Savior Simulator

Chapter 422 Split and Reorganization

Chapter 422 Split and Reorganization
Only Wu Xiaoqian stood beside Gao Fei, took out the mobile phone that Gao Fei had stuffed into her coat pocket before, and turned on the shooting mode.


The camera flashed, and the "group command" was activated!
At the critical moment, you still have to rely on this trick to turn the tide!
The large group of hungry ghosts with a diameter of no less than ten meters on the opposite side was all included in the camera frame by Wu Xiaoqian, and was fixed by the group, and suddenly stopped crawling and stood still!
Seeing this, Jiang Feng started the "Flying Steps" without hesitation. The soles of his shoes seemed to be equipped with suction cups. He stepped on the smooth wall of the tomb and flew up, hanging upside down from the ceiling in a head-to-foot posture, facing the group of hungry ghosts that were fixed directly below. , Blast out a golden palm force!
The roar of the explosion of true energy echoed in the tomb.

In the "fixed body" state, the group of hungry ghosts lost all dodge ability from the agility attribute, and received a solid palm of Yang Yan.

At least one-third of the bone fragments that formed the cluster were pulverized by Jiang Feng's palm and scattered all over the sky.

The ashes blown by the wind made Wu Xiaoqian cough.

Gao Fei quickly raised his hands to cover his face, so as not to be dazzled by the ashes.

In the blink of an eye, the six-second time limit has expired.

The cluster of hungry ghosts regained their mobility, lost a third of their components, and looked smaller.

This monster seems to have developed a "brood will", and its IQ is not low. Realizing that Wu Xiaoqian and Jiang Feng are the greatest threats to him, it divides the cluster into two equal parts. Climbing up against the wall, he chased and killed Jiang Feng who was hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Ma Tao, who was standing at the door, fired two more shots, each hitting a cluster of hungry ghosts.

The shotgun didn't do much damage to the cluster of hungry ghosts, but the air flow driven by it slightly lightened the dust scattered in the tomb.

Seeing this scene, Wang Daqing had an idea, and quickly raised his big shield with both hands to act as a fan, fanning the wind with all his strength, and helping his companion clear the vision blocked by the sky full of ashes.

His efforts were not in vain.

Wu Xiaoqian took two steps back, found a shooting angle with a wide field of vision, and pressed the shutter again, bringing the two clusters of hungry ghosts into the viewfinder frame, and successfully settled down!

At the same time, Jiang Feng blasted out the "Yang Yan Palm" again, engulfing the group of hungry ghosts fixed on the wall in the golden waves, and instantly wiped out.

Gao Fei also took the opportunity to raise his magic wand, pointing at the cluster of hungry ghosts that almost touched the tip of his shoe, and blasted a "Frost Nova".

This time, the swarm of hungry ghosts had no way to escape, and was blasted to pieces by the "Frost Nova", leaving very few.

Six seconds later, the surviving hungry ghost swarm finally got rid of the immobilization, but was frozen on the ground with a thick layer of frost, and it was still difficult to get out.

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing joined forces to guide the positive energy, and swept the ground with two silver waves, purifying the last group of hungry ghosts.

This battle didn't last long, but it was dangerous and thrilling.

In the silent tomb, only the violent panting of the crowd echoed.

After a while, Gao Fei's tense nerves relaxed slightly, and he walked up to the wreckage of the hungry ghosts, and shrank into the sealed bag.

Wu Xiaoqian followed in.

Seeing the soul-calling talisman depicted on the floor in the center of the hall, he took a picture of it with Gao Fei's cell phone and returned it to him together with the cell phone.

Goofy waved his hand.

"Use your phone first, and it won't be too late to return it to me after Hong Debiao is caught."

"Sister Wu's cell phone was shot and smashed by Hong Debiao, can it be repaired?" Jiang Feng asked Ma Tao.

Ma Tao switched his sub-profession to "mechanical warlock" and tried to perform "repair" on Wu Xiaoqian's broken mobile phone. The screen was successfully repaired, but unfortunately he couldn't turn it on.

Ma Tao thought for a while, and guessed: "The precision parts inside the mobile phone were all smashed in an instant, and the ability of the 'repair technique' has not yet reached the nanometer level. Even if a very small chip is missing, it may cause Can not boot."

"If you want to perfectly repair the smashed mobile phone, you have to use the 2nd ring 'Complete Repair', which is beyond my ability. Let Sister Wu temporarily borrow Brother Fei's mobile phone, as long as you can activate the 'Group Edict'!" Ma Tao added.

Jiang Feng wanted to say something, but finally held back and just nodded slightly.

Gao Fei has an astrolabe in his hand, which can completely replace the function of a mobile phone. He took a few photos from different angles of the spirit-calling talisman, and packed them together with the remains of the cluster of hungry ghosts and sent them to Vader's laboratory.

A few minutes later, Gao Fei received the analysis report from the laboratory.

The staff adopted his suggestion and named this new undead cluster subspecies "Hungry Ghost Cluster".

Of course, Gao Fei just made a reference suggestion, not asking for the naming rights, so the experience rewards that should be taken are quite a bit.

The "hungry ghost cluster" is a super large cluster composed of many tiny undead creatures, and the challenge level is as high as level 8!
The hungry ghost swarm in its full form has 132 HP, and its attributes are: strength 1, agility 20, constitution -, intelligence 5 (brood will), perception 15, charm 16.

In addition to undead traits and natural abilities common to swarm creatures, such as "brood mind", "disturbing mind", "swarm bite", "shapeless form", immunity to single-target and group attack weaknesses, and a 60-foot radius" Fear Aura", Hungry Ghost Swarm also has five specialties: "Alertness", "Survival Expert", "Weapon Proficiency", "Reflex Evasion" and "Lightning Reflexes".

Among them, "Lightning Reflex" gives the group of hungry ghosts an advantage in the "Reflex Save" check, and can be counted into the double proficiency correction.

The hungry ghost cluster itself has agility attributes as high as 20 points, coupled with "lightning reflexes", the reflex saves are extremely high!

What's more ingenious is that the hungry ghost swarm is also good at "Reflex Dodge", which happens to be a perfect match with "Lightning Reflex". As long as they pass the reflection save, they will be completely invulnerable!
High agility, coupled with the combination of "Lightning Reflex" and "Reflex Dodge", allows the hungry ghost swarm to overcome the innate weakness of fear of group attacks to the greatest extent.

This is also the reason why Gao Fei and Ma Tao's previous two attacks failed.

Fortunately, there is another Wu Xiaoqian in the team.

Immediately cast the "Group Edict" to seal the movement ability of the hungry ghost swarm, making them lose all the advantages of high agility in the fixed state, and "Reflex Dodge" and "Lightning Reflex" also do not work, so Gao Fei And others created an opportunity to hunt and kill the evil spirit cluster.

The horror of the hungry ghost swarms doesn't stop there.

The monster is capable of splitting itself into two smaller swarms that act separately.

In the analysis report provided by the laboratory, this ability was named "split recombination".

Preliminary research shows that after the cluster of hungry ghosts splits, not only will the size be halved, but the intelligence attributes of the two clusters will also be reduced by 4 points.

(End of this chapter)

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