Savior Simulator

Chapter 426 Double Edict

Chapter 426 Double Edict
Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Wu Xiaoqian, "Sister Wu, your command ability seems to have become stronger?"

Wu Xiaoqian nodded.

She has evolved from the "development stage" to the "mature stage". In addition to being able to use supernatural abilities in a non-monster environment, there is another crucial improvement, which is the "group command".

In the past, Wu Xiaoqian's order could only last for 6 seconds, and only one order could be issued at a time.

For example, to deal with invisible will-o'-the-wisps, if you order the will-o'-the-wisp to reveal, you cannot apply immobilization at the same time, and vice versa.

Now, Wu Xiaoqian only needs to expend one shot of energy to issue two edicts at the same time, making the incorporeal soul both manifest and immobilize, calling it "Double Edict"

Or issue only one command, but double the duration of the command, which is 12 seconds.

In fact, when Wu Xiaoqian dealt with the banshee just now, she used the second method, that is, "delayed edict".

It's a pity that the banshee is a high-level undead after all, with 18 perception attributes.

His own will immunity is not low, coupled with the outbreak of luck, he resisted Wu Xiaoqian's second "delay order".

"Sister Wu! Since your edict can stop the banshee, we might as well strike while the iron is hot, chase into the tomb, and get rid of that banshee completely!" Jiang Feng said eagerly.

"That's what I planned to do too."

Wu Xiaoqian, who has just completed her evolution, looks very confident.

"No!" Gao Fei shook his head coldly.

"You don't know how terrifying that banshee is. If the edict doesn't work, give her a chance to send out the 'banshee's howl'. The consequences will be disastrous!"

Jiang Feng and Wu Xiaoqian looked at each other with frustration in their eyes.

Gao Fei's concerns are not unfounded.

Wasn't the edict resisted by the banshee just now?

Luck is something unpredictable.

If such a critical moment happened again, the four Tiangong special police present could still rely on the "emergency recovery system" to escape. Wu Xiaoqian would not be treated like this, and her life might be in danger.

"Brother Fei, the tomb where the banshee lives is on the way we must go to track down Hong Debiao. We must pass this hurdle no matter what. What are your plans?" Ma Tao asked.

"I'll go into the tomb alone, and I'll find the have a chat, to have a discussion, and ask her to let us go there."

Gao Fei pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

"You guys wait for me outside the door, and take care to protect Sister Wu. If the banshee comes out through the wall, Sister Wu will take a photo immediately and stop her."

"Understood! Just do as you say!" Jiang Feng was the first to express his opinion.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing also had no objection.

" understand, I'm confused!"

Wu Xiaoqian was anxious and angry.

"Xiao Jiang! Xiao Gao challenged the banshee alone, you didn't stop him, and you didn't go with him, are you a couple?"

"Because we're a couple, we don't need mothers-in-law, greasy, crooked, and gossip!" Jiang Feng smiled a little bit bitterly, "Sister Wu, don't worry, Gao Fei is a ghost, and he never hits anyone who is not sure." Battle! He said that he wanted to single out the banshee, but the subtext was that if we followed, it would only drag him down and not help."

"But... are you not worried at all?"

"Worry is nothing to worry about. What should be done is still to be done." Jiang Feng sighed, "Sister Wu, Gao Fei is a special police officer, and so am I. It is my duty to do so."

Wu Xiaoqian's heart seemed to have been strongly impacted, tears flashed in her eyes, her lips trembled, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't say it in the end, she just sighed softly.

"Brother Fei! Brothers tie it up for you, don't let your baby loose your belt!"

While Ma Tao told Gao Fei, he didn't hesitate to expend his magic power to slap buffs on him.

"Strength of the Bull", "Elegance of the Cat", "Toughness of the Bear", "Cunning Fox", "Wisdom of the Owl", and "Prestige of the Eagle" all come together, all attributes +2.

At the end, add a shot of "Serious Strike", which directly fills up the attack roll.

"Brother Tao, I love you to death! But there is one thing to say, the damn Pastor Timothy can carry, cum, and breastfeed, and the buffs are so many, can't you cut it?"

"...I say hello to your uncle!"

After Ma Tao finished a set of radio gymnastics, it was Wang Daqing's turn next.

There are also many buff spells for paladins.

Wang Daqing first blessed Gao Fei with "Protection from Evil" to prevent him from being forcibly taken on by a banshee, and then gave him "Sword Protection" and "Secondary Strike the Enemy" - the hit rate seriously exceeded it.

Jiang Feng switched his sub-profession to level 5 "Shenquan Envoy", blessed Gao Fei with a "Shield of Piousness", and increased his deflection defense by 2 points.

Then, she took out two commemorative pull-rings of Coke cans from her pocket, put them on Gao Fei's fingers, and put on another pull-ring ring herself, as a magic weapon to bless the "Guardian Art".

After making full preparations, Gao Fei pushed open the door of the tomb with all his strength, and the piercing Yin Qi rushed over his face.

"Magic Missile" is the best weapon against incorporeal banshees, but Gao Fei switched his sub-job to "Imitator".

Because he had to be afraid of the "horror face" of the banshee.

Even with the "Iron Will", if the canopy is delivered, it is still possible to be scared to pee on the spot.

So he must prepare the means of immunity to fear in advance.

This method is the imitator's "Paladin Mask".

Putting on the "Holy Warrior Mask", Gao Fei can activate the "Aura of Courage" like Wang Daqing, and the "Holy Slash" is also a sharp weapon against the undead.

Another mask, Gao Fei chose "Witcher".

To ensure that the banshee is killed, it is best to use a weapon or spell with the force field property.

There is no "Magic Missile", and "Magic Energy Explosion" is also fine.

Fully prepared, Gao Fei walked into the tomb.

In the darkness, a vague figure could be vaguely seen floating directly above the coffin.

Two pale soul fires flickered with any real hatred.

Under the protection of the "Aura of Courage", Gao Fei can look directly at the ferocious face of the banshee without any worries.

Calmly raised his right hand, facing the banshee in the air with the palm of his hand, blasting out a purple shock wave in blue.

"Magic Energy Explosion" traversed the void and blasted straight at the banshee's chest.

In addition to the enhanced effects of "Magic Spear" and "Repelling Explosion", the "fragile mark" that Gao Fei hit on the banshee before also increased the damage of "Magic Explosion" by 1d6 points.

Counting various buffs, this strike knocked out a total of 21 HP points from the banshee, which is not much worse than the "Sharpening Imprint Missile".

The repulsive force attached to the "magic explosion" blasted the banshee back 10 feet across the air.

Gao Fei took the opportunity to cast the spell again.

It's a pity that the 20-point attack roll bonus provided by "Strike the Enemy" can only take effect for 1 round.

Gao Fei's second shot of "Magic Energy Explosion" was dodged by the banshee.

In the blink of an eye, the banshee had already flown to Gao Fei, and she buried her head in his arms!

(End of this chapter)

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