Chapter 320

As Dimitri said, these four bullies belong to small evil spirit creatures, their HP is around 40 points, their challenge level is 2, and their attributes are:


The weak monster is a goblin born from the combination of fear and magic in the dark places of the human heart. It is born with telepathic ability and comes with a 30-foot "fear aura". It gains distorted fun by spreading fear.

The razor-sharp claws of these small monsters are soaked in supernatural toxins. If they scratch them, if they fail a DC 13 Fortitude save, they will be paralyzed and unable to move.

Similar to undead creatures, bullies are naturally photophobic, and only come out to move after nightfall, chasing prey.

The prey that the weak monsters are chasing at this moment is Dimitri, who bred them out of his own fear.

As soon as the four weak monsters ran out of the cave, they disappeared into the night and appeared in front of Dimitri in an instant. Squeeze out the strongest sense of fear in your heart as energy to nourish yourself.

Dimitri's performance did not disappoint the bullies.

This strong male lion, facing a group of opponents who were only about the size of a hound, couldn't muster the courage to resist, and collapsed to the ground with a scream, and was directly frightened unconscious.

"I've seen one who is cowardly, but I've never seen one who is so cowardly. This guy is really a disgrace to felines!"

While Gao Fei complained about the cowardly lion, he activated the imitator's special ability "Double Mask". In addition to the "Warlock Mask", he also put on a "Poet Mask".

The "poet mask" corresponding to the level 4 imitator has awakened three performance abilities, "motivation song", "courage song" and "suggestion song".

Gao Fei cleared his throat, and with his self-proclaimed thick and magnetic baritone, presented a song "Flying Higher" in tribute to Mr. Wang Feng!
The carrier of the "motivation song" is not limited to songs. Even if Gao Fei comes to "Report the name of the dish", he can still use the magical sound waves from his mouth as a medium to spread the "motivation song" to every corner within 60 feet , to eliminate the fear state of all companions in the area.

The "encouragement song" perfectly restrains the "fear aura" of the weak monster, and Gao Fei's penetrating singing voice also awakens the comatose lion.

It's a pity that this guy is really too timid. He has obviously relieved his fear, but he still lies on the ground with his head in his arms and pretends to be dead. He can't muster up the courage to resist the harassment of the bully.

Seeing that the lion could not be counted on, Jiang Feng simply threw out "taunt", pulled a bullying monster over, and slashed with his axe.

Scarecrow Vita and Tin Woodman Nick are both constructed creatures, which are naturally immune to fear and paralysis, and are suitable for fighting weak monsters.

Picking up the tomahawk, the Tin Woodman charged straight up, and slashed at a weak monster that was scratching the lion.

The Scarecrow stood a little further away, skillfully reloading the sling and assisting the Tin Woodman in fighting the bully.

Ma Yun shot a "flaming arrow", but unfortunately failed to hit the bullying monster.

This small goblin has a natural defense level of 3, agility modifier +2 dodge, plus a small size +1 dodge modifier, and a comprehensive defense level of 16.

The "flame arrow" shot by Ma Yun has an attack roll of +6, and the hit rate against bullying monsters is only 55%, and it is normal to miss.

Miss Mage frowned, and decided to switch to a spell with a more guaranteed hit rate.

She drew 3 points of magic power, and purple light emerged from her fingertips.


Accompanied by a spell representing "force field", three magic missiles detached from the girl's fingertips and flew out whistling.

The magic missile has its own tracking function, hitting three weak monsters respectively, causing 4 points of force field damage on average.

Two of the weak monsters who were besieging Dimitri realized that someone was attacking them with spells, and turned angrily to look at Ma Yun. Their figures disappeared into the shadows cast by the trees, and they were teleported to Ma Yun at the same time in an instant. .

Weak monsters have a special ability called "Shadow Teleportation", which is activated every two rounds and can be teleported up to 30 feet in a dim environment by spending a bonus action.

When the two bullies first started teleporting, Ma Yun guessed that they would definitely appear beside her, so she knocked on the heel of her shoe quickly, and activated the 2-ring magic "shifting shape" attached to the silver high-heeled shoes.

At the same time as the magical aura rose from under Ma Yun's feet, two bullying monsters had already teleported over.

Normally, attempting to cast a spell within an enemy's melee attack range results in an attack of opportunity from the opponent.

Fortunately, Ma Yun has learned the specialty "combat casting", and casting spells after being close to the enemy will not trigger an attack of opportunity. She disappears out of thin air before the weak monster swings its claws to attack, and the scarecrow Vita appears instead of her.

"Shifting and repositioning", as the name suggests, the caster needs to designate a target to exchange positions with himself.

Ma Yun chose Weta, firstly because the scarecrow happened to be within the maximum range of "Transformation", and secondly because the scarecrow had a damage-reducing armor of 5/slash, and the claws of the weak monster belonged to piercing weapons, which happened to be Restrained by Vita.

Weita and Ma Yun exchanged positions, taking her place to bear the siege of two bullying monsters, got two paws, and only suffered a negligible 3 points of damage after deducting the damage reduction.

As for the paralyzing toxin contained in the weakling monster's nails, it is useless to construct creatures like Vita.

Ma Yun moved to a safe place and immediately cast the "dancing light technique", waving her hands to create four flying light balls, and then remotely attached the four light balls to a weak monster.

Wherever the bullying monster goes, the ball of light will follow.

The magic light source created by "Dancing Lights" is as bright as a torch. The light emitted dispels darkness and shadows and illuminates the surrounding 20-foot space.

In the environment of strong light, the weak monster will not be able to find the medium to launch "Shadow Teleportation", and what's more terrible is that it will also get the debuff "High Light Sensitivity"-it has disadvantages in attack rolls and perception checks.

After Gao Fei sang "Fly Higher", he stopped to rest his throat.

Looking around the battlefield, she found that Ma Yun's "dancing light technique" had a miraculous effect on suppressing the weak monsters, so she took the medicine according to the prescription, and raised her hand to shoot a "flash technique".

The weak monster is born with a disadvantage in immunity against light magic. After being hit by Gao Fei's "flash spell", he immediately fell into blindness and ran around like a headless chicken.

Gao Fei took out the kettle and drank a couple of sips to moisten his throat, and then presented a song "Brave Heart".

Using singing as a medium to inspire the "Song of Courage", so that all allies can gain the advantage of will saving and attack roll.

While singing, it did not delay Goofy's use of the "warlock mask" to release magic.

Aim at a bullying monster that is trying to pounce on Ma Yun, and swing the "Whip of Thorns".

With a whip, it was directly beaten to the residual blood.

(End of this chapter)

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