Savior Simulator

Chapter 33 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 33 Victory in the First Battle
Jiang Feng ignored the thundering shouts from the audience, and confirmed that the lion had lost the ability to resist, so he retracted the "sword belt" and jumped off its back.

Four fully armed animal trainers rushed onto the stage, dragged the seriously injured and dying male lion back to its cage, and locked it up.

The referee also came over, raised Su Mo's right hand, and announced that this fledgling young monk had won the wrestling tonight.

From the auditorium around the arena, there was a tsunami of applause, which almost broke the roof.

Following the gladiator's tutorial, Su Mo politely bowed to the audience, shook hands and hugged the referee, and turned to the locker room.

Mr. Ismail, the owner of the arena, was already waiting for his triumphant return in the locker room. He smiled and sent a string of rainbow farts to compliment him, and opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the victory.

No one knows better than the boss of the arena how strong Su Mo is. In today's match, he bet heavily on Su Mo, and the result did not disappoint him. He won a lot of money. No wonder he was so happy. From ear to ear.

"Congratulations! My brother Abdullah, you are so lucky to have picked up a cash cow!"

The door of the locker room was suddenly pushed open, and a handsome young man in gorgeous clothes walked in with a smile, and casually teased the owner of the arena.

This noble young man looked to be no more than 20 years old, and behind him was a tall, thin giant dressed as a nomad.

The white-robed giant was four meters tall, with a dark complexion, an eagle nose and deep eyes, thick eyebrows like swords, and a stern expression. There were two large scimitars inserted obliquely in his belt. From the first impression, Gao Fei was convinced that this giant swordsman was definitely a ruthless character!

He opened the astrolabe and wanted to check the details of the newly-appeared noble young master and giant swordsman, but unexpectedly, the astrolabe did not give detailed information, and said that the levels of these two people had exceeded the upper limit of the current chapter, and they would wait until Only when the plot develops to a certain stage can their intelligence be obtained.

Good guy, it turns out that the high-level npc is gone!
Gao Fei closed the "Monster Illustrated Book" page and continued to observe the interaction in the changing room of the arena.

The owner of the arena complimented the noble young master very much, and told Sumo that his name was Rubio Lopez, a hereditary baron of Sevinia, and the major shareholder of the arena.

The desert giant next to Master Rubio is named Zaid, known as the "Double Swordsman". He was once the annual champion of the arena. Received as a personal bodyguard.

"Su Mo, do your best! It's rare that Master Rubio thinks highly of you. If you maintain the momentum you have today and win a few more games, maybe the Master will show kindness and pay you to redeem yourself."

Mr. Ismail patted the young monk on the shoulder to encourage him.

Gao Fei looked at Master Rubio curiously, and the more he looked, the more he felt that the appearance of this noble young man was familiar, not to mention that he looked exactly like Su Mo, and there were at least six or seven points of similarity between his eyebrows.

From the perspective of a web author, he believes that the game designer's arrangement of such a high-level npc on the stage must be an important foreshadowing!
He put this guess in his heart first, and then asked Jiang Feng another question: "Just now in the arena, did you fight the lion from the No. 1 perspective?"


"Are you not afraid at all when you face a mad lion?"

"There are two situations for this question." Jiang Feng answered frankly, "If I were to fight a lion in reality, I would be scared to death, let alone fighting, I'm afraid I won't even have the courage to escape!"

"Aren't you good at martial arts?"

"Yo! Look at what you said, pretending to be a foreign guest!" Jiang Feng gave him a sideways glance, "In reality, there is no such thing as internal strength, no real energy, not to mention the lightness of flying into the sky, and traditional martial arts are not as boastful as martial arts novels." It’s so mysterious, practicing martial arts can strengthen the body and self-defense, but it can’t make people fight a lion with bare hands, whoever really wants to practice martial arts for this purpose, might as well practice shoveling!”

"I understand what you said, but how do you explain that you challenged the lion in the arena without fear?" Gao Fei continued to ask, "Because I know that the game world is fake even if I am in the game. Being bitten to death by a lion will not lose a piece of meat in reality?"

"There are factors in this aspect, but it's not the most important." Jiang Feng explained with a smile, "Actually, it's because Su Mo understood the 'Shuishui Mind Method' when he was promoted to a level 3 monk. When I rely on him, You can also get the blessing of the 'Zhishui Xinfa', so you won't feel the slightest fear no matter you face a lion or a giant dragon."

"That's right! I actually forgot the 'Zhishui mentality'!" Gao Fei patted his forehead, and suddenly thought of another question, "Jiang Feng, if you also have the 'Zhishui mentality' in reality, when facing the lion Will it perform as well as it did in the game?"

Jiang Nvxia thought for a moment, then shook her head seriously.

"If I really have such a mentality, I can only say that I have a better chance of escaping from the lion's mouth, but I still can't defeat the lion. After all, my physical fitness is not as good as Somo's, and I don't know how to use the 'Sun Fist'." This kind of supernatural martial arts, these hardware gaps cannot be made up by courage."

"Well, the more I immerse myself in the game world, the more I feel that I am too mediocre in reality. In the game, I fight hard, but in reality I am submissive. Maybe this is the gap between ideals and reality." Jiang Feng sighed.

Gao Fei could also feel the same contrast, but he still had to encourage Jiang Feng to cheer up.

"Being selected by Tiangong means that we are no longer mediocre. Yao Guang said that as long as we pass the internship assessment, we can bring the extraordinary power we learned in the game world back to the real world in the future and become a real superman."

Jiang Feng nodded slightly: "I hope so."

Gao Fei noticed that the atmosphere was a bit depressed, so he changed the topic to a less serious one, and asked her if she had achieved the plot milestone.

Jiang Feng opened the astrolabe and checked it, then shook his head and said, "The plot of this chapter is only halfway through, and Su Mo has to win another gladiatorial match to get the milestone."

"Do you want to continue the strategy, or take a break first and fight again tomorrow?"

"It's still early, and the energy of the astrolabe has not been used up. It's not too late to rest after finishing this chapter."

Jiang Nuxia didn't seem to be addicted to the fight yet. She spent an astrolabe energy to quickly skip the intermission. The time in the game came to the next weekend, and Su Mo would fight on stage again.

Since the last time he defeated a lion with bare hands, Sumo has gained some fame and attention in the gladiator circle. Tonight, many spectators came to cheer for him, including Ruby who was born in the Lopez family. Master O.

 one more chapter

(End of this chapter)

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