Chapter 49
Challenge Level 6!

Oversized body, strength 26, constitution 19!

There are also a lot of perverted special abilities, this damn is too difficult to handle...

Gao Fei was sweating coldly.

Under Jiang Feng and Garcia's scolding, the transportation team barely stabilized their position. The soldiers did not dare to get close to the sand roll beast. They picked up their crossbows and shot at the giant insect frequently, enduring their fear.

Seeing this, Gao Fei shook his head secretly.

The investigation data of the astrolabe shows that the sand roll beast has a natural defense as high as level 11. What kind of concept is this?
A set of finely forged full-body plate armor, defense level 9, high-quality leather armor, defense level is only 2, the combination of the two can match the natural defense of the sand roll beast, ordinary arrows shot at it are not painful at all , Even the bullets fired by the magic crystal rifle can hardly penetrate the thick skin of this strange insect.

The sand roll beast ignored the raindrops of arrows and climbed up to the camel that had been overturned by it before, bit its throat and sucked the blood greedily.

A large wooden barrel filled with spirits hung on both sides of the hump. At this moment, it was also crushed by the sand roll beast's heavy body. The spirits gushed out, wet the monster's body, and penetrated into the soft sand.

The smell of blood and spirits mixed together, blowing in the wind, making people sick.

Colonel Garcia wiped the cold sweat off his brow, his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had thought of some good idea, he hurriedly held up the holy emblem of the sun, and recited the divine spell prayer.

A shining pillar of fire descended from the sky and blasted straight on the sand roll beast.

The lethality of the 0-ring "Sacred Fire Art" is only 1D8, and at most it will cause a little flesh injury to the sand roll beast.

But this magical technique has the dual characteristics of brilliance and flame. The moment it touches the spirits, it will be ignited immediately, and a fireball burst out with a bang, covering the sand roll beast covered in spirits.

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei secretly sighed.

Major Garcia is a smart man, and he has a way of responding to the situation. However, he is not a celestial being after all. He doesn't have an astrolabe, so he can't see the data of the sand roll beast, otherwise he wouldn't try to use fire attack to deal with this natural immune beast. Fire damage monsters.

Major Garcia's fire attack tactics didn't work. Instead, it angered the sand roll beast that was eating. It turned around in the raging fire, opened its mouth, and suddenly sprayed a ray that was stronger than the "sacred fire" in Major Garcia's direction. For the blazing pillar of fire!

Fortunately, Jiang Feng reacted quickly enough to push Major Garcia in time to avoid the impact of the pillar of fire.

The two guards behind Major Garcia were not so lucky. They were engulfed by a pillar of fire on the spot, and they were burned to coke before they could scream.

Gao Fei felt extremely complicated when he saw it.

Of course he sympathized with the soldiers who died unfortunately, but he had to admit that he was secretly relieved.

After each sand roll beast breathes fire, it takes at least an hour to re-accumulate energy before it can breathe fire again.

The two soldiers who had just died tragically under the breath of flames saved their comrades from disaster. At least for the next hour, everyone including Gao Fei can rest assured to besiege the sand roll beast without worrying about being sprayed to death by it.

This is indeed a relatively selfish thought, and Gao Fei himself feels a little ashamed.

According to the reconnaissance information provided by the astrolabe, the sand roll beast is immune to fire-type attacks, and cold-type attacks can cause double damage to it.However, it's useless to know its weaknesses. Including Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, no one here is good at ice spells, and they can't find even an ice enchanted weapon.

There is no other way but to carry it hard.

Taking advantage of the "furious" state, Gao Fei strode forward with his battle ax on his shoulders, and threw a taunt at the sand roll beast, attracting the hatred of the monster, and while the opponent turned his head to look over, he slashed with the ax head-on. past!
With good luck, he successfully hit the first shot, and Gao Fei added a "following the trend" without thinking.

The two axes cut it down, only causing two not-so-deep bloodstains on the huge body of the Shajuan Beast, with HP-22, not enough to hurt the muscles and bones.

The angry giant rushed at the Berserker, trying to crush the tiny challenger under him.

Gao Fei tried his best to dodge, but was wiped by the giant insect. More than a dozen poisonous bristles stuck on his arm, making it tingling and tingling.

Fortunately, Garcia blesses him with anti-toxin spells in advance, otherwise these few poisonous thorns alone would be enough for him to feel sour.

The sand roll beast missed a single blow, and immediately stretched its body, trying to wrap its prey around and strangle it to death.

Surrounded by the bloated body of the giant worm, Gao Fei couldn't find a gap to escape. Before the sand roll beast was completely entangled, he stomped his foot on the ground, and the earth roared angrily!

The shock wave triggered by the "Earth Shock" pushed the sand roll beast away from Gao Fei's side, allowing him to escape in a narrow way.

Retreating to a safe area, looking back, I saw that the Sand Juan Beast had stabilized its center of gravity, moved its hundred feet together, and was chasing towards him.

Gao Fei stomped his feet again to launch the "Earth Shock", but the effect was not good, and the sand roll beast still stood firmly with the undulating sand shaking like waves.

This is not surprising.

The sand roll beast is a large caterpillar. It was crawling around on the ground. Even if it was shaken upside down, it twisted its body and rolled on the spot, and it easily turned over.

Just as Gao Fei was thinking hard about the countermeasures, the sand roll beast rushed over and hit him head-on.

Gao Fei hastily held up his battle ax to block, it was like holding a chopstick to block an out-of-control motorcycle, the result can be imagined.

The moment the impact happened, Gao Fei's head buzzed and he almost lost consciousness.The body was knocked into the air, flew a long way, and fell on the sand.

Fortunately, the sand was soft, so the fall was not too heavy, so I got up with support, and looked down at my stuffy and painful chest. Fortunately, the bones were not broken, but only covered with poisonous thorns like steel needles.

A golden long rainbow streaked across the night sky and hit the head of the Shajuan beast, bursting out blood splashes all over the sky, which evaporated in an instant and turned into a foul-smelling mist.

After being bombarded by a "burning light", the Shajuan Beast was seriously injured, temporarily ignoring the monk who was chasing and killing Gao Fei, and rushed towards Jiang Feng with hatred.

Relying on his brisk steps, Jiang Feng beat and ran, attracting the sand roll beast to chase after him in circles, and even chatted privately with Gao Fei in his busy schedule.

"This big bug looks so disgusting, I really can't stand it! Otherwise, let's switch to God's perspective!"

Of course Gao Fei wants to switch perspectives, who can stand close contact with ugly big caterpillars?

However, when Jiang Feng said this, he was unwilling to back down, resisting his fear and nausea and persisting in the immersive battle.

As a man, there is no way to save face and suffer.

Gao Fei gritted his teeth, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "You can switch the perspective, I'm fine! I'm used to watching it, and I think the big caterpillar is quite interesting. It should be exercised mental quality."

Hearing what he said, Jiang Nvxia also mustered up her courage, and stepped forward to pinch the Shajuan beast with her eyebrow-level stick. When she found that Shajuan was trying to entangle Gao Fei, she immediately blasted a "burning light" to help him resolve the crisis.

 Thanks to the book friends: tce, reward 700 starting coins this week; shooter Serent, reward 100 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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