Savior Simulator

Chapter 271 The Great Pyramid of Olaf

Chapter 271 The Great Pyramid of Olaf

The facts are slightly different from Qi Tian's guess.

In fact, Gao Fei read the file three times in the prologue of "Prince's Revenge", and missed the reward feat. However, he accidentally triggered a side mission in Turtle Island and got a hidden reward "Iron Will", so he managed to get 7 rewards expertise.

As for Jiang Feng, he perfectly penetrated the monk module "The Stranger in the Vast Sea" without missing a single bonus feat.

Compared with rewarding expertise, the indicator that can better reflect the true level of Gao Fei and Jiang Feng is the rewarding profession.

The error tolerance rate of this indicator is lower, but once the file is loaded, the reward professions in this chapter will be bye bye.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng both took all the bonus jobs in their respective modules.If Qi Tian knew about this, he might be hit even harder.

After the team was assembled, Gao Fei briefly introduced Qi Tian's thieves to Eve's sister and the two bear warriors.

Let’s just say that this little brother Shire is an old friend of Master Su. He traveled to the New World by boat from the east, passed by Anxi Island, and met an old friend in a tavern, so he invited him to join the team, and with the help of his thieves skills, he helped everyone explore the king. Mausoleum.

I have to say, npcs are so foolish!
Eve, Al, and Ushi actually believed this flawed rhetoric, and enthusiastically accepted this new teammate.

Everyone had breakfast in the tavern, bought enough dry food, drinking water and camping supplies, and then got on their horses and set off.

The mausoleum of King Karl Olaf is located deep in a sheltered canyon in the middle of the island.

Gao Fei and the others hurriedly rode on the desolate Gobi Desert for a whole morning, and they didn't arrive at the canyon where the royal tomb was located until midday.

Everyone dismounted at the mouth of the valley and looked into the depths of the canyon. Two towering cliffs stretched to the end of the field of vision.

In the depths of the dark canyon, a majestic pyramid towers high.

Different from the Egyptian pyramid style that Gao Fei envisioned, the tomb built by the Asa people for their ancestors is closer to the Mayan-style pyramid. at the top of the pyramid.

And on the top of the pyramid, there is not a spire like the Egyptian pyramids, but a stone platform ten meters square.

What's even more strange is that the platform is surrounded by a parapet, so far away, Gao Fei can clearly see the crenels and arrow holes on the parapet, so is this a mausoleum or a fortress?
It's really confusing!

Gao Fei couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he spent an astrolabe energy to remotely investigate the Great Pyramid of Olaf.

Counting from the base of the tower to the top of the tower, there are a total of 49 stepped platforms with a vertical height of nearly 100 meters. Using the real-world architectural analogy, it is equivalent to a 30-story apartment building.

Even considering the power of magic was used in the construction of this pyramid, it must be admitted that this is a man-made miracle with a huge project, and it can be called the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient civilization of the Asa people.

A total of nine roads in the canyon communicate with the outside world, respectively connecting the nine portals into King Olaf's tomb.

The nine roads seem to be the same, but according to the map of the tomb passages provided by the dwarf artificer Joseph Cooper, Goofy knows that most of the roads lead to false tombs that are full of doubts, or lead to death traps.

There are only three passages that can reach the real burial place of King Olaf, and what they will choose for this trip is the shortest and safest shortcut.

So, which of the three correct paths is the shortcut?

This question itself is wrong. If you follow this line of thought to explore, you will definitely go astray!
In fact, the shortcut is not among the nine paths on the surface, and a very secret mechanism must be triggered to open it.

As for opening the shortcut, whichever path you choose is the same.

Gao Fei randomly chose the shortest road, and rode his horse into the valley.

The narrow mountain road is sandwiched by steep cliffs and is almost buried in sand. Occasionally, dusty cacti and pale human and animal skeletons can be seen on the side of the road.

The gust of wind poured in from the mouth of the valley, whistling along the cliffs, and the sound of the wind in my ears was like the crying of thousands of dead souls, which made people feel inexplicably depressed.

Walking along the valley to the end, observing the Great Pyramid of Olaf at close range, everyone reined in and looked up at this ancient building that had been eroded by wind and sand but still standing for a long time. They couldn't help being deeply shocked.

The silence lasted for a long time, Gao Fei was the first to come back to his senses, got off his horse, and walked towards the nearest mausoleum entrance.

Jiang Feng, Qi Tian, ​​Eve and others also followed.

There are twelve rock pillars standing on both sides of the entrance of the mausoleum. The obsidian monster sculpture squatting on the pillars has a ferocious face, horns on the head, and a pair of black wings spread out behind it. At first glance, it looks like a group of devils, but it is actually a common decoration in ancient buildings. .

"Huh? These rock pillars seem to have traps."

Qi Tian's eyes lit up, and he took out the thief's tools from his satchel, intending to study the mechanisms hidden in the rock pillars,

"Little Tian, ​​don't touch those stone pillars!"

Gao Fei hastily stopped him.

"Uncle Joseph's tomb map is specially marked here. As soon as an outsider approaches the stone pillar, the gargoyle squatting on the pillar will be awakened, swoop down from the air, and attack the outsider frantically."

"I knew there was something wrong with these gargoyles!" Jiang Feng muttered in a low voice.

"Brother Basaka, it is said that the gargoyle is a kind of earth element creature. When it is still, it is exactly the same as an ordinary stone statue. Can we directly smash the statues of the gargoyles before they wake up, so that Wouldn't it be possible to avoid a battle?" Eve asked.

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Gargoyles are mausoleum guards created by magic. In the state of stone statues, the defense is surprisingly high. With our current level, it is almost impossible to destroy one of them. If one gargoyle is attacked, the other eleven gargoyles will be attacked. They will immediately wake up and launch a siege against us."

Jiang Feng frowned and thought for a while, then turned to ask Qi Tian: "Xiaotian, your revolver is more destructive than a sword, and if you shoot a gargoyle invisible from a distance, including the sneak attack damage of 4d6, is there any chance to destroy the stone statue in one shot?" ghost?"

"Sister Feng! From what you said, I know you don't know enough about the thief class!" Qi Tian replied depressedly, "Among the types of enemies I hate the most, elemental creatures can be ranked in the top six, second only to plants. , oozes, undead creatures, constructed creatures and incorporeal creatures!"

"None of these six creatures can be attacked?"

"That's right, they don't have flesh and blood, and they can't find any fatal points on their bodies. They are naturally immune to heavy blows and sneak attacks. When thieves encounter these six kinds of monsters, it's best to take a detour!"

(End of this chapter)

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