Savior Simulator

Chapter 318 The Lion Who Can Talk

Chapter 318 The Talking Lion
Contrary to its mighty image, the lion on the opposite side is as timid as a mouse.

Seeing a burly man with a full beard coming over with a sharp ax on his shoulders, he let out a strange howl in fright, turned his head and ran away like a cat whose fur had exploded.

Weta the Scarecrow was standing right behind the lion, and was hit by him unexpectedly.

The poor scarecrow, who weighed less than ten kilograms, was hit hard by a strong lion. He flew up screaming, waved his arms in the air in vain, rolled and floated far away, and fell into the bushes in an upside-down position. .

The Tin Woodman's eyes turned cold, and he quickly stepped forward to stop the lion, and his mouth was full of the style of a knight.

"Stop! Disrespectful man, you knocked my friend into the air! You can't get out of here until you apologize to Vita!"

"Wow! The Tin Woodman can talk! So cute! So cute!"

The lion was frightened again and rushed forward in a panic.

Perhaps it was because the mechanical joints were wet from the morning dew and were a little rusty. The Tin Woodman's reaction was half a beat slow. Just as he raised the axe, the lion had already rushed forward, and a pounce knocked him to the ground, bang bang bang bang Some of them rolled into the bushes and got stuck between the roots, unable to stand up for a while.

At this time, Ma Yun received a task reminder issued by the system, asking her to unite with the rest of her teammates to teach this reckless beast a lesson.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! It's a monster!"

"OK! Give this guy some color!"

Jiang Feng turned on "Rage", and his strength soared.

Immediately afterwards, he threw out a "taunt", pulled the lion over, and rushed forward with the tomahawk on his shoulder.

Gao Fei put on the "Warlock Mask", and started with an "Entanglement Technique", creating countless activated vines where the lion was, stably controlling the field.

Then he opened the astrolabe and looked at the lion's illustrated book.


Dimitri (The Enlightenment Lion)
Absolutely neutral, large magical beast (enlightenment subspecies)

Speed: Walk 50 feet

Defense: 15 (-1 size, +3 agility, +3 natural)

Attributes: Strength 22, Dexterity 16, Constitution 18, Intelligence 10, Wisdom 13, Charisma 18
Saving Throw: Fort +6
Skills: Stealth +5, Perception +3, Intimidation +6
Senses darkvision, passive perception 13
Special Abilities: Smell, Toughness, Alertness, Dexterity, Cursed Cowardice (Will saves vs. fear have disadvantage)
Special Attacks: Power Attack, Multiattack (two claws, or one claw + one bite), grab (grapple followed by bite, + two claws), pounce (in a straight line After a run-up of at least 1 feet, the attack roll has advantage and damage rolls are doubled)

From the data point of view, this enlightened lion named Dimitri is much stronger than ordinary lions, and he is indeed the most powerful teammate next to the heroine in the original book.

As set in the original book, this guy is a coward.

The original book of "The Wizard of Oz" does not explain why the lion is timid. This game mod adapted from the original book introduces a more reasonable explanation - "cursed".

From the "curse of cowardice" of the lion, Goofy thought of the "curse of inferiority" of the scarecrow and the "curse of indifference" of the tin woodman.

If there is no accident, this is another good thing done by the oriental witch Ivanora during her lifetime!

At the same time, Ma Yun was not idle.

First pat yourself on "Mage Armor" and "Shield Technique" to maximize your defense, and then make a series of gestures, and a pale ray of negative energy burst out from your fingertips!

The spell symbolizing "weakening" reverberated over the battlefield, and this "weakening ray" accurately hit the lion Dimitri.

Unfortunately, it failed to break through the opponent's fortitude save.

Fortunately, the "weakening ray" can still take effect for 1 round if the subject succeeds in saving.

During this period, the lion's attack roll was at a disadvantage. The double dice were taken low, and he swung two paws in succession, but failed to hit Jiang Feng's berserker, but was knocked to the ground by the "earth shock".

Gao Fei seized the opportunity to release the "Whip of Thorns", entangled the lion that had just turned over and got up, causing 3 points of whip damage, and pulled it back 10 feet by the way.

Dimitri managed to break out of the vine siege, and was dragged back to the control area of ​​"Entanglement" by Gao Fei. During this period, he was attacked by Jiang Feng and was hacked to the point of bleeding. Call.

The battle continued for another round. The cowardly lion lost more than half of his blood and his morale collapsed. He turned around and got into the bushes, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Catch up! Don't let the lion get away!"

Ma Yun has just received a system prompt that the next stage of the main mission is to track down the timid lion Dimitri.

"Don't worry, go and fix the Scarecrow and Tin Woodman, and then chase the lion." Jiang Feng said to Ma Yun.

"Sister Feng, the lion won't run too far, right?"

Ma Yun asked with some concern.

"Rest assured, the richest man, there are bloodstains of lions left in the grass. Let's follow the bloodstains and we will definitely catch him."

Gao Fei smiled and comforted Xiao Ma.

Ma Yun felt relieved, first helped the Tin Woodman to get up, and then dragged the Scarecrow out of the bushes.

Nick the Tin Woodman was left intact, and Vita the Scarecrow had his belly punctured by a branch, revealing a pinch of dry grass.

Ma Yun stuffed the hay back into Vita's stomach and performed a "repair operation" to help him stitch up the crack on his belly.

The adventure team regrouped and chased into the jungle along the lion's blood trail.

After walking about 200 meters, a gurgling stream appeared ahead, blocking the blood.

At this time, the system sent a reminder, requiring everyone to make a DC10 "tracking (survival)" check to judge the direction in which the lion fled.

Jiang Feng's Berserker had obtained the reward specialty "Survival Expert", tracking skill +6, and had an advantage in the test.

"A mere DC 10, don't take it too easy!"

Jiang Nvxia successfully passed the tracking test, confirming that the lion did not cross the creek, but waded through the shallow stream and fled upstream.

The crowd went upstream along the bank of the stream until they reached the foot of the mountain, and found bloodstains in the grass again.

It is from here that the lion leaves the creek and wades ashore.

Continue to follow the blood trail, and you will see a cave not far away.

Ma Yun casts a spell to create a small ball of light flying around, and remotely controls the ball of light to fly into the cave to dispel the darkness in the cave.

Gao Fei and others entered the cave under the guidance of the "dancing light technique", and found that the depths of the cave were covered with dry and soft leaves, which looked like a large cat's nest, and found a few golden manes on the leaves.

Obviously, this cave is the lair of Dimitri the Lion of Enlightenment.

In the empty cave, there was no trace of a male lion, but there was a disturbing evil atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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