Savior Simulator

Chapter 433 The Mystery of Life and Death

Chapter 433 The Mystery of Life and Death
Gao Fei no longer hesitated, took out a portable fire ladder from the storage space of the astrolabe, pressed it against the floor, and pushed it over.

The aluminum alloy telescopic ladder slides to Hong Debiao close to the ground.

Hong Debiao stepped on the ladder with one foot, changed to hold the mine with his bleeding right hand, and picked up the ladder with his more flexible left hand.

The moment he bent down, Gao Fei suddenly raised his hand, and blasted out a shock wave that was blue and purple!

The magic energy exploded on Hong Debiao's chest, and the strong impact made him fall backwards involuntarily.

After the "Magic Energy Explosion" enhanced by "Repulsion Magic Explosion" hits the target, it will automatically apply a collision and knock back 10 feet.

The high-level specialty "Terrorist Impact" configured by Gao Fei also has the effect of strengthening the impact.

Terror Shock has two functions.

One is that when launching a melee attack on a target whose size is no larger than itself, a "collision" is automatically added.

The second is that after the rush is successful, the target is knocked up 10 feet × (1 + size difference), and if the knocked-up target hits an obstacle, it will take an additional 1d6 points of damage/10 feet.

When Gao Fei first got this specialty, he took it for granted that these two functions are progressive.

That is to say, only in the case of a melee collision, can the "terrorist shock" be used to try to knock the opponent into the air.

However, after testing, I found that I understood it wrong.

In fact, the two functions of "Terrorist Shock" belong to a parallel relationship.

The automatically added collision is indeed only effective for melee attacks.

However, the later knock-up effects are not limited to melee combat, and are also effective for long-range collisions!

What is remote collision?

As long as it is not a flesh-and-blood collision, it can be classified as a long-range collision.

For example, a 15-foot "earth shock."

For example, the 15-foot "dive and crush" in red dragon form.

For example, the "Repulsive Magic Explosion" with a longer range!
Gao Fei in human form, and Hong Debiao are both medium-sized.

Counting the strengthening of "Terrorist Shock", a "Magic Energy Explosion" sent Hong Debiao back 20 feet.

As Gao Fei estimated in advance, he just fell into the trap.

With a scream, Hong Debiao rolled and fell into the pit.

There was a muffled sound from the bottom of the pit.

The screaming stopped abruptly.

Gao Fei waited for a minute to confirm that there was no risk, and then he approached the pit and shone down with a flashlight.

Hong Debiao was lying on his back at the bottom of the pit in a distorted posture, his chest and stomach were pierced by the spear.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, the blood-stained spear tip was extremely dazzling.

This lunatic Hong died before he could detonate the mine.

Gao Fei heaved a sigh of relief, bent down, intending to carefully observe the situation at the bottom of the pit, and try to fish up Hong Debiao's body.


There was a slight sound at his feet.

Gao Fei took a flashlight and shone it.

It turned out that when he was bending over, the dice that he had been carrying in his pocket before slipped out and fell to the ground. There was a bright red "1" on the upward side, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Picking up the dice, Gao Fei thought for a while, then drew 3 points of magic power, and cast "divination" to calculate the fortune of himself and his companions in this ancient tomb for the next half hour.

The bandit leader Hong Debiao has been put to death, and Mr. Wu has escaped safely. This trip to the ancient tomb will come to an end, and it stands to reason that there will be no more accidents.

The divination results were far beyond expectations.

It's 1 o'clock, it's fierce!

Gao Fei inexplicably felt a chill down his spine.

Could it be that this adventure is not over yet, and there are unexpected troubles waiting for him?

With doubts, Gao Fei divination again.

This time, he changed to predict Mr. Wu's fortune.

The result of the divination is surprisingly bad!
How is this possible?
Just now, Wu Xiaoqian told him personally that Mr. Wu was safe and sound, how could the hexagram be so dangerous?

The more Gao Fei thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

There must be something wrong!
Repeated divination of the same person's fortune within half an hour usually only yields the same result, which is meaningless.

In order to verify whether there is something wrong with the divination results, he needs a control group that can accurately control variables.

Glancing at the corpse in the pit, Gao Fei decided to use Hong Debiao, a dead ghost, as a control group.

Hong Debiao's body was right in front of his eyes, and his fortune was predicted, and the result could only be a catastrophe.

However, Gao Fei cast 3 points, which is unpredictable.

Lying in a big trough!no?It's getting more and more evil!

Gao Fei wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Take a deep breath.

Try to calm yourself down.

Putting aside all stereotyped thinking, he analyzed the divination results from an absolutely objective perspective.

The fate is uncertain, at least it shows that Hong Debiao is not dead yet.

This is strange.

Hong Debiao's body was there, and his life signs could not be detected in the astrolabe, but the result of divination suggested that he was still alive.

Old Mr. Wu came back safe and sound, but the result of divination showed that he would suffer a bloody disaster within half an hour, and his life would not be long.

Why is the result of divination so different from reality?

Is there a mistake in the divination, or is there something else hidden?
"Divination" does have errors, and they are not low.

Specifically, error rate = (30-casting level)%
In addition, no matter how high the casting level is, there is at least a 10% guarantee error.

Gao Fei is a level 3 "Astrologer", so the probability of misjudgment in divination is 27%.

Nearly 1/3 of the error rate, one or two mistakes occasionally, is not worth making a fuss about.

However, in this short period of 2 minutes, Gao Fei has already performed divination three times in a row, and the results of the three divinations are all unbelievable. What is the probability of making mistakes at the same time?

So is it still considered normal?

Gao Fei had to suspect that at least one of Hong Debiao and Wu Xianyun had a problem!

At this time, footsteps came from behind.

Jiang Feng ran over, followed by Ma Tao and Wang Daqing, and Wu Xiaoqian who supported his father.

"Gao Fei! Have you caught Crazy Hong?" Jiang Feng asked.

"I caught it, but I didn't catch it completely." Gao Fei said.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Jiang Feng was confused, "You mean, Hong Debiao is dead?"

"Dead, but not quite dead."

"No... can't you talk well?" Jiang Nu chivalrously clenched her fists, "You will die if you don't have yin and yang?!"

"I don't have yin and yang, it's obviously the truth."

Gao Fei took out the dice with a wry smile, and told the results of the three divinations just now.

"Brother Fei, the probability of all three divinations being wrong is indeed very low. I'm afraid there are secrets that we haven't discovered yet."

Ma Tao frowned, and aimed at Wu Xianyun intentionally or unintentionally.

"Mr. Wu, do you have any discomfort in your body?"

"Little Ma, thank you for your concern. I have no problem." Old Mr. Wu smiled weakly, "Let's leave here quickly, and Xiaoqian and I will thank you very much later."

(End of this chapter)

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