Chapter 490

The motor roared, and the waves drifted.

Goofy drives a police jet ski through the flooded streets.

Observing both sides of the street through waterproof goggles, the verdant paulownias are half submerged in the water, looking like clumps of low shrubs, while the real shrub green belt has been completely submerged by the flood and there is no trace.

On the inner side of the green belt, there are a row of metal protrusions of different colors, which look like bathtubs upside down on the water from a distance.

When I got close and observed carefully, I realized that it was a car parked on the side of the road. Most of the body had been submerged in stagnant water, and only the roof was exposed.

The green leather trash cans in the nearby residential areas were also washed out by the flood, together with the drowned stray cats and dogs drifting with the waves, adding a bit of desolation to the deserted streets in the rain.

The sharp air defense sirens rang non-stop, and the TV, radio, and fire truck horns were all issuing warnings:

"Xingzhou Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued an emergency notice to upgrade the flood control emergency response to Level 1."

"The Xingzhou Meteorological Observatory issued a red rainstorm warning signal for the fourth time today, reminding to prevent urban waterlogging."

"The municipal government urgently reminds the citizens that this time they encountered heavy rainfall that has not been seen in many years. The situation is severe. If it is not necessary, do not go out. Pay attention to the surrounding environment and improve waterproof, anti-electricity, disaster prevention, risk avoidance and self-rescue capabilities!"


Dense rain, flooded streets, messy drifting objects, and sirens sounded from time to time, together create a tense atmosphere like the end of the world.

Gao Fei and his experienced veterans are still calm, but the newcomers of the 12th team can't help but feel anxious.

As the captain, Li Jiajia obviously has no idea in her heart, but she still has to work hard to appease the rookie teammates.

When approaching the East Station, a broken down bus lay across the middle of the road ahead, forcing Gao Fei to step on the brakes.

Taking a closer look, there was no one on the bus, presumably the driver and passengers had already evacuated, so I felt relieved.

"The road ahead is blocked, we have to go around." Gao Fei turned to Jiang Feng and said.

Before the words were finished, the sound of splashing water suddenly came from the empty car.

Immediately afterwards, a light blue thick tentacle, like a wriggling python, slowly protruded from the open car window.

"Hey! What a big octopus!"

On another motorboat, Ma Tao couldn't help but be amazed.

"This guy is quite good at enjoying himself, and treats the bus as a den."

Wang Daqing, who was driving the boat, looked curiously at the mutated octopus hiding in the bus.

"I saw a video of catching the sea on Biz. The fishermen tied the cans to the rope and tied the other end to the reef."

Goofy recalled.

"When the tide is high at night, the seawater will flood the jars, and octopuses will crawl into the jars to make their nests."

"After the tide ebbed the next morning, the fishermen came back to collect the jars, and caught the octopus in the jars and cooked them."

"Judging from the big octopus that got into the bus to make a nest, many creatures have been infected by magic and mutated, but their size has become larger, and they will still maintain their previous habits."

Jiang Feng supported his boyfriend's shoulders to stand up and looked into the car window.

"Hey! This big octopus is as big as a bathtub with its head bare, and its eight tentacles are all four meters long! Tsk tsk, take this big guy out, chop it into small pieces, and at least you can make 1 small octopuses." Meatballs, enough for us all to eat!"

Hearing the comments from her teammates, Ma Yun also looked out curiously, seeing the wriggling big octopus, she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What the hell is this? Blind my kryptonite eyes!"

Everyone thought that Xiao Ma, who participated in the secret service mission for the first time, was frightened by the monster, but then her impression was refreshed by her crazy complaints.

"As we all know, cephalopods don't have sodium-potassium pumps! Why did this big octopus come to live in freshwater areas? I'm really curious, how does this guy regulate osmotic pressure?"

Ma Tao glared at his sister, and reprimanded her angrily: "In the high-magic environment after the outbreak of Silver Flash, trying to use old concepts to mechanically copy supernatural monsters, your thinking is not scientific in itself!"

At this time, there was a sudden gunshot behind him.

Gao Fei turned his head and saw that it was Zhou Guanqun who had fired the shot.

The other newcomers of the 12th team, seeing someone firing first, also raised their guns to aim at the octopus and shoot.

The motorboat was floating on the water, and shooting was inherently difficult.

Coupled with the torrential rain and the cover of the carriage, most of the bullets fired by the crowd missed, and the window glass was shattered.

Only Xu Zhigang, an auxiliary policeman who had been in the army, was more accurate with his marksmanship. He hit the head of the big octopus, and a stream of blue blood sprayed out from the shot.

The mutated octopus seemed to twitch in pain, and then spewed out a large amount of ink, staining the interior and exterior of the car muddy.

Under the cover of ink, the big octopus quickly left the bus and dived into the stagnant water to hide.

The spread of ink on the surface of the water exposed its gradually disappearing whereabouts.

Everyone is hesitating whether to go into the water to chase after him.

Suddenly an unusually bitter cold wind hit the air, followed by the familiar dragon's chant.

Gao Fei's heart skipped a beat, and he looked up at the sky.

Sure enough, Lin Qi's incarnation of a silver dragon swooped down, skimmed past the water surface, spewed out a white cold current, and instantly froze the mutated octopus into ice.

The frozen giant octopus emerged from the water, spinning slowly.

At this time, the sound of the motor boat's motor came from behind.

The special police of the 01 team and the 11 team came in four speedboats.

Liu Xingyu was sitting on the leading motorboat, and Penny was in charge of driving.

"Brother Honglong! Go to East Station quickly! Let us deal with the monsters on the streets!" Penny shouted.

"Thank you, Xiao Pan!" Gao Fei waved his hands, "Be careful too!"

Gao Fei started the motorboat, bypassed the broken down bus and continued on his way.

Hao Le looked back at his colleague who was fighting the water monster, and muttered resentfully: "Actually, we don't need help from others, we can take care of that big octopus by ourselves, do they count as stealing monsters?"

"We are all colleagues, with different mission goals. Cooperation and mutual assistance can minimize the hazards of disasters. Don't bring the lone ranger thinking in the game into reality."

Qi Tian warned Hao Le solemnly.

In fact, when he himself was a rookie, he also treated monsters in reality with the mentality of a game player, and regarded his colleagues and even teammates as competitors for gaining experience points.

Because he had a similar mentality, he was able to see through Hao Le's thoughts and give timely advice.

"Thank you, Brother Tian, ​​for your guidance." Hao Le is a very sensible kid, with a sweet mouth, "Brother Tian, ​​you are an old man. I heard that my main sub-profession is Thief and Beast Trainer. It just so happens that my main sub-profession is Thief Paradigm Wandering Swordsman, you will be my teacher from now on, just call me Lele!"

(End of this chapter)

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