Savior Simulator

Chapter 313 Ogre (for subscription)

Chapter 313 Ogre (for subscription)
"Alcohol, fighting, and gambling, all three things that men like are all together, of course it's very lively." Mario replied with a smile.

"Aren't there any beauties?" Gao Fei joked casually.

"Yes! Of course! Brother, we have as many hot girls here as you want, black, white, brown, yellow, with upturned buttocks, big nipples, pointy ears, what do you like? Just say so, I'll take you to the next door to pick."

Of course Gao Fei knew that the tavern was next door to a brothel, so he quickly waved his hands to thank him for not being sensitive.

"For my age, it's too early to look for flowers and ask willows! By the way, is Miss Claire here?"

"I've come here a long time ago, I'm going to drink with the boss at the bar, I'll take you there."

Goofy followed Mario, squeezed through the crowd with difficulty, came to the bar, and greeted Umberto and Claire.

"Look who's coming? Our little judge!"

"Sister Claire, don't laugh at me."

"Haha! Musk, I haven't seen you for just a week. You have changed a lot. I can't even recognize you." The red-haired girl looked at Gao Fei with complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Yeah, you're dressed like a young master now, I almost didn't recognize you when you first walked in," Mario said.

"Musk, I heard that you were lucky enough to be appreciated by Mr. George Colter and work as an assistant in his firm?" Umberto asked.

Goofy nodded in acknowledgment.

Umberto raised his glass thoughtfully, and continued after a while: "Musk, your identity is different now, so don't come here in the future, otherwise you will become a judge or a lawyer in the future." , being dug out of the stain of being a gangster may affect your future."

"Brother Umberto! Don't think so!" Gao Fei quickly stated, "I am an orphan born on this street, and I am a member of the big family of 'Street Angel'. No matter how my identity changes, I will always be I will never forget my origin!"

Touched by his decisive attitude, Umberto reached out and patted the boy on the shoulder.

"Remember, Musk, this will always be your home! Sit down, have a drink with us, and talk about your new life."

Goofy took the white frothy beer from Claire, took a swig, and then briefly described his experience at Colter's house.

Umberto and Claire listened carefully, and when they learned that the judge's family took good care of him, smiles appeared on their faces.

At this time, there was a sudden noise behind him, as well as the muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Gao Fei looked back and saw around the boxing ring in the middle of the tavern, the crowded crowd suddenly scattered back, a shirtless strong man fell from the boxing ring, lying on the ground moaning with his head in his arms, blood dripping down his face dripping from his nostrils.

"Great William is defeated! I was defeated by that ogre!"

"Damn it! I was hoping to make a fortune on him, and I lost it all!"

"Aren't there better fighters here? Who else wants to challenge an ogre?"

"Stand up, 'Street Angels' warriors!"

"500 bang gold coins are calling, as long as you defeat that stupid ogre, the bounty will be yours!"

Next to the arena, the dealers of the game are shouting loudly, but no one dares to take the stage.

Gao Fei put down the oak wine glass, stood up, and looked up at the ring.

Standing on the stage was a fat man with a bald head and yellowish green skin. He was no less than [-] meters tall, holding a big wooden club in his hand, and was screaming strangely, looking very excited.

When Fatty Huang turned around, Gao Fei realized that he was just beginning to take on human form. A big round face was covered with freckles, eyes that were extremely small compared to his face showed a look of foolishness, and a pair of sharp fangs stuck out from the corners of his mouth. tooth.

Looking at this ogre, Gao Fei couldn't help but recall a mental patient in his hometown town.

In the winter, I walk around the street in shorts and vests. I don’t seem to feel the cold. As long as it is edible, I dare to stuff it into my mouth, regardless of whether it is clean or not. I eat a lot and have a strong physique. a beast.

If anyone dared to look at him twice, he would rush over and beat people like a mad dog, regardless of the severity of the attack.

Because he was mentally unsound, he beat him for nothing.

Gao Fei didn't know the name of this person. The local people called him "Wu Crazy". Before he fell into the reservoir and drowned, he was used by parents as a tool to scare children.

"If you don't obey me again, 'Crazy Wu' will come and beat you!"

Gao Fei had heard many such words when he was a child.

The ogre on the boxing ring gave him an impression similar to "Wu Crazy".

It looks like a human, but it doesn't have a sound human nature.

Mentally retarded, but with a surprisingly strong physique.

Extremely cruel, abuse of violence by instinct, not so much evil, but rather its existence itself is the embodiment of the word "barbaric".

Gao Fei withdrew his thoughts, opened the astrolabe to check the ogre on the ring.

This guy belongs to the "chaotic evil" camp, his species belongs to the "giant subspecies", his challenge level is 3, his HP is 73, and his attributes are: strength 22, agility 8, constitution 16, intelligence 6, perception 12, charisma 7.

An adult ogre has rough skin and thick flesh, has 5 points of natural defense, and wears a set of leather armor. Excluding agility and size penalties, the overall defense level is 16.

In addition, this ogre also has three specialties of "toughness", "powerful attack" and "weapon specialization". .

"One ogre in the district will suppress you! Are you still a man?"

Claire's beautiful face was flushed under the influence of alcohol, she stood up, and planned to challenge the ogre on stage.

Gao Fei glanced at the system prompt he had just received, and quickly stopped her.

"Sister Claire, you don't need to take action against an opponent of this level. Let me deal with that ogre."

"'ve only drank half a glass of beer, and you're so drunk that you don't know your surname?" Claire glared over angrily, "You're so small, if you get hit by an ogre, you'll have to be on the spot if you don't die. Disabled, don't ask for trouble!"

"Sister Claire, you look down on me!" Gao Fei pretended to be aggrieved.

"I didn't mean to underestimate you! But you..."

"Claire!" Umberto interrupted suddenly, "Since Musk is so confident, let him go on stage and give it a try."

"No... Brother Umberto, have you drunk too much?" Mario couldn't help interjecting, "Musk is only 13 years old, and he is like a baby in front of a strong ogre. He took the stage to challenge the ogre, Isn't that the same as committing suicide?"

"Young does not mean weak. Musk is not an impulsive character. Since he took the initiative to challenge the ogre, he must be sure to win."

Umberto put down his wine glass, a weird smile curled up on his lips.

"Claire, Mario, do you dare to bet with me? If Musk wins, you two will share the expenses of the tavern tonight."


Ask for a monthly ticket, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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