Savior Simulator

Chapter 35 Shadow Warrior

Chapter 35 Shadow Warrior

Jiang Feng's cudgel skills in the arena did not look complicated, let alone fancy.

Gao Fei, a layman in martial arts, couldn't understand the subtlety of her moves. It seemed that her movements were slightly faster than ordinary people, and the angle of attack was more tricky.

However, it is such a simple and unpretentious stick technique that easily knocked down the powerful tauren without letting the other party touch the corner of his clothes. Perhaps this is the so-called simplicity of the road, returning to the basics.

The only thing Gao Fei could see was that Jiang Feng used a stick as a lever to trip the tauren in the blink of an eye. Such a skillful technique is unlikely to be a temporary idea, and it is likely that he has practiced this trick specially.

Thinking of this, he suddenly realized, no wonder Jiang Feng chose the specialty of "proficient in tripping". If this trick is used skillfully, it will be really spicy!
Gao Fei remembered another thing. When joking around, Jiang Feng often said, "I'll give you a stick."

I thought she was playing cosplay "Dasheng Sun beats the bone spirit three times" before, but now I know that's not the case. One day I angered Jiang Daxia and really gave her a blow. My small physique is far worse than that of the tauren. I'm afraid I can't stand it...

Quietly wiping off his cold sweat, Gao Fei put aside this dangerous thought, and instead imagined fighting on his own. I'm afraid he won't be able to muster up the courage to face the ferocious tauren from the No. 1 game perspective.

If the turn-based combat mode is used, the gladiatorial fight becomes a table game for comparing data. Unless one is extremely lucky, one will most likely end up dying tragically under the giant ax of the Tauren.

Jiang Feng went into battle from the No. 1 perspective, facing the menacing Tauren, and finally won without injury.Gao Fei could only think that Jiang Feng's "human performance" as a game player was too perverted, providing Sumo with hidden bonuses that were difficult to quantify with data on both offense and defense.

After tonight's gladiatorial match, Rubio Lopez came to the locker room with his giant entourage to congratulate Somo on another wonderful victory.

After a few words of politeness, Master Rubio proposed an expected deal to the owner of the arena—he would pay for Sumo's contract of sale.

Of course, Abdullah Ismail did not dare to offend the young baron and major shareholder of the arena, but he still complained sadly that Master Rubio had robbed him of his cash cow. After some haggling, the deal was finally settled at a price of 2000 gold coins .

Knowing that he had changed from a gladiator to a servant of the Lopez family, Somo seemed a little at a loss, and asked the new owner embarrassingly, why did he spend such a large sum of money to buy himself?

At the same time, a dialog box popped up on Jiang Feng's operation interface, asking her to make a DC 10 "insight" check.

By passing the test, you can discern Master Rubio's true intentions and see if the other party's answer is insincere.

Jiang Feng's monk has not yet learned the "insight" skill, but fortunately, the perception attribute is as high as 18, which provides a +4 correction for the insight check.

Moreover, judging from the fact that the difficulty of the test is only 10 points, it seems that Rubio Lopez has no intention of deceiving.

After rolling the dice, he successfully passed the check. Master Rubio answered Su Mo's questions with a smile.

"I spent money to redeem your body, mainly because your figure and appearance are somewhat similar to mine. What's more valuable is that you have a good body, and you can act as my 'stand-in' with a little makeup."

Master Rubio's so-called "stand-in" is a special attendant kept by the noble lords. When necessary, he disguises himself as his master for public activities, and helps his master create alibi. Inappropriate activities, such as private meetings with a friend's wife or an emissary from an enemy country.

In addition, the "stand-in" of the nobleman also has a very important mission, which is to appear on some dangerous occasions where there is a possibility of assassination instead of the master, and when necessary, sacrifice his life to mislead the assassin and prevent disaster for the master.

Such a stand-in is also known as a "shadow warrior".

Whether Su Mo himself is willing or not, he has to accept the new identity imposed on him by Master Rubio.

To take a step back, being a "shadow warrior" for a noble young master is certainly not a decent job, at least it is much better than staying in the arena to fight monsters and live a life of licking blood with knives and precarity.

In this way, Somo bid farewell to the arena, followed Master Rubio back to the Lopez family's manor, and started a new life.

Chapter 3 of "The Stranger in the Vast Sea" came to an end, and Jiang Feng finally received a reminder from the astrolabe - to complete the story milestone, the energy of the astrolabe +1 (6/6)!
After defeating the lion and the tauren warrior successively, Sumo accumulated enough experience points to be promoted to level 4 Yangyan monk.

After this upgrade, Su Mo's HP limit +8 (35/35), and a new attribute was added.

Jiang Feng added the new attribute points to perception.After all, perception is the main attribute of a monk, and the capacity of the qi pool and the defense level of the body protection qi all depend on perception.

The 4th-level sunfire monk has learned two new class abilities.

The first is "fighting blow".As long as the monk's qi pool is not empty, zhenqi can permanently infuse fists and feet, and unarmed attacks are regarded as magic weapons, which can penetrate certain monsters with specific damage-reducing armor, such as Captain Kos transformed into a wight.

The second new ability is "Scorching Radiance", which costs 6 points of true qi, converts it into pure energy, and turns it into a fiery beam that shoots out from the palm, bombarding enemies a hundred feet away, causing 10d6 radiant damage after hitting, if the target cannot pass through Fortitude saves, and will be temporarily blinded.

"Scorching Radiance" also has a special effect, which can cause double damage to creatures that are naturally afraid of sunlight such as undead creatures or dark elves!
After Su Mo comprehended this unique skill, he would have no shortage of long-range attack methods in the future, and his combat effectiveness had achieved a qualitative leap.

After being upgraded to level 4, the "belt with swords" has completed level 1 synchronization, and now this belt becomes a weapon with +1 enchantment level.

This time, Jiang Feng achieved the achievement of passing the level without reading files again, and won a specialty reward. As usual, he still chose one of the three.

"Strongness", "powerful attack" and "dexterous movement", needless to say the first two, only "dexterous movement" is new.


Dexterous Action: Spend a bonus action per round to perform an action such as "retreat," "sprint," or "hide."

Retreat: Perform a retreat action, which prevents attacks of opportunity while moving.

Sprint: Performing a sprint action can double the movement speed of the current round.

Hide: perform hide actions, and can lurk in areas with low light.An enemy cannot be aware of your presence unless its Passive Perception is higher than your Stealth check.


 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 100 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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