Savior Simulator

Chapter 290 Dragon's Rampage

Chapter 290 Dragon's Rampage
The second situation is to hold a giant ax with both hands in the form of a red dragon.

At this time, if a magic ax is used, its size will automatically increase by one level, the base damage die will become 2d12, and the attack radius will increase to 15 feet!
Obviously, launching "Whirlwind" in this situation can cause the largest range of damage!
After reaching the plot milestone, Jiang Feng's monk was also upgraded to a level, with HP+8, and the perception attribute increased to 22 points.

Level 10 Sun Flame Monk's Dou Qi Strike has added a "fine gold" feature, which can be used to penetrate the damage-reducing armor of high-level constructs such as "steel golem".

The "Diamond Body" has also been upgraded to a high level. In addition to being immune to diseases, it can also be immune to all toxins, truly realizing the invulnerability of all poisons.

Eve is promoted to level 9 earth druid, HP+8, proficiency modifier +1.

Newly-acquired class abilities include "Immunity to Poison", and "Feral Shape" has also been enhanced.

She can now transform into a large water and fire elemental, a medium air elemental, and a very large earth elemental.

As the level increases, the spiritual connection between Eve and her natural companions is also strengthened.

From now on, Eve and Mu Ning can serve as starting points for each other's spells.

For example, Mu Ning's innate spells "Different Door" and "Blink", which could only be applied to himself, can now also bless the hostess—as long as the distance between him and Eve does not exceed the "partner link" "The upper limit, which is 9 miles.

Conversely, the spells that Eve is good at can also be cast by Mu Ning.

When the druid reaches level 9, he can comprehend the first 4-level natural magic.

Eve chose the "Stoneskin Art", which is cast on herself or her companions, temporarily gaining 10/Adamantine Damage Reduction Armor.

Adamantite is the hardest and most precious metal in the game, and the number of Adamantite weapons is far less than magic weapons.

So far, Gao Fei has only seen one fine gold weapon in the game, which is the Holy Ax of Olaf, its rarity can be seen.

Because of this, the damage reduction armor provided by "Stoneskin" is very useful.

As long as the opponent is not a high-level monk like Jiang Feng who is good at fighting qi strikes (fine gold), and does not have fine gold weapons, every time he hits a character blessed with the "Stone Skin Technique", 10 points of damage will be automatically deducted.

Munin's Hit Dice increased to 7, HP+6.

Both Al and Wushi were also promoted to level 8 bear warriors, with +10 health and +1 strength attribute, and also comprehended the "wild instinct", which further enhanced their survivability.

This time, I passed the level perfectly and got two bonus jobs.

One is General Schroeder's Frostrager, and Joseph Cooper's Artificer.

From the perspective of occupational strength and rarity, "Frost Rager" is better.

But Goofy already has "Berserker" and "Dragon Warrior", and taking another "Frost Rager" is somewhat repetitive.

Besides, he couldn't let go of Uncle Joseph's sacrifice, and under the influence of emotional factors, he finally chose Artificer.

As a resident ally of the module, Jiang Feng got the reward profession of "Frost Rager", which has the characteristics of both a monk and a berserker, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Finally, there is the bonus feat, you can choose one of four from "Strongness", "Perseverance", "Toughness" and "Rampage".

Seeing "Rampage" appearing in the candidate column, Gao Fei's depressed mood finally cheered up.

"Damn it! This perverted thing is actually a bonus specialty?!"


Rampage (prerequisite: Master any one of the "Rage" abilities): When you are rampaging, you can instead enhance the Dexterity attribute instead of the Strength attribute.


Gao Fei had personally experienced the magic of "running away" when he was fighting King Olaf's resurgent corpse, which left him with painful memories.

One-on-one with a berserker who can switch between the two modes of "Rage" and "Rampage" at will, sometimes you have to fight against the opponent's tyrannical strength, and sometimes you have to guard against the opponent's super high agility, it is simply torture!
Well now, Gao Fei himself can learn to "run away", and it will be his enemy's turn to experience the torment in the future.

After getting this bonus feat, Gao Fei impatiently turned on "Rage" and chose the "Rampage" mode.

Open the status bar and look, as expected, the strength attribute is still 22, and the agility attribute has increased from 15 to 19!

Gao Fei was excited, and then thought of another possibility.

The prerequisite for "Rage" is "to master any kind of berserk ability", and there is no limit to the classic "Rage" mode that can only be a berserker.

Starting from this logic, can the "Bear Warrior" become a bear after berserk, and the increased strength attribute of "Dragon Warrior" after becoming a dragon, can also use the "Rampage" mode to switch to agility bonus?
This conjecture is so exciting!

Gao Fei couldn't wait for a second, and immediately activated the magic power of "Dragon Warrior Heart", turning into a red dragon form.

Under normal circumstances, after changing into a dragon, the strength attribute +10, the constitution attribute +6, and the agility attribute remain unchanged.

Full of excitement, Gao Fei opened the status bar again...

Wow!It's time to witness the miracle!
I guessed right, the "runaway" mode is also applicable to dragon warriors: the strength is 22 unchanged, and the agility has increased to 25!

This is so cool!
There are still three bonus specialties left, of which "Perseverance" Jiang Feng has already learned in his Berserker module, and he will definitely learn "Toughness" in the future, so let's choose "Strongness" here first, and immediately increase it by 20 points HP, still quite comfortable.

After a series of bloody battles, Gao Fei and Jiang Feng's magic devices also increased in synchronization progress.

Jiang Feng's monk has been upgraded to level 10, and the "Sensitive Gloves" have completed the final synchronization, increasing the agility attribute by 6 points.

The frost giant warriors that Jiang Feng killed in the royal tomb were all creatures who were good at using shields, which met the synchronous requirements of the "shield ring".

Complete the "Shield Ring" of Tier 3 Synchro, defense +4, you can also spend bonus or reaction action to perform "full cover", block the attack effect line of the enemy on the opposite side, have an advantage in the reflection save of range attack, count as double Proficiency in correction.

Jiang Feng also had a "cold resistance ring", which also completed the first-order coherence by hunting frost giants, increasing the cold resistance to 1.

The "Dawn Horn Helmet" that Gao Fei got from the dwarf uncle has completed the first-order coherence, and the "dark vision" has evolved into "penetrating darkness", and the sight can penetrate all dark areas generated by nature or magic.

Finally, Goofy can finally appraise Olaf's Holy Ax with peace of mind.

This artifact can indeed be synchronized.

The synchronous requirement is to hunt giants or evil creatures. If the opponent happens to be a giant of the evil camp, the most typical one is the frost giant, then the synchronous bonus can be doubled.

No wonder this artifact giant ax has been hailed as "the nemesis of evil giants" since ancient times!
(End of this chapter)

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