Savior Simulator

Chapter 406 Wu Xiaoqian is here again

Chapter 406 Wu Xiaoqian is here again
Jiang Feng got 15350 experience points today.

She was not in a hurry to increase the level of special police, and spent most of her experience points on sub-professions. Monk Yang Yan was promoted two levels in a row.

Monk Yang Yan was promoted to level 6, undergoing a transformation like a reborn body, and finally revealed the true colors of "dead nemesis".

Jiang Feng's "Martial Arts" damage dice changed to 2d6, and he also awakened four professional abilities: "Tian Er Tong (Blindsight)", "Diamond Body Beginner (Immunity to Disease)", "Flying Steps" and "Yang Yan Palm". (Xiaocheng)".

In particular, the "sun palm", a 30-foot cone of 10d6 radiant damage, also deals double damage to undead.

Later, when encountering Gu corpses, copper corpses, iron corpses and the like, Jiang Nvxia blasted them with two palms, and all of them were wiped out.


Gao Fei gained the most experience points in the team, including the remaining inventory before, a total of 20500 points.

He spent 11000 experience points to upgrade "Tiangong Special Police" to level 8, and the remaining experience points are not enough to upgrade to level 9, and he doesn't need to upgrade the sub-profession for the time being, so he will save it for future use.

Now Goofy has 4 free attributes to configure, of which 1 point is added to strength, and the remaining 3 points are added to charisma. In addition to increasing the upper limit of magic pool, spell hit rate and immunity difficulty, "spell sharpening" provides damage bonus becomes +4.

After the upgrade, Gao Fei's current attribute configuration is as follows:
Strength 16/+1, Dexterity 14, Constitution 14, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 18/+3

Early the next morning, Gao Fei and others were worrying about Hong Debiao's whereabouts, and Wu Xiaoqian came to the police station to guard again.

This woman did not know where to find out that the police raided Hong Debiao's den yesterday and arrested several people, so they came to inquire about her father's whereabouts.

"Brother Jin, there are rumors in the village that my father was kidnapped by Hong Debiao. Give me a straight line, is this the case?"

Facing Wu Xiaoqian's persecution, Jin Zhijian couldn't evade it, so he had to tell the truth.

"From the clues we have so far, Mr. Wu was indeed kidnapped by Hong Debiao's party."

"Yesterday you destroyed Hong Debiao's lair, but failed to find my father?" Wu Xiaoqian continued to ask.

"I'm sorry, just the afternoon before we took action, Hong Debiao had left the den with your father, and his whereabouts are unknown." Jin Zhijian admitted helplessly.

"I knew it would be like this!"

Wu Xiaoqian's delicate face flushed with annoyance.

"If you listened to me yesterday and took me with you, it wouldn't be a waste of time!"

"Miss Wu, it's too much for you to say that."

Wang Daqing saw his old comrade-in-arms being complained by Wu Xiaoqian pointing his nose, so he couldn't help but stand up and say something fair.

"We didn't rescue your father in time. It's true that we didn't do our job properly, but we managed to catch a lot of key personnel and get a lot of clues that will help us further investigate Hong Debiao. How can we say that this trip was for nothing!"

Wu Xiaoqian turned her head to look at Wang Daqing with sharp eyes.

"What's your name, please?"

"My name is Wang Daqing, and I'm Lao Jin's colleague."

"No! You, and those three strangers beside you, are definitely not ordinary police officers." Wu Xiaoqian said firmly.

"Wu Xiaoqian, don't be suspicious! Daqing, Xiaogao, Xiaoma and Xiaojiang are all special police officers from other places. They came all the way to help us arrest Hong Debiao. If you want to see your father as soon as possible, you should at least be polite to him! "

Jin Zhijian straightened his face, his words were filled with anger.

"I'm sorry, I was rude, please forgive me." Wu Xiaoqian showed guilt.

"Miss Wu, you are worried about Mr. Wu's safety, and you are inevitably anxious and irritable. We can understand this, but even if you went to take down Hong Debiao's den with us yesterday, you still couldn't see your father. What is there to care about?" " Jiang Feng said.

"That's not the case!" Wu Xiaoqian shook her head repeatedly, "If I had been at the scene at the time, I might have found more clues, and maybe there was still time to remedy it..."

"Remedy for what?" Gao Fei asked.

"I don't know either... It's just an intuition, a subtle intuition that cannot be described in words."

"As a writer, it's not very convincing for you to say such a thing." Ma Tao complained with a smile.

Wu Xiaoqian gave him an annoyed look, then turned to Gao Fei and said, "Can you tell me, where did you go yesterday?"

Gao Fei and Jin Zhijian looked at each other, and said carefully: "We also considered that Hong Debiao might return to his old lair, so we specially arranged for people to squat nearby. As soon as Hong Debiao shows up, we will receive the news immediately, and we will rush to catch him." catch."

"I'm sorry, you made a mistake. What I want to say is not this." Wu Xiaoqian shook her head and smiled bitterly, "By the way, you should remove the guard post. It's useless. Hong Debiao won't go back again."

"How do you know he won't go back?" Wang Daqing asked in surprise.


"Damn it! The omnipotent answer is yes," Wang Daqing sighed while resting his forehead, "I shouldn't say that much."

"Since you're sure that Hong Debiao won't go back, what's the point of asking?" Gao Fei asked Wu Xiaoqian.

"I want to go to the place where my father is being held. If there is no accident, he will leave some important clues."

"We have searched the building from bottom to top, but we haven't found any words or traces left by Mr. Wu..."

"Even if you leave a clue, you may not understand it." Wu Xiaoqian interrupted Jin Zhijian, "Anyway, you have no other way, why don't you take me to the scene to have a look, at least it won't make things worse, right? "

"That makes sense." Jiang Feng nodded.

Jin Zhijian sighed helplessly, and opened the desk drawer, intending to get the car keys.

Wu Xiaoqian suddenly reached out and grabbed the bunch of keys first.

"Brother Jin, I won't bother you this time. Let me borrow the police car. I can drive myself. Just tell me where to go."

"It's not... Wu Xiaoqian! It's too unruly for you to do this!" Jin Zhijian couldn't laugh or cry, "Private use of police cars is absolutely not allowed!"

"Aren't there four other special police comrades here? Just let them go with me." Wu Xiaoqian smiled.

Looking at her expression, Gao Fei couldn't help but suspect that this woman had planned to tie himself and his teammates to her thief ship on purpose.

After thinking for a while, Gao Fei said to Jin Zhijian: "Brother Jin, it's not far anyway, so let's accompany Miss Wu for a walk."

"Isn't that good? After all, you are not locals, in case something goes wrong..."

"Old Jin, don't worry about it, Mulan Township is just such a place full of boogers, why are we afraid that we will get lost!" Wang Daqing said with a smile.

"Then... okay." Jin Zhijian nodded reluctantly, not forgetting to tell Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Wang Daqing, "If you have any questions, please contact me in time!"

(End of this chapter)

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