Savior Simulator

Chapter 383 Mastering Jumping

Chapter 383 Mastering Jumping

We must change our style of play as soon as possible!

Levante no longer hesitated, and suddenly rushed straight to Gao Fei!

The moment Gao Fei raised his gun and fired, Levante leaped into the air without warning, as if springs were installed on the soles of his feet.

The howling bullets passed by his feet.

Seeing Levante jumping up, Gao Fei immediately remembered Umberto's warning, and quickly looked up to find his opponent.

Levante leaped 20 meters high with a random jump, like a big bird soaring in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the people on the sidelines couldn't help but exclaimed in unison.

Gao Fei also felt unbelievable at first, but suddenly realized why Levante could jump so high.

The secret lies in Levant's two specialties, "Proficient in Jumping" and "Delicate Movement".

"Proficient Jumping" allows Levante to use a jump instead of a movement action, and the maximum distance and maximum height of the jump are the same as his walking speed.

Under normal circumstances, it is 30 feet (10 meters).

Performing a "sprint" as a "dexterous action" can double the movement speed of Levant's epicycle, from 30 feet to 60 feet.

Then it is conceivable that when Levante starts "sprinting" first, and then leaps with all his strength, he can jump 60 feet (20 meters) high!
The combination of these two specialties is Levante's signature skill "Extreme Jump"!
Gao Fei didn't miss the opponent's chance to fly into the air, raised his gun and fired continuously into the sky, trying to shoot down Levante.

Reluctantly, the strong sunlight in the afternoon hindered his vision, and the first two shots failed to hit.

Just when he was about to shoot the third bullet, Levante, who glided down from the air, suddenly showed the small round shield tied to his left arm, and the shield was facing him.

Until then, Gao Fei didn't notice that Levante's shield was a bit unusual.

Bucklers are mostly convex, making them easier to bounce off an opponent's weapon.

Levante's shield is a smooth mirror surface, and the surface is also plated with a layer of silver, which reflects the sunlight and emits a strong and dazzling light.

Gao Fei was dazzled by the mirror shield, and the bullets fired from the pistol didn't know where to go.

"It turns out that this is also in your calculation!"

I have to admit that I underestimated Levante's cunning.

At the same time, Levant had already swooped over Gao Fei's head, drew his sword in the air and stabbed, and the blade pointed directly at the gap in the visor!
Gao Fei quickly raised his shield to block, and at the same time switched his pistol to a mace, ready for close combat.

The rapier pierced the metal rivet of the large shield, bent like a bow, and then bounced straight with a buzzing sound!

Levante jumped up again with his strength and kicked on the shield.

Gao Fei couldn't help but staggered back, his shield turned to one side, exposing his chest and abdomen.

Levante approached with a grin, his rapier pierced the gap between the helmet and the neck guard like a tricky poisonous snake.

Gao Fei quickly turned his head to avoid it, and took the sword with his thicker armored shoulder.

The blade pierced the armor, and sparks burst out.

At the same time, Levant's Ouroboros ring also burst out with a flash of lightning.

Like a twisting silver snake, the electric current was transmitted to the blade through the metal gauntlet, and then guided along the blade into Goofy's armor, bursting a series of crackling electric sparks!
The "anti-electric barrier" was broken down, and Gao Fei's left half of his body went numb, and he activated "intuitive dodge" without thinking about it, offsetting half of the damage.


Taking advantage of the numbness caused by the electric shock before affecting his right hand, Gao Fei vigorously swung his mace, using offense instead of defense, preventing Levante from pursuing.

This wave of surprise attacks by Levant failed to knock Gao Fei down as he wished, so he simply gave up as soon as he saw it, and performed a "retreat" with "dexterous movements", avoiding the attack of opportunity, jumped back 30 feet, and once again pulled Gao Fei distance.

After the crisis was temporarily lifted, Gao Fei could finally take a breath and quickly check the battle records on the astrolabe.

It turns out that Levante's magic ring can release "electric claws" and conduct electricity to the opponent through the rapier, which is actually equivalent to Umberto's "magic technique"!
The "Electric Claw" can also be superimposed with the special effect of the electric shock enchantment attached to the rapier. In addition to the puncture damage of the rapier itself, it will cause an additional 7d6 damage. No wonder the "Electric Resistance Barrier" can't hold it!

The plate armor forged from fine steel is certainly strong in defense, but steel is a good conductor, so it is not suitable for resisting electric shocks.

Gao Fei knew that his style of play was out of date, so he decisively switched the "mage mask" to the "druid mask", ready to take off his armor and face the battle!

Levante had tasted the sweetness in the wave of raids just now, and there was no reason not to do it again.

Seeing him leaping into the air, Gao Fei silently recited a mantra to activate the magic ring presented by Lisa.

The sapphire inlaid on the ring radiated light, covering Goofy from head to toe.

This cool light and shadow special effect is similar to the transformation scene of "Magic Girl"-and it also has the effect of avoiding missing spots.

When the light faded, Goofy had put the full set of armor into the magic ring and replaced it with a loose cloak.

The body wrapped in the cloak twisted sharply.

Under the suspicious gaze of everyone on the sidelines, Gao Fei changed from a human form into a large group of wriggling vines.

Taking off his armor and putting away his shield, Gao Fei's defense did not drop significantly.

In Killer Vine form, Goofy's physical attributes become 20 Strength, 10 Dexterity, and 16 Constitution.

Killer Vine's natural defense is +6, the combined defense of the "mage armor" and "shield technique" blessed in advance is +8, and the overall defense level is still 24.

Levant pierced the air with his sword, only to realize that Gao Fei had turned into a strange activated plant. He was stunned for a moment, then launched the "offensive like a tide", and continued to attack with his sword!

This time the rapier stabbed the killer vine, and luckily triggered a critical strike.

"Boy, you're done!"

Levante yelled in ecstasy, and at the same time activated the "Electric Shock Ring", in order to kill with one blow!

However, he was too happy too early, the smile froze on his face soon, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

The critical damage is doubled, plus the 5d6 "electric claw", under normal circumstances, even if Gao Fei has an anti-electric barrier body, he will inevitably be instantly killed by the opponent's all-out sword.

Levant thought so.

Too bad he was wrong.

The fault lies in lack of culture and short knowledge.

Goofy's killer vine is naturally immune to electric shock damage.

The electric shock special effect attached to Levant's sword, and the "electric claw" added later, will cause 0 damage to the killer vine.

This part of the most important damage was avoided, and Gao Fei also had an "intuitive dodge". He was critically hit by Levante's sword, and in the end he only suffered 12 points of damage.

It's okay, I can stand it, this is safe!
Gao Fei has a bottom line in his heart.

On the opposite side, Levante couldn't hold his breath anymore, and in desperation, he swung his sword again to attack.

Using the only "bonus action" to launch "slash", instead of opening "dexterous action" to perform "retreat", Levante made such an irrational choice, like a gambler who lost his eyes , In order to make money, he will not hesitate to put all his eggs in one basket!
(End of this chapter)

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