Savior Simulator

Chapter 311 Miss Lisa

Chapter 311 Miss Lisa
Miss Lisa Colter's "command technique" can only make the lion Simba quiet for a while.

She pulled out the pistol from her father's waist, skillfully opened the safety, and pointed the gun at the lion in the cage with both hands.

She acted very bravely, but Gao Fei could tell that this young lady lacked actual combat experience, and had never killed a man or beast with her own hands.

"Miss Lisa, don't be impulsive!" Gao Fei quickly stopped her from shooting, "Simba is my friend, he is very gentle, but he is a little allergic to mint perfume."

Miss Lisa slowly lowered her pistol, with suspicion in her eyes.

Gao Fei smiled, switched out the "druid mask", walked to the lion cage, reached through the iron fence, stroked Simba's thick mane, and used "wild identity" to calm down the beast.

The male lion raised his paw and rubbed his itchy nose, yawned big, and continued to doze off.

"Musk, you can tame a lion, why are you just a clown in a circus?" Miss Lisa returned the pistol to her father, then turned to Mr. Puzo and said, "If I were you, I would give Musk more opportunities to develop his talents. stage."

"Uh, Miss Colter, to be honest, I only learned that Musk is good at taming animals today." Mr. Puzo rubbed his hands and smiled wryly.

Mr. Judge nodded thoughtfully, and asked Gao Fei: "Son, I need a clever and clever apprentice, and Mr. Puzuo also needs a new pillar. There are two paths in front of you, you have to choose carefully." own future."

Is this still an option?

Goofy smiled.

"Mr Puzo is my benefactor, I will always love him like my own father, but unfortunately, the audience does not want to see a man dancing with the lion on stage, there is no future for me, Mr Colter , I am very honored to have a decent job in your firm."

When Goofy made this decision, Musk Justice was no longer under his control, bid farewell to the circus owner, followed Colt and his daughter into the carriage, and left Patus Street.

Then, the stage of the story shifted to the Colt family's mansion.

Musk lived in Colter's house as an apprentice and servant, and went to work in Mr. Colter's office early every morning.

His daily duties include cleaning, organizing and transcribing documents, and recording and reminding Mr. Judge of his schedule.

When he is not busy, Musk also finds time to read a lot of legal books that Mr. Colter lent him, and ask the judge for advice when he does not understand.

Mr. Colter helped him make such a life plan: strive to pass the judicial examination within four years, first obtain a lawyer's practice certificate, and then look for opportunities to work in court in the future.

In addition to studying and working, Musk also has a part-time job, which is to act as Lisa Colter's personal coachman.

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoon, Miss Lisa drove home from her boarding seminary.

Musk always wears a beautiful uniform, drives to the gate of the seminary on time, waits for Miss Lisa to leave school, picks her up to reunite with her parents, and sends her back to school the next day.

On the way, Ms. Lisa will take the initiative to chat about interesting things in school, and Musk will also talk about the work during this period, and tell a joke from time to time, which makes Ms. Lisa giggle.

A week passed in a blink of an eye, and Musk gradually got used to the new life.The Colts treated him very well, and the friendship between Miss Lisa and him was also growing, and they had become confidants who talked about everything.

On Sunday evening, Musk first sent Miss Lisa back to the seminary, then drove an empty car to the office, temporarily stored the carriage here, and walked to Patus Street to attend the weekend gathering of "Street Angels".

From here, Goofy regains control of Musk Justice, which means that the plot is about to usher in a new twist.

Gao Fei was walking on the night-shrouded street, and when he was about to reach the "Paradise Tavern", he suddenly heard the sound of cursing coming from the alley by the side of the road, as well as the muffled sound of punches and kicks hitting the human body, mixed with faint groans and plead.

At this time, he received a system prompt:
Someone seems to be committing murder in the alley, are you going to check?
Of course the side missions cannot be missed, Gao Fei made a definite choice.

Before triggering the task, he kept an eye out, and first used the imitator's special ability "Disguise Expert" to shoot himself a "disguise technique", changing from a well-dressed boy to a chunky man in a police uniform Middle-aged policeman.

Gao Fei took out a copper whistle from his pocket, folded his hands behind his back, imitated the demeanor of a patrolman, and strode into the alley.

In a dark alley, a man knelt on the ground with his head in his arms, surrounded by three thick men who kicked and beat him and tried to put a sack on his head.

Even in the dark night, Gao Fei could see that the three men were covered with tattoos, their hats were crooked, their skin was dark and rough after being exposed to the wind and sun for many years, and their bodies exuded a strong smell of alcohol. They looked like a group of sailor.

The unlucky guy who was sacked by them was dressed in breeches, high-end leather boots and a gorgeous silk shirt, and he could tell he was a rich man just by looking at his clothes.

Three hooligans who were half drunk beat and kicked a lonely Kuo Shao, and even put a sack on the other's head. If it wasn't for kidnapping and extortion, Gao Fei would dare to write his name upside down!

Dudu Dudu! !

Gao Fei blew his whistle, pretended to be indignant, and pointed at the three hooligans and sternly reprimanded them.

"You three bastards, you dare to commit crimes in the street, you are really lawless! Hurry up and stop!"

One of the hooligans looked back, spit on the ground, and cursed bitterly: "How unlucky! I met a servant!"

"It's just a lonely patrolman. There's nothing to be afraid of. After all, this is Patus Street, the most chaotic place in the city!" Another hooligan encouraged his companion.

"Black leather dog! It's none of your business here, I advise you to get out of here and avoid trouble!"

The last hooligan pointed at Gao Fei's nose and threatened him harshly.

"Bold! Do you still have the law in your eyes?"

Gao Fei put his hands on his hips, puffed out his beer belly, and glared at the group of hooligans!
"Haha! This guy must be drunk and talk about the law in Patus Street? It's ridiculous!"

The three hooligans laughed in unison.

Gao Fei rushed up pretending to be angry, and at the same time opened the astrolabe to check the opponent's strength.

As expected, these three villains are all pirates, and two of them have a challenge rating of 1/8, which is not worth mentioning.

The other is a pirate leader with a challenge level of 2 and 65 points of HP. He is good at "parrying", "slashing" and "multiple attacks". It's a great character.

(End of this chapter)

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