Savior Simulator

Chapter 435: Di Ji ascends to heaven

Chapter 435: Di Ji ascends to heaven
Gao Fei first stripped off all the equipment on Hong Debiao's body, without wasting the body, and packed it up and sent it to Wei Da's laboratory.

In the field of mutants, Hong Debiao belongs to a new species under the category of "Spiritualism". There is no detailed information about him in Tiangong's database.

After reporting and filling in the information, Gao Fei and his companions can get triple experience rewards.

The golden silk soft armor that Hong Debiao was wearing was flashy and not very defensive, but it was a precious cultural relic.

There is also the ancient bronze sword that Hong Debiao dug out from the ancient tomb. It is not qualified as a weapon, but it has high archaeological value.

Gao Fei put the golden silk soft armor and the ancient bronze sword into the astrolabe, and after they went out, they handed over to the country together with other cultural relics.

Hong Debiao's shelling gun, the landmines strapped to his body, and a command knife are all products of the Anti-Japanese War. Although they do not reach the level of antiques, they still have a certain collection value.

Gao Fei pulled out his command saber and looked at it. It was shining coldly, and it was well maintained.

He also thought that this saber had a great origin, maybe it was the saber of a Kwantung Army commander, but after Wang Daqing's identification, he found out that it was a 95-style military saber.

The knife was a good knife, well crafted for its time, and functional.

It's a pity that it is a mass-produced commodity in the military factory. A total of no less than 10 pieces have been produced. The collection value is average, and it can only be pretended in front of laymen.

Gao Fei put the knife back into its sheath, and suddenly remembered a joke.

"It is said that during the Anti-Japanese War, there was a little devil officer who pretended to be aggressive with a command knife all day long, until one day he accidentally stabbed his own dick..."

"That guy is no ordinary little devil, but the notorious Japanese lieutenant general, the planner of the September [-]th invasion of China, Ishihara Waner."

Wang Daqing added for him with a smile.

"This old devil accidentally stabbed his crotch with a knife, tore his urethra, and caused bladder cancer due to long-term hematuria, and finally died of this root cause, which is considered evil."

While chatting, Gao Fei received an analysis report from the laboratory.

Open it and see that the information about Hong Debiao has been completed.

As a mature "spiritualist" mutant, Hong Debiao had 11 Hit Dice, 71 HP, and a challenge level of 7.

The six attributes are: strength 13, agility 14, constitution 14, intelligence 13, perception 20, charisma 14.

Hong Debiao has dark vision, and is immune to negative energy damage, instant death magic, and necrotic curses—these characteristics are very suitable for dealing with undead creatures, and are standard for "spiritual" mutants.

Hong Debiao's core ability is called "Secret of the Soul", which can be used 3+perception correction times per day.


Spiritualism: Undead creatures can be created each time equal to twice the life die (HD) of the spiritualist, and the maximum HD of any one of the undead creatures cannot exceed the spiritualist himself.


Hong Debiao himself has 11 Hit Dice. No wonder the undead creatures created by him, including copper corpses, iron corpses, and undead generals, are limited to no higher than 11 Hit Dice.

Hong Debiao's second special ability is called "Soul Out of Body".

Spending a piece of soul-calling energy, Hong Debiao can put his physical body into a state of suspended animation, and his soul will temporarily leave his body and become an incorporeal dead soul.

In the out-of-body state, Hong Debiao will lose his strength and physique attributes, and at the same time gain the special attack method "Touch of Necrosis", the basic damage roll is 2d6, and it can also be counted into perception correction.

In this state, Hong Debiao, like most other dead souls, became very afraid of the sun.

In addition, Hong Debiao, whose soul is out of his body, can also try to possess other creatures.

If the opponent cannot pass the will save, he will be possessed by him and reduced to a puppet.

In fact, not long ago, Hong Debiao used this trick to create a fake death scene. The soul that escaped from the body passed through the wall and quietly attached itself to Wu Xianyun.

If Gao Fei hadn't been on the spur of the moment to divine his fate, Hong Debiao's plot to resurrect his body would probably have succeeded, and the consequences would have been disastrous.

Gao Fei teamed up to kill Hong Debiao and shared 2900 experience points.

Gao Fei contributed the most in this campaign, scoring 800 points.

Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing each got 700 points.

An even bigger gain came from reporting new mutants, with an average experience reward of 8700 points.

On the way out of the ancient tomb, Wu Xiaoqian remembered Zhao's empress' advice, so she took Gao Fei to accompany her to worship.

After the worship, the soul of the Zhao family's empress is freed from the shackles of the coffin and body, and obtains eternal rest.

From now on, the banshee in the ancient tomb has completely disappeared.

Gao Fei and Wu Xiaoqian helped the Emperor Zhao's concubine succeed in revenge and fulfilled her long-cherished wish during her lifetime, so that this resentful soul could be put to rest, and they were deeply grateful to them.

Before ascension to heaven, the Zhao family empress embraced Gao Fei and Wu Xiaoqian respectively, and donated to them the magic power that she had absorbed and refined for more than 800 years.

This sincere blessing made Gao Fei and Wu Xiaoqian's physique attributes increase by 2 points, which is very precious!

When leaving the tomb of the Zhao family's empress, Gao Fei received a prompt from the astrolabe, opened it and saw another surprise!
After successfully saving the banshee from the ancient tomb, he and Wu Xiaoqian each received 7800 experience points rewarded by Tiangong—equivalent to twice the experience points gained from killing the banshee from the ancient tomb.

When Gao Fei and his party left the ancient tomb, it was almost dusk.

To be exact, it was the evening of the second day.

Counting from the moment he entered the ancient tomb, two days and one night had passed since the arrest of Hong Debiao.

There was no mobile phone signal in the depths of the ancient tomb. As soon as Gao Fei and the others came out, the phone immediately displayed a row of missed calls, most of which were from Jin Zhijian.

Gao Fei and his party, together with Wu Xiaoqian, disappeared for two days and one night, and their whereabouts were unknown, which made Comrade Lao Jin very anxious.

Gao Fei hurriedly called back and briefly explained the ins and outs of this trip to the ancient tomb.

Jin Zhijian complained a lot at first, and later learned that Gao Fei and the others were all safe, and successfully rescued Wu Xianyun.

"Xiao Gao! Congratulations on successfully completing this mission! Come back soon! Let's have a good drink tonight and celebrate!"

"Okay, Brother Jin, we're already in the car, and we'll be back at the police station in an hour, but before we celebrate, we need to find a place and get a good night's sleep."

Goofy yawned big.

"I didn't close my eyes all night, and I was worried that brother Daqing would drive the car into a ditch."

"Hahaha! I understand! Be careful on the road, just drive the police car to the guest house, and have a good rest!"

Gao Fei hung up the phone and asked Wang Daqing: "Brother Daqing, can you hold on? How about I drive instead?"

"No need!" Wang Daqing waved his hands with a smile, "I'm in high spirits right now!"

 It's the end of the month, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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