Savior Simulator

Chapter 372 The Northern Witch Ed Perle

Chapter 372 The Northern Witch Ed Perle
After Eastna left, the wall of air that stood in front of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng also disappeared.

The two hurried over to check on Ma Yun's condition.

"Your friend is seriously injured, but fortunately Annie is here, and she can be cured soon."

Edpel smiled to appease Gao Fei and Jiang Feng, then turned and whispered to the female unicorn named Annie.

The unicorn has wisdom not inferior to that of human beings. It nodded understandingly, walked to Ma Yun's side in small steps, lowered its head, and gently touched the unconscious girl with the spiral horn on the top of its head, applying the "healing technique" to her. ".

The magic power of restoring life, like a trickle of gentle radiance, injected into the girl's body through the horn of the unicorn, and quickly healed her injury.

After the character she controlled was knocked unconscious, Ma Yun was forcibly released from the "sentence mode" by the system.

Now that Dorothy Gale has regained consciousness from her injury, for some reason, she still cannot control the character herself, and can only watch the development of the plot from the perspective of God.

Dorothy stood up and thanked Edpel and Anne for saving her.

Knowing that the other party is the famous Witch of the North, the girl immediately became excited, and with tears in her eyes begged Edpel to cast a spell to send her back to her hometown.

"I'm sorry, my child." Edpel smiled wryly, "Among the four witches in Oz, I'm probably the weakest one, and I can't cast the teleportation spell to send you home .”

Gao Fei's heart was moved when he heard the words, and he quietly opened the astrolabe to check Edpel's spellcasting ability.

The system prompts that high-level NPCs cannot be detected, but at least it can be seen that Edpel is a level 12 warlock.

The "Wizard of Oz" module limits the maximum level to level 12.According to common sense, the level of NPCs appearing in the game usually does not exceed the upper limit of the module by too much.

For example, Ivanola, the oriental witch, is a level 12 mage. In terms of spellcasting ability, she is actually similar to Edpel.

Of course, Edpel said that he is the weakest of the four witches, not all self-effacing.

In addition to the mage level, Ivanola is also a night hag with a basic challenge level of 5.

Edpel is just an ordinary half-elf. Considering the difference in innate race, her strength is indeed not as good as Ivanora.

Edpel, on the other hand, is a warlock.

What spells a warlock can awaken mainly depends on bloodlines, not what spells he wants to learn.

So even though she had a high level of spellcasting, she couldn't learn cross-boundary teleportation spells, so she couldn't help Dorothy.

Seeing the disappointment in the girl's eyes, Ms. Edpel sighed sympathetically, stroked her hair, and said softly:

"Poor child, as far as I know, among the four great witches, Glinda, the Southern Witch with the strongest magic power, is best at teleporting magic. You'd better ask her for help."

"But I don't know Ms. Glinda, and I don't know where she lives..." Dorothy Gale hesitated, and then said, "My friends and I are going to the Emerald City to seek help from Master Oz, Maybe he can take me home..."

"Master Oz..."

Edpel hesitated to speak, pondered for a long time before speaking again.

"Ozzy is very mysterious. I don't know much about him, and I don't know if he can teleport from another world. Since you have come here, why don't you try to find him."

"My dear lady, we followed the yellow brick path at first, but you see... since we lost our way, we have not been able to find the road to the Emerald City."

said Dorothy despondently.

"Don't worry, my child, it's much easier to get back on the right path than to go home." Edpel smiled slightly and pointed to the lost girl: "You go north along the river bank, and after a while, You'll see the yellow brick road leading to the Emerald City."

"That's what my friend Vita said!" Dorothy finally had a little joy on her face, "Thank you so much, kind Ms. Edpel!"

"You're welcome, my dear boy, I may ask you for help someday."

The Witch of the North waved goodbye to Dorothy, led the unicorn back to the forest, and disappeared into the depths of the forest not long after.

After Edpel leaves, Ma Yun can regain control of Dorothy.

She met Gao Fei and Jiang Feng first, and then went to find other companions.

The three first find Dimitri the lion and Vita the scarecrow and rescue them from the spider web.

Then they found Nick the Tin Woodman who had fallen into the mud pit, and worked together to drag him out.

Gao Fei found that there were burn marks on the lion, so he switched out the "priest mask", and used the professional ability "spontaneous healing" to convert magic power into positive energy and heal the burn for it.

The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman were also traumatized to varying degrees.

Priests can't heal constructed creatures. Fortunately, Ma Yun is an artificer, and he quickly repaired Vita and Nick to look brand new.

By the time she finished her busy work, the night was dark.

After this near-death encounter, everyone was very tired, so they camped by the river for the night.

Ma Yun spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip the long rest.

In the blink of an eye, the next morning, everyone continued on the road.

Walking north along the river bank, through the undulating bushes, within an hour, I saw the path paved with yellow bricks.

Stepping on the brick road again, Ma Yun received a system prompt asking her if she wanted to spend the energy of the astrolabe and quickly skip the rest of the journey.

Ma Yun didn't rush to make a decision, and discussed it with Gao Fei and Jiang Feng in the team channel.

The three of them agreed that since the system offered to skip the follow-up journey, it meant that there were no plot missions on the next journey.

Instead of wasting time and energy on the road, it is better to skip it and start the follow-up plot.

Ma Yun chose to travel fast, and the scene changed to outside the gate of the Emerald City.

The closed city gates and towering city walls are painted in emerald green, decorated with ceramics and glass, shining in the sunlight, like a huge emerald!

In addition to the heavily armed guards in front of the city gate, there is also a little old man who is responsible for receiving visitors.

When everyone proposed to go to the city to meet Master Oz, the gatekeeper brought a wooden box and asked them to choose the right size goggles.

The case was filled with goggles of various sizes and shapes, each with green glass lenses and gold chains.

After choosing the goggles, the gatekeeper will put them on for the visitors himself, tie the chain on the back of their heads, and lock them firmly with a delicate lock.

On the gatekeeper's belt hung a large bunch of keys.

Only when visitors left the Emerald City did he use one of the keys to unlock the lock and remove the goggles for them.

(End of this chapter)

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