Savior Simulator

Chapter 492 Mutated Cancer (Subscribe)

Chapter 492 Mutated Cancer (Subscribe)

The woman who only cared about calling and arguing with her husband finally realized that her son was missing.

Hearing the crying from the water, his face turned pale with fright, and he tried to run to save the child, but was pushed back by the crowd.

Attracted by the boy's cries, a giant mutant crab swung out its claws vigorously, pierced through the glass panel with a bang, and stretched out its claws through the hole, trying to grab the boy lying in the water.

call out!
A golden light beam shot over and hit the Cancer's chest.

The "hot radiance" emitted by Jiang Feng penetrated the Cancer's body and instantly killed it.

At the same time, Gao Fei took out the owl wood carving from the astrolabe and threw it out.

The small wooden sculpture burst into magical brilliance in the air, transformed into a majestic giant owl, spread its wings and skimmed over the stagnant water, grabbed the little boy and sent him back to his mother.

There are also two giant crabs, climbing up the escalator.

At this time, the melodious harmonica sound came from behind.

Li Jiajia blew the amplified harmonica and used the "Ecstasy" to attract the cancers, luring them to give up chasing and killing the passengers who fled to the second floor, and turned around and crawled towards her.

Ma Tao stood side by side with Li Jiajia, with a cigarette in his mouth, picked up the enchanted shotgun, found a suitable angle and pulled the trigger.

His freedom feat, configured with "rapid fire", can fire two shots per round.

There were two gunshots, and the howling iron sand hit the giant crab like a storm, causing the crab's shell to be riddled with holes and the juice splashing.

Zhou Guanqun had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately added an "acid splash" after Ma Tao shot.

Among the ring 0 tricks, "acid splash" is a rare group offensive magic.

The brown acid ball released by Zhou Guanqun has a maximum range of 60 feet. After the explosion, the acid sprayed out spreads in the surrounding 5-foot space, causing an average of 1d6 points of acid damage.

His shot timing is good, but the damage calculation is slightly off.

I wanted to harvest the experience points of two giant crabs with one blow, but only one was killed, and the other giant crab had a trace of blood left, and was finally burned to death by Ma Yun's "flaming arrow".

In the dark corner of the lobby on the first floor of the waiting room, there are still many cancers lurking in the depths of the stagnant water.

These mutated monsters were first startled by the sound of fighting, and then sensed the strong magic power emanating from the Tiangong special police.

Relying on instinct, the cancer knows that hunting this kind of "nutrient"-rich creature will help promote its own evolution, so it crawls out from the depths of the stagnant water one after another, besieging Gao Fei and others,


Ma Yun and Cai Wei chanted the same incantation, and each cast a "stunning spell" on a giant crab that opened its teeth and claws.

Ma Yun successfully stuns the target.

Cai Wei's mana and luck were a bit weaker. The giant crab passed her will save and was not controlled by her, approaching sideways.

After all, the reality is different from the game. Cai Wei's mental quality is not strong enough when she is playing for the first time.

Seeing the black-haired giant crab rushing towards him, he couldn't help showing panic. He even fired two shots but failed to break through the defense.

At the critical moment, Wang Daqing arrived in time, raised his shield to block the crab claws stretching towards Cai Wei's neck, and poked an electric baton in his right hand on the crab claws.

The electric current was transmitted along the wet crab claws, and the electricity made the giant crab tremble, and the black hair stood on end.

Taking advantage of the giant crab being numb from the electric shock, Wang Daqing charged forward with a shield attack, which dented the crab's shell, and thick crab roe gushed out through the crack in the abdomen.

Jiang Feng carried the brow-level stick, staring at the golden crab oil spreading on the water surface and pondering.

"I know what you're thinking." Gao Fei warned his girlfriend in time, "This is not edible."

"That's right. After all, it's a mutated creature. It might cause problems if you eat it." Jiang Feng said seriously, "Scientists in Tiangong should study this mutated giant crab carefully. If they can be eaten, they can be used as 'bald butter'." OK!"

Qi Tian also configured "rapid fire" and fired two shots to kill the female crab that had leaked yellow.

On the other side of the hall, the giant crab that was stunned by Ma Yun before was out of control.

Hao Le's "Wandering Swordsman" has four professional abilities at level 1.

"Sneak Attack 1d6" and "Use Magic Device" are common abilities of thieves.

"Elegance" is the core ability of "Wandering Swordsman". When using agility weapons, the charm modifier can be included in the attack roll.

The last one is "sarcasm".

Hao Le threw a "taunt" at Cancer, who was chasing classmate Pony, successfully diverted the hatred, and ran away.

Can't run!
With his current level, a mere 12 health points, a tough cancer head on is tantamount to courting death.

"Gangzi, help the Jianghu!" Hao Le shook people while running.

"Come on!"

Xu Zhigang's "Warrior" profession has a "Strongness" specialty at level 1. In addition, his physique attribute is as high as 16, which is more suitable for fighting monsters than Hao Le.

Holding the giant sword high with both hands, he charged over the stagnant water, roaring and slashing at the giant crab with his sword.

Xu Zhigang's first free specialty is configured with "Brutal Strike", which can increase an additional damage die for melee weapons.

The base damage of a +1 greatsword is 2d6+1.

Xu Zhigang's strength attribute is 16, and his damage modifier is +3.

Counting the 1d6 damage that comes with "Brutal Strike", this sword slashed the breastplate of the cancer crab, leaving only a small half of its blood.

With Xu Zhigang supporting the giant crab in front and providing flanking attack, Hao Le was able to shoot and attack the giant crab from behind.

His free specialty is equipped with "weapon proficiency", and the damage is included in the proficiency modifier, plus 1d6 sneak attack damage, this shot hits the giant crab, and it will definitely be able to kill it.

"Hao Le! Xu Zhigang! Wait a minute!"

Zhou Guanqun stopped his teammates from killing the giant crab, waded through the water, and ran over quickly.

"Brother Zhou, what's the matter?" Hao Le asked.

"Leave this injured giant crab to me. My profession 'Ocean Knight' can subdue aquatic or amphibious creatures whose challenge level does not exceed my own profession level as servants."

"I don't mind, Gangzi, what about you?"

"Of course I'm fine." Xu Zhigang put away his giant sword and kicked the seriously injured giant crab over, "Xiao Zhou, quickly subdue this giant crab, let it act as a meat shield in front of you later, against other monsters, happy!" Le can launch a sneak attack from behind."

"Hehe~ According to this, it's cheaper for you kid."

Zhou Guanqun patted Hao Le on the shoulder, walked forward, tamed the giant crab, and performed "Holy Treatment" on it to heal the sword wound.

In the northwest corner of the hall, two more mutated giant crabs emerged from the water.

Wang Daqing and Huang Hansheng ran over with their big shields, each carrying a giant crab.

Gao Fei stood a little far away, with both feet exerting strength, he jumped up from the stagnant water.

"Proficient in jumping" and "dexterous movement" allow him to stay in the air for a long time, like a big bird spreading its wings and gliding.

In the air, Gao Fei showed his double guns, aimed at the two giant crabs, and fired continuously!
(End of this chapter)

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