Savior Simulator

Chapter 494 Underwater Subway Station

Chapter 494 Underwater Subway Station

Zhou Guanqun once again guided "Buoyancy Blessing" and blessed his teammates with "Walking on Water".

Jiang Feng, who had the highest agility and perception skills in the team, was at the forefront of the team and was responsible for exploring the way.

Gao Fei followed behind his girlfriend, and beside him was his fanboy "Giant Swordsman" Xu Zhigang.

Qi Tian and his newly recruited apprentice, Hao Le, are in charge of breaking the rear.

The rest of the players are in the middle.

The abnormal tremors from the water waves under his feet made Jiang Feng alert. He stopped quickly and turned around to make a guard gesture.

"Sister Feng, what's the situation?" Xu Zhigang asked in a low voice.

"There is something under the water, and it is approaching."

Jiang Feng's "Tian Er Tong" can detect the undercurrent coming from the bottom of the water through the stagnant water, but she is not sure whether the other party is a dangerous water monster or just an ordinary drifting object.

After a little thought, she drew her true energy and performed the "Flying Step", her feet were lifted from the water, like a light spider stuck to the wall, she pointed the gun at the undercurrent of the water surface, and fired two shots in succession.

The echoes of the gunshots echoed between the water surface and the ceiling, sounding extremely ear-piercing.

The kinetic energy of the bullet was exhausted before entering the water deep, and it did not hurt the creatures lurking at the bottom of the water, but it successfully played the role of luring the enemy.

Splashes rose from the surface of the water, and several thick tentacles covered with suction cups emerged one after another.

Jiang Feng opened the "Daylight Enchantment" to illuminate the dark water surface.

"It's this kind of big octopus again, it seems that there are still a lot of them!"

Xu Zhigang couldn't help exclaiming.

Gao Fei also remembered the mutated octopus he encountered in the street bus not long ago, so he opened the astrolabe to investigate its kind.

There are no less than ten octopuses lurking at the bottom of the water, all of which are large mutant cephalopods. They can survive for half a day out of the water. The average HP is around 55 points, and the challenge level is level 2.


Natural abilities include Underwater Camouflage, Toughness, Dexterity, Multistrike, and Improved Grapple.

In addition, these mutated octopuses can also spit ink and muddy the water to hide their tracks.

While Gao Fei was investigating, more mutated octopuses surfaced, completely blocking the road ahead, waving tentacles covered with suckers, and quickly approached.

Everyone hastily fired guns.

The mutated octopus has a level 5 natural defense, coupled with a good agility attribute, even without considering the hindrance of underwater resistance to bullets, it is not an easy task to hit the head of an octopus hidden underwater.

The bullet hit the tentacles, unable to cause substantial damage to the mutated octopus.

In fact, when food is scarce, the octopus will even use its tentacles as a food reserve, which can grow back anyway.

Jiang Feng's feet were stuck to the wall, silently pumping out his true energy, and suddenly turned over and jumped off the wall, head and foot, making a high platform diving movement, with his hands almost touching the water, blasting out a golden palm of Yang Yan!
Yang Yan Zhen Qi is different from kinetic energy weapons, it will not be blocked by stagnant water, and the palm strength covers the 60-foot cone-shaped space below the water surface, blasting all the mutated octopuses gathered in this area.

One of the mutated octopuses was killed on the spot, and the rest were also seriously injured.

The injured mutated octopus spit out ink reflexively, muddying the water.

Octopuses lurk in the dark, murky water, avoiding attacks from above the surface, and at the same time looking for opportunities to pounce on prey on the surface.

The sight of the special police officers was blocked by the muddy water, so they couldn't see where the mutated octopus was hiding.

The rookies of the 12th team were inexperienced, and they just shot towards the water in a panic, wasting bullets in vain.

The noisy gunshots also interfered with Li Jiajia's playing the harmonica, and Jiang Feng's "Tian Er Tong" was also affected by the noise, failing to catch the undercurrent coming from underwater in time.

An octopus tentacles suddenly appeared out of the water, entangled Li Jiajia who was playing "Ecstasy" intently.

Fortunately, Ma Tao and Ma Yun standing beside her reacted quickly enough.

The siblings fired at the same time, breaking off the octopus' tentacles.

The injured octopus hastily retracted its severed limbs and dived underwater to hide.

Li Jiajia's face was pale, and she bit her lips tightly, resisting the urge to scream, and tore off the slightly twitching octopus tentacles wrapped around her legs.

Gao Fei glanced at her, feeling very relieved.

Compared with two months ago, Li Jiajia has indeed matured a lot, and her courage has also grown a lot-if she was the former, she would have been scared fainted long ago!
"You guys, don't shoot randomly!"

Jiang Feng scolded Cai Wei and the others.

The new men on the SWAT team stopped firing, and the echo of the gunfire died down.

Jiang Feng listened attentively to the movement underwater, and turned his gaze to the corner of the underground passage, where several mutated octopuses were hiding.

"The monsters hide at a depth of two meters underwater. If you want to kill them, you have to either dive down or try to lure them to the surface."

Jiang Feng looked back at Li Jiajia.

"Jiajia, how many times can you use 'Ecstasy' today?"

"Sister Feng, you can use it three more times."

"Jiajia's performance needs to be saved, let me do it." Gao Fei said.

"Brother Fei, are you going to sing again?" Ma Yun subconsciously covered her ears.

"What's your attitude? I don't sing badly!" Gao Fei glared at Xiao Ma, and said angrily, "Besides singing, I have a better way to lure the octopus out."

"That's good!" Ma Yun pretended to be relieved.

Gao Fei ignored the naughty girl and switched the magic mask.

The original "Berserker Mask" and "Rogue Mask" are now replaced with "Mage Mask" and "Druid Mask".

Gao Fei has already mastered a lot of 0-1 level magic with the help of the "Assisted Learning System", but unfortunately the "mage mask" can only memorize two magics.

Today he is preparing "Shield Technique" and "Giant Enlargement Technique".

Spending 6 points of mana to bless both of these spells on himself, his defense increased by 4 points, his height increased to 3 meters, and his head almost touched the ceiling of the underground corridor.

Next, Goofy uses the "Druid Mask" to perform "Wild Transformation".

Level 5 imitator, can turn into small and medium animals, plants and elements.

Gao Fei chose to become a "medium-sized water elemental", and under the effect of the "magnification technique", the actual transformed water elemental is equivalent to a large water elemental in size.

After transformation, the mental attributes remain unchanged, and the first three attributes become: strength 18, agility 11, constitution 17.

In the form of a water element, Goofy is not affected by buoyancy and water pressure, and can float and sink freely in the water and shuttle at will.

He sank to the bottom of the water first, leaving only the upper body above the water.

Then, Gao Fei transformed into a "vortex form", like a tornado hovering underwater at high speed, attracting all the surrounding water that was blackened with ink.

The octopuses hidden under the water were also attracted by the vortex, and involuntarily drifted towards the waters where Gao Fei was.

(End of this chapter)

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