Savior Simulator

Chapter 328 Save the Wally Tribe

Chapter 328 Save the Wally Tribe
The tribes of the Asa tribe in Jotunheim, under the call of the chief of the Wali tribe, Siegel, set off an uprising against the oppression of the frost giants, which attracted troops from the Ice Tower Fortress to suppress it.

The war has continued so far, and the tribe has lost more than it has won. It is said that even the base camp of the Wali tribe, "Bear King Town", is surrounded by the army of the ice tower fortress, and the situation is worrying.

Siegel Valli, known as "Flying Bear", is Eve's father.

When the druid girl received the bad news, she couldn't help being very worried, wishing she could turn into a bird and fly home immediately.

Al and Ushi are also from the Wali tribe. They are concerned about the safety of their relatives and friends, and eager to return to their hometown as soon as possible.

In the blink of an eye, it was late October, and the sailboat that everyone took finally arrived at the east coast of Jotunheim. At this time, the northern land of the New World was already in the winter season covered with snow.

Gao Fei stood at the bow of the ship, wearing a +3 dragon leather armor made of white dragon leather, with the Holy Ax of Olaf slung across his back, looking at the pier getting closer, he suddenly received a system notification.

Mainline mission log update!

"Girmir's general, Akeron, is leading an army composed of orcs, ice elements, Yitian troops and white dragons, and is besieging Bear King Town, the capital of the Wali tribe!"

"The defenders of Bear King Town will last until dusk at most. You and your companions must rush to the town before sunset, repel the army of the Bingta Fortress, and save the Wali tribe!"


"The big one is coming!" Gao Fei said to Jiang Feng, "After more than two years of wandering and adventure in the sea, it is finally time to fight head-on with the men and horses in the Serac Tower!"

"We only have five people and a dog here, which is of little use in the frontal battlefield where the two armies are fighting. If we want to reverse the defeat, we must win by surprise and try to behead the enemy's coach."

Having said that, Gao Fei glanced at the giant axe, an artifact with the special effect of "beheading".

"The enemy's coach is called Akeron, and he seems to be a ruthless character." Jiang Feng was also looking through the system prompts.

"Akeron, Schroeder, and August are also known as the Big Three of the Ice Tower Fortress. At the beginning, he and the old white dragon August teamed up to break through the main city of the Olaf tribe, Holy Axe Town, and slaughtered the Olaf family. Members, capture Barsaka with your own hands."

According to Barsaka Olaf's memory, Goofy got more information about Akeron, and also felt the young barbarian prince's unforgettable hatred for him.

"Akeron was born in the Yitian Centaur Clan, and also has the extraordinary profession 'Water Elemental Warrior'. His strength is not much inferior to that of General Schroeder. As for the specific attribute data, we will have to wait for us to meet him before we can get it."

"Is the Yitian horse a kind of centaur?" Jiang Feng continued to ask.

"Master Su, the Yitian horses do look like centaurs, but they are bigger, stronger, and more vicious than centaurs!"

Eve took over the conversation.

"The centaur looks like an elf in body, and a horse in its lower body, while the Yitian Centaur looks like a frost giant from the waist up, and its lower body is a huge war horse with eight legs, no less than 18 feet high from head to toe!"

"It is said that in ancient times, the 'God of Giants' Annan imitated the centaur, mixed the blood of the frost giant and the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, and used his divine power to create the world's first pair of Yitian centaurs, one female and one male , became a couple, and bred many offspring, which is the current Yitian Clan of Horses and Horses."

"Because of such a relationship, the Yitian people also worship the giant gods, and have a good relationship with the frost giants. They have been close allies who have been advancing and retreating together for many years."

After listening to Eve's narration, Jiang Feng nodded slightly, and then asked her, "How does the combat power of Yitian's troops compare with those of the Frost Giants?"

"Yitian horses are born cavalry, good at using spears and longbows, they are not inferior to frost giants in melee combat, and the range of bows and arrows is far better than the stones thrown by frost giants."

"The most powerful move of the Yitian troops is to charge with a gun!"

"When these half-man, half-horse monsters charge, they are accompanied by rumbling thunder. Just hearing it from a distance makes people dizzy and their ears ring. .”

"During the charge, if Yitian's troops encounter obstacles or ditches, as long as the width does not exceed a hundred feet, they will be able to leap up and glide over in the air, as if they had grown wings, so don't expect to use traps to stop this group of horrors. giant cavalry!"

As soon as Eve finished speaking, the sailboat docked.

Al dropped anchor and dropped the gangway leading to the trestle.

Wushi tied the cable and turned around to greet everyone to go ashore.

Jiang Feng was the first to jump onto the snow-covered pier, and immediately felt a slight tremor under his feet, and quickly turned around and waved his hands to prevent his companions from going ashore.

"Master Su, what's the matter?" Big Brother Ayer asked.

"There may be an ambush on the pier." Jiang Feng replied softly.

"Ambush...where are they hiding?"

Al looked around in a daze, and the snow-covered pier was a vast expanse of white, with no one in sight.

"Master Su, is the enemy invisible?" Eve came over to inquire.

Jiang Feng shook his head slightly, pointed to the snow on the ground and said, "They are hiding deep under the ice and snow covering the surface. I can hear slight movements, but I can't tell where they are hiding."

The monk's professional ability "Tian Er Tong" can sense slight movements from the surrounding environment, such as a fallen leaf detaching from a branch, which also includes tremors from the ground.

Everyone quickly showed their weapons, ready to fight.

However, the enemies hiding under the snow and ice refused to show up. Through the thick snow and ice, everyone couldn't see what the ambush soldiers looked like or where they were hiding.

Gao Fei recalled the main mission prompts he had received before. There are four main types of enemies attacking the Wali tribe.

In addition to the frost giants and white dragons, as well as the Yitian troops that Eve mentioned just now, there are also ice elements.

The frost giants, white dragons, and Yitian horses are huge and cannot hold their breath for a long time, so they are unlikely to hide under the snow, so the enemies lurking near the pier are probably ice elements that are born with the ability to freely shuttle through ice and snow.

Just as he was thinking silently, Eve broke the silence.

"I can become an earth element, escape into the ground, and scout out the enemy's situation."

"Miss! It's too dangerous to do this. If you are surrounded by ambushes underground, we will not be able to rescue you. After all, we don't have the ability to drill into the ground!"

Wu Shi strongly opposed Eve's adventurous plan, and Gao Fei, Al, and Jiang Feng also had the same concerns.

"Don't worry everyone, I left Mu Ning on the boat and kept the spiritual link. If I am in danger, Mu Ning will sense it immediately, and then it can use the spiritual link to use me as the starting point to cast the 'Any Door' , send me directly back to the ship." Eve said while stroking the flashing dog's head.

(End of this chapter)

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