Savior Simulator

Chapter 442 Manipulating the Weather

Chapter 442 Manipulating the Weather
An hour later, allies in the garrison on the north shore of Ice Ring Lake sent a reply.

The three old chiefs are negotiating urgently. Once a consensus is reached, they will immediately lead the army to come for reinforcements.

Before that, I have to work hard, little brother Basaka, to persevere first.

Seeing this reply, the young barbarian chief was so angry that he tore the sheepskin letter to pieces!

This is imminent, what a fart to discuss!

After you three old bastards have discussed it, come to collect Lao Tzu's body?
Eve quickly comforted her husband softly to calm down.

Basaka held back his anger and considered the severe situation he was facing.

The enemy army is coming, but our allies have not yet moved.

Even if the three old guys can reach a consensus as soon as possible and gather troops to come for reinforcements, it will be difficult to arrive before dusk.

In other words, one's own side must hold its position for a whole day with insufficient troops until reinforcements arrive.

This is no easy job!
"Looking back at the time when Holy Ax Town was liberated, the people welcomed it wholeheartedly. It can be said that they took advantage of the time."

"The state of exuberant vitality and the competition of all things is still in front of me. Could it be that after just one year, this ice ring lakeside will become my burial place?"

The young barbarian chief holds the hand of his beloved wife with a heavy heart.

He was exhausted physically and mentally, and he was really not sure of winning this battle, so he had to silently pray to his guardian angel, seeking guidance from God.


The game screen flashed, and Gao Fei received a "spirit descending" prompt.

"Brother Basaka, don't panic! With me here, there is no problem!"

Gao Fei first switched to a subjective perspective, and while Jiang Feng was peeing, he touched Sister Eve's little hand...

Afterwards, he sat upright, with a dignified face, and invited allies to join his module.

"Come on, come on!"

Jiang Feng came back from the bathroom, wiped his hands, picked up the astrolabe, accepted Gao Fei's invitation, and entered the battlefield of Binghuan Lake as Yangyan Monk Sumo.

The sky over the battlefield is cloudy, and a blizzard is roaring and raging.

Jotunheim at the end of September is at the end of autumn, and it stands to reason that there should be no snowstorm.

In fact, this sudden snowstorm was completely a product of magic.

Gelmir, the lord of the frost giants, sits on the ice tower in person, and is casting the 7-ring magic "manipulating the weather", forcibly reversing the seasons and solar terms, and summoning a blizzard over the battlefield, causing the temperature to drop sharply.

In this severe cold environment, the soldiers on the tribe's side were shivering with cold, their hands and feet were stiff, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

What's more terrible is that the blizzard greatly reduced the visibility on the battlefield, providing a natural cover for the enemy who launched a surprise attack.

On the side of the ice tower, General Schroeder, the only surviving member of the "Big Three", led the command.

The troops participating in the attack can be subdivided into six corps.

Two of the regiments were orc infantry, totaling 2000 men.

There is also an orc cavalry regiment with 1000 soldiers and 1000 fierce and strong wargs.

In fact, the fighting power of the warg is even greater than that of the orc cavalry on its back.

General Schroeder was accompanied by a battalion of frost giants, consisting of 300 strong frost giant warriors.

There is also a mobile unit composed of 300 Yitian men and horses, which is not only a heavy cavalry battalion for attacking fortifications, but also can project javelins at long distances to provide long-range fire support.

The last force is the white dragon clustered in the air.

In this campaign, Germeer made a desperate move and handed over all 100 white dragons to the command of General Schroeder as the vanguard of the raid.

Under the cover of the blizzard, the white dragons quickly flew over the position where the Basaka Corps was stationed, swooping down in groups, breathing out cold currents.

After this wave of air strikes, no less than 200 Asa warriors were frozen to death and frostbitten on the ground.

Compared with the number of casualties, the panic and confusion caused by the white dragon was more deadly.

Gao Fei quickly ordered his own White Dragon troops to take off to block.

With 50 white dragons fighting against 100 white dragons, the pressure on one's own air defense is very high.

Gao Fei hurriedly opened the strategy mode panel to check what cards he had available.

In addition to the 50 white dragon mercenaries, there are two infantry regiments on the ground, namely the "Crazy Fighting Soldiers" of the Olaf Tribe and the "Bear Fighting Soldiers" of the Wali Tribe, with a total of 2000 soldiers and an average occupation level of 5. .

The Berserker Corps is commanded by Gao Fei himself.

The Bear Warrior Corps is led by Chief Siegel.

Additionally, Goofy has an army of spellcasters under his command.

There are 100 druids of the four elements of water, fire, wind, and earth, and they are all level 5, and Eve is in charge of commanding them.

In strategy mode, each unit can execute an order each round.

In addition, the main and deputy generals of both the enemy and the enemy also have a passive ability and two active commands (strategic actions).

After the battle started, the side of the ice tower that launched the surprise attack took the lead.

The enemy's main general, Germir, deserves to be the overlord of one party. His passive ability is called "King Style", which can improve the morale of all the troops under his command!

Gelmir's strategic action can be used to cast spells, or to cast the signature ultimate move "Frost Burst" of "Frost Warlock".

At the beginning of the battle, Germir cast two spells.

First use the 7th ring "control the weather" to create a blizzard covering the entire battlefield, and then use the 5th ring "manipulate the wind direction" to blow the blizzard to the Asa camp.

The white dragon under Gelmir's command is less labor-intensive and faster when flying with the wind.

On the contrary, the white dragon on Gao Fei's side was under the headwind environment, and its mobility was obviously suppressed.

Germir's lieutenant and frontline commander, Schroeder, has a passive ability to boost the morale of the frost giants.

General Schroeder has two strategic actions, "Earth Shock" and "Great Whirlwind", which can only be used when the soldiers are in close combat, and they are not yet useful.

At this time, the army of ice towers was still half a mile away from the defenders' defense line, and General Schroeder ordered his frost giants and Yitian troops to launch a long-range attack.

Under normal circumstances, neither the ice cubes thrown by the frost giant nor the javelins thrown by the Yitian troops could effectively kill targets half a mile away.

However, the wind and snow controlled by Germir provided convenience for these big shooters.

The range of the ice cubes and javelins thrown downwind has been greatly increased, and they can actually traverse half a mile away, raining down on the defenders' heads!
Gao Fei ordered the defenders to rely on the parapet and raise their shields to block the ice cubes and javelins flying from the opposite side.

At the same time, the order was passed on, and the "Fire Druids" and "Water Druids" of their own side were responsible for blessing the "Cold Resistance Barrier" to their comrades, reducing the damage caused by the white dragon's breath, and treating the wounded by the way.

100 earth druids collectively performed the 2nd ring "Stone Shaping Technique" to strengthen the front-line fortifications.

100 sky druids collectively summon the natural partner "wind element", command the wind element to transform into a whirlwind form, unite to create a storm, offset the oncoming cold air current, and blow the ice thrown by the frost giant and Yitian's horse with javelins.

In addition, the storm also weakens the mobility of the enemy white dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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