Savior Simulator

Chapter 429 Control Variables

Chapter 429 Control Variables
Gao Fei let Huzi enter the underground hall first, scouted it carefully, and made sure there were no traps or ambushes before leading the team in.

The funerary objects displayed in this hall are much more surprising!

The bronze man and the bronze horse placed in the center of the hall are even larger than the real one and have more visual impact.

The bronze horse is vivid and complete with saddles.

The tall man next to him reining in the reins and holding a whip, wearing armor and armor, with big ears on one side and a majestic expression, seems to be commanding thousands of troops to charge into battle.

"This bronze statue should be the portrait of the owner of the tomb." Wu Xiaoqian said.

Gao Fei nodded in agreement, and turned to check the rest of the furnishings in the hall.

Around the walls, horse gear, armor and weapon racks are displayed.

On the weapon rack, there is a complete set of knives, guns, swords and halberds, as well as weapons commonly used by generals of the Jin Dynasty, such as iron bones, horse lances, and maces.

There are various indications that this large-scale ancient tomb was built for the burial of a well-known military general of the Kingdom of Jin, and there may be relevant records of this person in the history books.

In the hall where the funerary goods are displayed, there is a closed stone door opposite the entrance.

If there is no accident, this stone gate leads to the main tomb, which is the place where the general of the Kingdom of Jin is buried.

The yin energy seeping through the crack of the door was even colder and biting than the tomb where Zhao's empress was buried.

For the sake of safety, Gao Fei first opened the astrolabe and detected the situation inside the main tomb through the stone door.

The strong negative energy interfered with the magic satellite's imaging, and only two life signals could be detected, plus three signals radiating negative energy.

Just as living things radiate heat constantly, undead creatures tend to radiate negative energy that is stronger than the background of the environment.

According to the principle of thermal imaging, life signs can be detected in a dark environment; and according to a similar principle, the astrolabe can also detect traces of the undead.

The two signs of life in the main tomb must be Hong Debiao and Wu Xianyun.

Three undead creatures that radiate negative energy, two of them are Hong Debiao's bodyguards, and who is the other one?
Based on past experience, Gao Fei suspects that Hong Debiao has probably used the "secret technique of evocation" to wake up the corpse of the general who had been sleeping for more than 800 years and transform it into a powerful undead creature.

"Don't worry, I'll do a divination."

Gao Fei raised his hand to prevent Wu Xiaoqian from approaching the stone gate, and took out a dice from his pocket.

The results of divination are not optimistic.

Two o'clock, little fierce.

Goofy frowned slightly.

Hong Debiao, the "spiritualist", is only good at manipulating corpses and ghosts, and his combat effectiveness is not strong.

Hong Debiao's two iron corpse bodyguards were not to be feared either.

Going back from the conclusion that the hexagram is dangerous, Gao Fei can only think that the biggest threat to his side comes from the unknown undead creature in the tomb.

Knowing that the future is dangerous, do you still want to break into the tomb?
Gao Fei knew in his heart that there was no way out now.

However, instead of rushing in to deliver it knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he would rather spend more time thinking about countermeasures, is there still a possibility of turning the danger into a bargain?
Seeing Gao Fei standing in front of the door with his head bowed in silence, Jiang Feng came over and asked, "How long shall we wait here?"

"Wait another 10 minutes, I'm going to do an experiment."

"Experiment?" Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, "What kind of experiment can you do in just 10 minutes... Do you want to reconfigure attributes and expertise?"

Gao Fei nodded, without further explanation.

In these 10 minutes, he first adjusted the free attributes.

Originally Charm +3, Strength +1.

Now turn it upside down.

After adjustment, it becomes: Strength 18/+3, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 15/+1
The four free specialties were originally equipped with the "Standing Standing" series and "Iron Will".

Replace them all now.

Changed to Dexterous Action, Weapon Focus (slashing), Improved Bull Rush, and Terrible Blast.

After the adjustment, Gao Fei divination again and rolled out 3 points.

The hexagram image changed from "little ominous" to "unpredictable ominous".

Gao Fei knew it well, and the direction of adjustment was correct.

"What Fei Ge is doing now is like dividing the 'experimental group' and 'control group' when doing a chemical experiment, and discovering problems by controlling variables."

Gao Fei didn't have time to say more, so Ma Tao explained to Jiang Feng, Wang Daqing and Wu Xiaoqian who looked at him in a daze.

"Science students are so scary..." Wu Xiaoqian shrugged and spread her hands.

Ma Tao smiled helplessly, and walked behind Gao Fei.

"Brother Fei, I will give you a set of new data for free, you don't have to be polite to me, just call me godfather."

"Get your baby away!" Gao Fei said angrily.

Ma Tao didn't take it seriously, and drew the magic power by himself, and successively blessed Gao Fei with various spell buffs that enhanced attributes.

Jiang Feng and Wang Daqing looked at each other and walked towards Gao Fei at the same time.

They didn't fully understand what Ma Tao meant by "controlling variables", but that didn't prevent them from imitating Ma Tao and adding buffs such as "shield of piety" and "protection against evil" to Gao Fei.

Gao Fei smiled gratefully at his companion, and cast the "divination" technique for the third time, throwing the six-sided dice in his hand.


The dice hit the ground, bouncing and rolling.

Eventually it comes to rest, with the number 5 on the up side.

"That's it!"

Gao Fei put away the dice and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Divination is a black box."

"I don't know how this spell works, but there are two things for sure."

"First, the divination results are relatively reliable."

"Secondly, by controlling the variables, we can try and make mistakes to get as close as possible to the divination results we want."

"Brother Fei, it's a very simple matter, don't make it so complicated!"

Ma Tao sneered and made trouble for his old friend.

"To put it bluntly, aren't you just whoring the database for nothing!"

"Xiao Ma, don't talk about it." Wu Xiaoqian held her forehead and smiled wryly, "I half understand what Xiao Gao said, and then I listened to your interpretation... I completely don't understand."

"Sister Wu is a real person, she said something fair!"

Gao Fei pointed out his middle finger to Ma Tao, who was full of embarrassment, put away his laughter, and solemnly said to his companions: "Guys, if there is no accident, our ancient tomb adventure is about to usher in the final battle, cheer up Come!"

After finishing speaking, he turned and pushed open the stone door opposite.

A strong Yin Qi, mixed with the pungent corpse odor, emanated through the open door.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, Gao Fei saw a coffin whose lid had been opened in the center of the tomb.

Hong Debiao stood in front of the coffin with his back to the door, as if he was reciting a mantra or muttering to himself.

Two iron corpse bodyguards stood by his side.

In the corner of the tomb, Wu Xianyun sat on the floor against the wall, his face was full of exhaustion, and a large scarlet blood oozes from his injured right arm.

Hearing the movement from the door, Hong Debiao flicked his braids, turned around, and looked at Gao Fei and the others with his hands behind his back. The weird smile on the corner of his mouth was more like a nervous twitch.

(End of this chapter)

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