Chapter 487
"Compared with the torrential rain, what we are more worried about are those monsters who take advantage of the rain to stir up trouble."

The stationmaster's tone is dignified.

"The vast majority are local mutant creatures infected by magic power, but a small number of invasive species from the elemental plane of water cannot be ruled out. They escaped from the labyrinth through the tunnels of the plane and sneaked into our world."

"Comrades of the 13th Squadron of the Secret Service, your mission to Xingzhou this time is to destroy or recycle these monsters before they cause casualties and property damage to residents!"

After Yaoguang explained the precautions, each squadron assembled separately to receive disaster relief equipment.

Gao Fei and the 13th company they belonged to each received three pieces of exclusive equipment for flood fighting and rescue.


·Enchanted Diving Suit: Gain swimming skills, protect from water pressure, and preserve body temperature.

·Enchanted Diving Helmet: Gain the ability to "breath in water", and can also change body shape and appearance to avoid revealing your identity.

·Portable assault boat: It can be shrunk to the size of a palm by chanting a mantra, and stored in the astrolabe. After being enlarged, it is about 10 meters long and can carry 6-10 people.


Gao Fei put away his equipment and found that Jiang Feng was depressed, so he asked her if she wanted to call home.

"I called my mother just now. The house is fine. After all, it is the fourth floor. It is impossible to be flooded."

"It's more troublesome at the martial arts hall. The pavement on the first floor is soaked in water two feet deep, and the water and electricity have been cut off."

"My parents are at the martial arts hall now, and there are several children trapped on the second floor. I called my parents to pick them up. The parents are also in a hurry."

"Kids?" Gao Fei thought about it for a while, "By the way, your martial arts gym also runs child care classes?"

"Actually, child care classes are the main business." Jiang Feng explained, "Nowadays, few adults are interested in martial arts. Parents enroll their children in martial arts classes. Eight primary school students eat lunch and dinner at my house. Usually My mother watched them do their homework and waited for their parents to pick them up after get off work, and only on weekends did they practice martial arts with my father to exercise."

"The streets of the old city are too flooded. Cars outside can't get in, and they can't get out inside, let alone electric cars. When a wave comes, they will disappear."

"My parents have to comfort the parents not to worry, but also to coax the children not to be afraid. It is estimated that today and tomorrow will be spent in the martial arts gym. The water and electricity will be cut off. They can only make do with some dry food and snacks. I don't know when it will rain. Stop, when will the accumulated water on the street be drained." Jiang Feng couldn't hide his anxiety in his eyes.

"When we arrive in Xingzhou, we will take time to visit your house, visit your parents and children, and send some food along the way." Gao Fei said.

Jiang Feng bit his lip and thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

"I want to go home too, but I can't now."

"For one thing, we have a mission. Doing private affairs during the duty is a violation of discipline. If the company commander finds out, he will be punished."

"Secondly, my parents didn't know that I joined the SWAT team, and I didn't dare to tell them. I suddenly appeared at the door in a uniform, and I couldn't explain it to them..."

"Your parents don't agree with you being a police officer?"

"I asked on the sidelines before, but my mother scolded me, saying that this industry is too dangerous, and there is no way to go to and from get off work. If a girl does this industry, she will not be able to take care of her family and children in the future, and it will be difficult to find a partner." Jiang Feng Depressed face.

"I dare not say anything else, but you don't have to worry about finding someone." Gao Fei said with a smile.

The corners of Jiang Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and he rolled his eyes with a suppressed smile.

"People say 'one is afraid of marrying the wrong man' and 'two is afraid of entering the wrong profession'. I'm afraid I've stepped on both of them."

Gao Fei was about to say a few jokes to help his girlfriend relieve her anxiety when a familiar voice came from behind.

"Hey! Brother Honglong, long time no see! I miss you so much!"

"Sister Lin, long time no see, how are you all?"

Gao Fei turned his head and waved to Sister Jinghua with a smile.

"It's okay." Lin Qi pushed the sunglasses to her forehead, shook hands with Gao Fei first, then hugged Jiang Feng involuntarily, and laughed in her ear: "Beauty, why are you so sad, are you worried that I will steal your boyfriend?" ?”

"Come and grab it if you have the ability!" Jiang Feng showed no sign of weakness.

"I'm afraid you will protect the food." Lin Qi joked half-truthfully.

"It's not just food protection? I want to break the adulterer's dog legs!"

"Wow! You are so fierce!" Lin Qi stuck out her tongue, pretending to be scared.

Gao Fei shook hands with Liu Xingyu, Pan Ni, Wu Qihang, Liao Kai, and Zhang Sheng who came after him, and found that their special police ranks had grown compared to the last time they met.

After inquiring out of curiosity, I learned that Team 01 was entrusted by the station master not long ago to go to the India-Tibet border to arrest the criminal gang of mutants.

Judging from the hints in and out of Brother Liu's words, their mission this time is not easy. It not only involves domestic separatist forces, but also clashed with the border guards in the border disputed area.

"Tianzhu has set up a special force code-named 'Surgery'. The members are all mutants. It is said that there is the shadow of the old lama behind it." Penny said in a low voice, "When we were arresting separatists at the border, Fighting against a small group of Asan special forces, I beat three of them away, and captured six alive, and I caught two of the mutant Asan!"

"Xiao Pan, it's no wonder that your level has risen so fast. It turns out that you beat the mutant Ah San to earn experience points." Gao Fei suddenly said.

"Don't just talk about us, Brother Honglong! Your level is riding a rocket to jump up. It's only been two months since I saw you. How come you have risen to level 10! It's higher than sister Lin and Brother Liu, who are the highest in our team. After leaving level 1, did you also perform special tasks, secretly fighting monsters and leveling up?"

Penny stared at her dark eyes in surprise.

Goofy smiled and nodded.

"Xiao Pan, let me introduce you to the new member of our team. Her name is Ma Yun, she is nicknamed the richest man, and her main secondary occupation is mage."

"Wow! If she focuses on mages, then she must be very smart."

Penny turned her head to look at Ma Yun, and suddenly became happy.

"Hi pony! How tall are you?"

"1.5 meters four!"

"What about taking off the wedges?"

"1.4 meters eight..."

"Haha! I'm as tall as I was last year! Don't worry, eat well, exercise more, and you'll grow taller soon!" Penny held Ma Yun's hand to teach her experience, "I've grown taller in just one year after graduating from high school. It’s 6 centimeters taller! It’s mainly because the preparation for the third year of high school was too hard and the pressure was too great, which affected my height!”

"But I don't have any pressure to prepare for the exam..." Xiao Ma was about to cry, "In my third year of high school, I just played."

At this time, a tall and mighty humanoid mecha came over.

Gao Fei and the others quickly stood at attention and saluted the company commander.

Po Jun Shisan was followed by twelve young people, among them was Li Jiajia.

(End of this chapter)

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