guanqun belongs to the former kind of lucky one.

Perhaps it was his good talent and favorable family environment that gave him the illusion that he was born as a "superior".

It's not a big mistake to be young and frivolous.

However, the profession of "Tiangong special police" is a conscientious job in the final analysis, without any dedication, it is really impossible to do it, and it is not suitable for Long Aotian who believes that "the sun revolves around him", otherwise the greater the ability, the easier it is to commit crimes. mistake.

Gao Fei hopes that this young man can mature as soon as possible, get rid of arrogance and impetuosity, and at least learn to respect comrades who fought side by side.

After closing the astrolabe, Gao Fei yawned again, climbed out of the bathtub, changed into dry casual clothes, and went downstairs to eat.

With the rain and waterlogging, the disaster situation in Xingzhou is far more serious than that of Jiuzhai County, which was threatened by mutant monsters.

No wonder the idiom "flood beast" should rank "flood" before "beast".

This is the lesson of blood and tears that ancestors have summed up in countless confrontations with natural disasters for thousands of years.

Supplies in the disaster area are tight, and the resident hotel cannot provide any Michelin-level high-end ingredients.

Gao Fei is not picky, as long as he is full with hot soup and rice.

After eating a large bowl of mutton stewed noodles, Gao Fei sighed contentedly, feeling himself alive again.

"Braised noodles are simple and unpretentious, but they can make people feel full of happiness." Gao Fei poured himself another bowl of noodles, feeling deeply, "A small bowl of noodles is a fusion of rich historical accumulation. , can best represent the traditional food culture of our Zhongzhou region.”

(End of this chapter)

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