Savior Simulator

Chapter 367 Distress in the River

Chapter 367 Distress in the River
"Hey! Panda! Wait a minute, I still have a lot of questions for you!"

However, the dream had been shattered, and the girl woke up suddenly, and found that her companions were surrounded by her, with concern in their eyes.

"Ms. Mage, you must be having a nightmare?" Dimitri the Lion said sympathetically, "No one knows better than me how terrible nightmares are."

"It's not a nightmare, it's more like... a dream."

Ma Yun stood up from the grass, straightened her messy hair, and told the story of meeting Panda in her dream.

"That monster called Panda, can its words be trusted?"

Nick the Tin Woodman asked coldly.

"Intuition tells me that Panda is trustworthy, and this kind of thing is always better to be trusted than not to be trusted. It is not wrong to be more careful." Ma Yun said cautiously.

The Scarecrow and the Lion nodded in agreement with her.

The Tin Woodman raised no more objections, picked up the axe, and turned to the woods by the river.

"I'm going to chop some wood to make a raft and cross the big river opposite, and the Emerald City is not far away."

At this time, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng also came to the center of the camp, and comforted Ma Yun to relax through the Xingpan chat channel.

"The levels set in the game are impossible to make life difficult for the player. Let's hurry up and have a chance to escape Eastna's pursuit."

"I hope so." Ma Yun said restlessly.

The big river opposite the camp looks calm, but it actually has an undercurrent, and the river is a thousand feet wide. Except Gao Fei can turn into a bird and fly past, no one else can do it.

It is too dangerous to use a cable to set up a sling across the river, especially when the cable broke suddenly when crossing the river last time, it left a psychological shadow on the cowardly lion, and he would rather die than do it again.

Then the only way to cross the river is to make a strong enough raft.

Nick the Tin Woodman swung his sharp ax and soon felled three big trees.

Jiang Feng's berserkers also helped chop branches and process the wood used to make the raft.

After working all morning, everyone finally built a big and strong raft.

Ma Yun was worried that the raft would be washed away by the rapids, so she used the professional ability of the artificer to cast spells to strengthen the vehicle.

To cross the river on a raft, you also need oars and poles.

Oars are easy to make, but poles are a bit more troublesome.

There was no bamboo to be found in the nearby woods, and the branches were neither long nor strong enough.

Fortunately, Xiao Ma has a solution.

Using the "restoration technique" one after another, the four thick wooden sticks were quickly connected into a long pole.

Everyone boarded the raft, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng rowed, and Nick the Tin Woodman stood at the bow of the boat, taking charge of the pole and steering.

The raft slid on the gentle river, gradually approaching the middle of the river.

At this moment, the calm river surface suddenly set off a vortex!
The raft was sucked by the sudden turbulent current and swirled around the whirlpool, almost throwing the lightest scarecrow out, and the cowardly lion screamed strangely in fright.

Goofy quickly lowered the oars, grabbed the scarecrow who was about to fall into the water, and dragged him back to the raft.

At the same time, bubbles appeared on the surface of the river, and five strong crocodiles surfaced one after another, swimming towards the raft with malicious intentions.

"What the hell! These crocodiles look like they're going to overturn the raft and feast on fresh human...and lion meat!"

Ma Yun glanced at the cowardly lion intentionally or unintentionally, and then showed the "paint spray magic wand", ready to cast a spell.

"My God! Our situation couldn't be worse!" Dimitri the Lion trembled with fear. "Let's go first! I can't swim, how about you?"

"Neither will I." Nick the Tin Woodman held the boat pole tightly, "so I can't tolerate those crocodiles running amok. If they dare to approach, I'll beat them on the head with this long pole!"

"Oh, my poor Tin Woodman friend, look at the crocodile's big mouth full of sharp teeth, which can bite off your boat pole in one bite." The lion shook his head in despair, "The luckiest among us is Vita, He's light enough to float in a river, and I guess crocodiles don't like straw—especially when there's human and lion meat to eat."

"If you can't help, at least you can keep your mouth shut, keep quiet, and stop making trouble!"

Jiang Feng reprimanded the lion angrily, and at the same time raised his right hand, intending to activate the magic power of the "Fire Giant Armor" and aim at the crocodile to release the "Scorching Ray".

Gao Fei raised his hand to stop her, and said softly, "Don't be in a hurry, let me negotiate with these crocodiles first."

Gao Fei stood on the raft to observe the crocodiles, and found that to tame any crocodile, he had to pass a DC13 animal taming check.

He has put on the "druid mask", automatically obtains the animal taming skill and "wild identity", the animal taming check has an advantage, double dice take the best, and it counts into the double proficiency correction +4.

Then count the perception modifier +4, for a total of +8.

Roll two checks, as long as any 4-sided dice score is greater than 80, you can pass the check and tame a crocodile, with a probability of about [-]%.

Gao Fei rolled the test dice ten times in one go, and the results perfectly met the mathematical expectations. Among the five crocodiles, he successfully tamed four of them, turning enemies into friends.

The last untamed crocodile slipped through the net and was handed over to Ma Yun to deal with.

Student Xiao Ma had already made preparations, pointed at the crocodile approaching the raft with a magic wand, and recited the spell representing "brilliance".


The wand responds to the master's spell, triggering a burst of energy, which transforms into a colorful cone of dazzling light, which sprays towards the surface of the water.

The crocodile only had 5 Hit Dice, and the moment it was hit by the "Colorful Jet", it failed its will saving throw. It was blinded first, and then fell into a coma, like a rotten wooden stake floating on the river.

Ma Yun put away the "paint spray magic wand", took out the refined long sword captured from the "activated armor" from the storage space of the astrolabe, spent 5 points of mana to bless the long sword with "secondary activation", and temporarily transformed it Into a "volley sword".

The long sword endowed with vitality flew into the air, followed the hostess's spiritual remote control, and dragged a ray of cold light to stab the crocodile!
The volley sword poked a hole in the crocodile's milky white belly, causing 10 points of damage, and blood gushed out immediately.

The crocodile was awakened by the severe pain from its abdomen, but its body still had two negative states of "blindness" and "shock" superimposed on it, floating on the water and unable to move.

Ma Yun continued to attack the crocodile with the volley sword remotely, and at the same time made a series of spell-casting gestures, shooting "flaming arrows" at the crocodile.

The "flame arrow" does not need to be focused on maintenance, and does not conflict with the volley sword. Ma Yun can shoot a "flame arrow" first and then slash with the volley sword in the same round.

The strong crocodile was killed by her in less than three rounds, and drifted away with a trail of blood.

At the same time, Gao Fei used the druid mask to drive the four tamed crocodiles to gather behind the raft and push them forward together, so that the raft got rid of the whirlpool and reached the bank of the river without any danger.

(End of this chapter)

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