Savior Simulator

Chapter 342 Challenge Book

Chapter 342 Challenge Book

"What the hell is a martial arts competition to recruit relatives? Brother Tao, are you fooling me?" Gao Fei was dubious, "Jiang Feng has already explained it [-] times because of this crap, it was just a casual joke, shouldn't it be Some people believed it was true, and came to me for a martial arts competition in order to pursue her?"

"Brother Fei, you have to know that there are always some licking dogs in this world, who don't have the slightest compulsion in their hearts. In order to pursue the goddess in their hearts, let alone martial arts, eating shit can't stop them!"

Ma Tao mocked bitterly.

"My family is unfortunate. Our school has produced such a precious thing. It has posted a challenge letter for you on the confession wall. It is about to meet you at the gate of the school gymnasium at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Then there is a problem, you Do you want to fight?"

"Nonsense! I have a bag in my head to take part in the challenge!" Gao Fei couldn't laugh or cry, "Don't you just post a challenge letter, and it's a typed draft, you don't even write a signature, you don't know if it's a person or a ghost, I should It's a hammer fight! If the other party is just playing a prank and has no intention of going to the appointment at all, and let me wait by myself at the entrance of the gymnasium, it will be known to the whole school, and I will become a laughing stock!"

After calming down his anger, Gao Fei went on to say: "Even if the other party is sincerely challenging me, I don't want to accept the move, otherwise this will set a precedent, and there may be good people to follow suit. I don't have to do anything else in the future. Busy fighting in the ring, who can stand it?!"

"Brother Fei, you're right, but it's meaningless." Ma Tao smiled wryly, "If you don't fight, you will be treated as a softie. Even if you don't care about gossip, where will Hero Jiang lose his face?"

Gao Fei thought about it, and it really made sense.

If he refused to fight, the challenger could of course declare victory unilaterally, and then it was Jiang Feng's turn to be embarrassed.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Okay, if you fight, you will fight! I'll fight it out and be wronged. That bitch had better show up on time. If I don't beat his shit out, he'll be fine!" "

"Brother Fei, don't be impulsive, this matter has to be carefully considered, we can't be led by the nose!"

"Brother Tao, what are your plans?"

"You come to the school tomorrow morning. Let's figure it out. It's best to find out the bull and horse in the afternoon before the agreed duel time, and find out the details of that guy!"

Ma Tao lowered his voice, sounding like a dog-headed military adviser.

"If the other party is sincerely challenging you, it's fine to fight openly, show your strength by the way, show your power in public, and deter other guys who have bad intentions against Hero Jiang, let them weigh their own weight, whether they are worthy or not You challenge."

"If that kid was just playing a prank and didn't intend to go to the appointment at all, we should find him out, give him a hard fix, send him to the hospital to lie down for two days, and let that dog pay for playing tricks on you!"

Gao Fei nodded: "Brother Tao, that's the deal! See you at the gate of the school at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!"


Early the next morning, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng came to the school gate.

Not long after, classmate Ma Tao also came riding his dilapidated second-hand electric donkey.

The three of them found an early breakfast shop near the school, and held a battle meeting while chatting about fans.

"Brother Fei, Hero Jiang, I thought about it last night. The key to this matter is to get the surveillance video near the confession wall." Ma Tao stirred the hot and sour noodles in the bowl, and said in a low voice: "The only way to get the surveillance video , so we can figure out who posted the challenge."

"If you want to watch the surveillance, you have to get permission from the school security office, which is not easy." Jiang Feng looked sad.

"It's definitely not possible to go directly to the security office, but then again, aren't we the special police of Tiangong?" The flow of people, not to mention a living person, even an ant can be picked out!"

"Brother Tao, to use the monitoring data of the magic satellite, you need to be authorized by the station master, but we are not dispatching the police!" Gao Fei frowned, "It's not appropriate to use public equipment for private use!"

Ma Tao was not surprised by his reaction, and said with a smile, "Since Brother Fei is so principled, you still have to get the surveillance video from the school security office, so I can only ask 'Big Nail Bing' for help!"

"Can Han Bing help with this?" Jiang Feng raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know I'm talking about her?" Ma Tao asked back in surprise, "The nickname 'Big Milk Bing' came out of our department, so not many people know about it?"

"Nonsense! Among the girls in your academy, she has the biggest breasts!"

"Haha...that's true." Ma Tao laughed dryly, and then said: "Han Bing is the propaganda director of the school's student union, and the school newspaper, school magazine, and school radio are all under his control. He checks the surveillance video in the name of collecting school news. It's justifiable!"

"You're right, but will Han Bing help?"

"Our squad leader, although his name sounds cold, he is actually a warm-hearted person. Every time we ask her for something, he will always try his best to help."

As he said that, Gao Fei took out his mobile phone and wanted to call the monitor.

Jiang Feng bit his lip and thought for a while, then said to him: "Give me the phone, I'll call Han Bing! After all, this matter is aimed at me, if I pretend to be deaf and dumb, it won't look very good."

After the phone was connected, a slightly surprised voice came from the opposite side.

"Huh? Could it be that the sun came out from the west today, and you kid actually called me on your own initiative! Are you not with your girlfriend?"

"Ahem... Good morning Sister Bing, I'm Gao Fei's girlfriend, Jiang Feng."

"Uh...hahahaha! Sorry! Sorry!"

A clear and hearty laughter came from the microphone.

Jiang Feng twitched the corners of his lips, and said politely: "Sister Bing, it's me and Gao Fei who caused you trouble, and I want to ask you for help..."

As Gao Fei and Ma Tao said, Han Bing is indeed a warm-hearted person who is eager for justice.

After hearing Jiang Feng's request, he agreed to help without saying a word.

Within half an hour, Han Bing got the surveillance video and called Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Tao to meet and discuss in detail at the multimedia office of the student union.

"Squad leader, is this your office? It looks a lot like the video studio that Ma Tao built at home."

Goofy looked around, feeling very novel.

"Brother Fei, the equipment here is much more advanced than those junk things in my house. For example, this imported gimbal stabilizer, even though it's a small one, costs at least 2000 yuan!"

Ma Tao's eyes were full of envy.

"This is the studio of the Propaganda Department. For school celebrations, National Day, and New Year's Day, there are always some video promotional films to be made, so these equipment are needed." Han Bing explained with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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