Savior Simulator

Chapter 27 Bloodstained Oasis

Chapter 27 Bloodstained Oasis

Gao Fei stepped lightly and approached the battle zone.

Taking advantage of the ferocious hyena being attracted by Jiang Feng's monk, he swung his big ax and slashed at the bastard's butt, causing the blood to flood the chrysanthemum on the spot!
The ferocious hyena twitched in pain, stretched its neck and let out a long howl, turned around to seek revenge on the guy who sneaked up on him, turned around and was unprepared for the moment, and took the opportunity to attack Jiang Feng, "Sun Sword" plus "Blast Wind Fist", a After a set of gorgeous combos, the blood bar of the ferocious hyena is only 1/3 left.

Gao Fei didn't miss the opportunity. He swung the ax with both hands and slashed down. The sharp ax blade was deeply embedded in the ferocious hyena's neck. The hot blood splashed on his face, and he didn't care to wipe it. He knocked the beast to the ground, whimpered and died.

The smoke over the oasis slowly drifted away with the wind, and the field of vision on the battlefield gradually became clear. The remaining two Jackals finally realized that they had been attacked. With red eyes, screaming, and swinging their chain hammers, they threw themselves at Jiang Feng.

Gao Fei pointed at a wolf man, glaring, and exhaling fragrantly: "You son of a bitch, get away from me!"

Successfully launched the "taunting" stunt, forcing the gnoll to divert his hatred and turn around and rush towards him.

Before the "rage" was over, Gao Fei swung the big ax in his hand like a windmill, and the cold light was like flying snow, and within two rounds he chopped the jackal under the axe.

On the other side, Jiang Feng launched a flurry of blows, and within a round, he hit three "Sun Punches" in a row. The first punch triggered the "blinding" special effect, blinding the gnoll's dog's eyes, and all subsequent attacks hit the vital points, cleanly The ground KOs it.

All the gnolls on the battlefield had been killed, and there were three hyenas left. One of them was overwhelmed and tried to bite Gao Fei to avenge the master who died under his axe. In the end, Gao Fei chopped off his spine like he was cutting melons and vegetables. , eyes turned white, the soul followed his jackal master into the bottomless abyss.

The only remaining two hyenas were frightened out of their wits by the bloody scene, they folded their tails and fled whimpering.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were too lazy to hunt down the lost dog and let them escape from the oasis.

After annihilating the gang of gnolls who occupied the oasis, Jiang Feng successfully completed the milestones in the plot of this chapter, and the energy of the astrolabe increased by 1.


"Zhishui Xinfa" sounds quite chivalrous, and monks who understand this ability are immune to all effects that cause fear, including fear magic and the "dragon power" emitted by giant dragons.

This is just the primary special effect of the "Smooth Mind Method". As the level of the monk increases, the "Smooth Mind Method" will be advanced again, and finally immune to all confusion control effects, to achieve the true "heart like water", without that A "worldly desire".

As the name suggests, "Qi Therapy" is a skill that uses true energy to heal wounds and diseases.


In addition, "qi therapy" can also cure negative states such as poisoning, disease, blindness, deafness, and paralysis, which is equivalent to the priest's 2nd ring magic "secondary restoration".

In the Battle of the Oasis, with Gao Fei's help, Jiang Feng successfully passed the level without loading the file, and obtained a reward specialty-one of the three choices of "Strength", "Powerful Attack" and "Proficient in Tripping".

These three specialties are very practical. If you are a berserker, you should undoubtedly choose "violent attack" first, which can actually increase physical damage.

As for Jiang Feng's monk, the agility attribute is higher than the strength, and the agility correction is used to calculate the attack and damage. "Strong attack" is useless, so Gao Fei thinks "robust" is a better option.

However, Jiang Feng's thinking was different from his, and he chose "proficient in tripping" without thinking, which surprised Gao Fei!

The feat of "Proficient in Tripping" can give an advantage in trip checks and count towards double proficiency bonuses.

A simple calculation shows that in 20-sided dice, the mathematical expectation of double dice is about 14.14.

Soma rolls an advantageous trip attack roll, taking into account the Dexterity modifier (+4) and the double proficiency bonus (+4), the mathematical expectation is about 22.14, which is 23 when rounded up.

On the statistical level, a Somodian opponent needs to make a Strength or Dexterity check with a score of 23 or higher to avoid being tripped.

A character of Soma's level, such as Barthaka, usually has no higher than a 15% chance of succeeding his trip saving throw.

From this point of view, this move is quite powerful.

However, the tripping attack has an inherent shortcoming, it cannot be launched against a target that is more than one level larger than itself.

Soma is an average-sized human being, and at most he can attempt to trip Large creatures no taller than 16 feet, not larger ones.

As far as Gao Fei is concerned, he doesn't like this trick that is too complicated and has limited applicable scenarios.

"I think 'proficient in stumbling' is very practical. Super-sized monsters are rare. Besides, ground combat skills such as stumbling are the core technology of modern martial arts. People who practice martial arts don't know how to fall, so they are just putting on airs."

Jiang Nvxia is worthy of being from a family of martial arts, and her analysis of "proficient in tripping" from a professional perspective is quite insightful, but what she said next is a bit irritating!

"The 'Strong' feat is not very useful to me, anyway, as long as I don't get hit, I won't deduct blood."

"The 2 points of damage added by 'Powerful Attack' are dispensable, one punch can't knock down the opponent, and a few more punches will be enough."

"Wow! Hero Jiang, is this Versailles too much for you? You don't want to be hit by the enemy, but you have to hit the enemy's vitals. Why don't you take advantage of all the good things? Why don't you go to the sky!" Gao Fei couldn't stand it anymore , Crazy Tucao.

Jiang Feng put his arms around his chest and snorted proudly.

"If you can't do it, it doesn't mean I can't do it. If you don't believe me, think about it carefully. After these two battles, has my monk been injured?"

Gao Fei thought about it, and after two bloody fights in a row, Jiang Feng seemed to be unscathed!
"This is too strange! According to the numerical settings in the game, your luck can't be so good all the time!"

"Luck is unpredictable, only real kung fu can be relied upon!"

Jiang Feng showed his fist at him, and his domineering demeanor really looked like a martial arts master.

Gao Fei scratched his head, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that things were not that simple.

The game designed by Tiangong not only allows players to obtain the extraordinary abilities of game characters, but also seems to allow players to bring the skills they have mastered in reality into the game to strengthen the abilities of game characters.

For example, Jiang Feng has received systematic martial arts training in reality, so when she controls the role of a monk from the No. Stronger combat level.


The third update is over, I wish you all a happy National Day!

Ask for a collection and ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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