Savior Simulator

Chapter 404 Empress Empress (for Subscription)

Chapter 404 Empress Empress (for Subscription)

"Tiger, you are doing well!"

Gao Fei took out a bag of cat food and rewarded the magic pet who had made great achievements.

In such an environment of constant crisis, Yimao's natural anti-stealth ability and sensitive sense of smell can play an early warning role.

So Gao Fei asked Jiang Feng to lead Huzi to explore the way, leading everyone up to the third floor.

The windows on the third floor were covered by curtains, only a faint light came in through the curtains, and the surprisingly luxurious interior decoration could be vaguely seen.

The antique furniture and carpets are all high-end goods, and they are arranged in a royal style.

The hall is full of gloom, and the negative energy is particularly strong.

The strong smell of perfume filled the nose, making people want to sneeze.

When Gao Fei and his party got used to the pungent perfume smell, they smelled a faint corpse smell behind the fragrance.

It seemed that Hong Debiao himself couldn't stand the rancid smell from the group of zombie servants around him, so he had to spray a lot of perfume in the bedroom to cover up the smell of corpses.

These two diametrically opposed smells are mixed together, which makes people feel chest tightness and shortness of breath, making people feel nauseous.

Gao Fei was worried at first that the perfume contained poisonous gas. Fortunately, Huzi said that he did not smell the toxin. It was only because the room was airtight and the air was dirty that it made people feel very uncomfortable.

At this time, candlelight suddenly lit up in a corner of the hall, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Gao Fei gave Huzi a wink.

The winged cat spread its wings and flew up, like a big bird, gliding towards the place where the light was on.

Gao Fei had prepared three magic missiles in his hands, walked lightly, and followed Hu Zi.

There is an antique dragon and phoenix bed in the corner. The bed is covered with a pink gauze curtain. The candlelight shines through the gauze curtain, reflecting a graceful figure. The atmosphere is both strange and charming.

Jiang Feng came to Gao Fei's side, lifted up the corner of the veil with a eyebrow-level stick, and peeped into the tent.

A fair-skinned and beautiful young woman is kneeling on the bed, wearing a cheongsam, a phoenix crown and gold tinsel on her head. Her clothes and makeup look like the imperial concubines in Qing court dramas.

The moment she met the stranger's eyes, the woman showed horror and quickly curled up to the corner of the bed, trembling all over.

"This must be Hong Debiao's queen." Gao Fei said in a low voice.

Jiang Feng nodded, with sympathy in his eyes: "Seeing how frightened she is, I'm afraid she was often bullied by Hong Debiao."

"In short, let her calm down first, maybe we can find out Hong Debiao's whereabouts from her mouth." Gao Fei thought about it.

"Sister, don't be afraid, we are the police." Jiang Feng softly comforted the empress, "This place is under our control, you don't have to worry about your own safety, can you tell us where Hong Debiao is hiding?"

The woman hesitated, as if she was still struggling.

Jiang Feng was about to help her get out of bed when Huzi suddenly swooped over and scratched the face of "Empress Empress" with one paw!

The woman threw her head back violently, screaming terribly.

At the same time, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng discovered to their horror that the woman's face had been torn off by the cat's claws!

The woman's skin, like an elastic pullover, was originally tightly attached to her body.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were only a short distance away from her, but they couldn't see the slightest sign of abnormality.

Only the tiger sniffed out the smell of corpse from under the woman's skin, and rushed over to tear off her disguise with a paw.

A piece of thin and soft human skin, like half-taken clothes, drooped half-covered on the shoulders of the "Empress Empress", revealing a decayed body and a haggard face.

It turned out that the delicate face with picturesque eyebrows was just makeup painted on human skin.

Now that her skin was torn off by the tiger, the powder and perfume could no longer conceal the rancid smell emanating from her body.

"Bold slave! How dare you trespass into the palace and offend me, what crime should you be?!"

As soon as "Empress Empress" spoke, Gao Fei recognized it.

This monster is not an ordinary zombie, but a corpse similar to Captain Kos!
The corpse monster seemed to really regard itself as a noble and inviolable queen, and when it realized that Gao Fei didn't intend to kneel down, it immediately became furious, showed a pair of sharp claws, and screamed and pounced on him.

Jiang Feng's reaction was faster than hers, and he swung the eyebrow-leveling stick first, knocked her down with one stick, and rolled and fell off the bed.

At the same time, the human skin peeled off from the corpse demon, and it flew into the air like a bat, pounced on Jiang Feng, trying to wrap her head.


Gao Fei raised his hand and released the magic missile he had prepared long ago.

Three balls of purple light hit the activated human skin almost at the same time, making a loud bang and trembling in the air.

Suppressing the creepy discomfort, Gao Fei raised his hand to impress the "fragile mark" on the human skin, and before it launched a counterattack, he blasted five magic missiles in one breath.

Under the combined boost of "fragile imprint" and "spell sharpening", this wave of missile storms blasted the human skin to pieces, like a damaged kite, falling slumped to the ground.

On the other side of the hall, Jiang Feng knocked down the corpse monster again, followed by a "burning light", smashing its ugly face after taking off its disguise, and collapsed on the ground and stopped struggling.

"Brother Fei! Hero Jiang! Are you all okay?"

Ma Tao and Wang Daqing ran over to ask.

Gao Fei stroked Yimao lying on his shoulder with his backhand, calmed down and said, "It's nothing, it was just a false alarm."

"Fortunately, Huzi has sharp eyes and saw the true face of that banshee, otherwise Gao Fei and I would be tricked by her very badly!"

Jiang Feng wiped off his cold sweat with lingering fear.

"What monster is this?"

Wang Daqing stared at the tattered human skin on the ground.

"It seems to be a piece of activated human skin, which is worn by the corpse monster as a coat. It looks like a beautiful woman." Jiang Feng said.

"Does Hong Debiao know that his empress is actually a painted-skinned banshee?" Ma Tao touched his chin and said, "If he knows the true face of the empress, or the combination of corpse demon and human skin is simply his own idea, then I can't help it." I don't admire the XP of this turtle, the taste is really heavy!"

"How can we hide the matter on the bed... This is obviously a different kind of inflatable doll made by Hong Debiao himself. This old man is quite good at playing."

Noticing the strangeness in Jiang Feng's eyes, Gao Fei quickly swallowed the second half of the sentence, opened the astrolabe as if nothing had happened, and checked the details of the "Queen Empress".

I found the corpse demon's illustrated book, but there was no data on that weird human skin.

"Good guy, another new breed!"

Gao Fei put on his gloves, pinched his nose and picked up the tattered human skin, turned around and said to Jiang Feng, "Comrade Xiao Jiang, store this skin and send it to colleagues in the Vida lab."

"You have an astrolabe yourself, why did you ask me to store it?" Jiang Feng asked angrily.

"Doesn't this show that you are diligent and thrifty in managing your family and know how to live..." Gao Fei said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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