Chapter 269
Gao Fei listened to the debate between the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow on "Heart and Brain", and found it very interesting. He was about to talk about his views on this issue, when he suddenly remembered something more important, so he turned around and asked Ma Yun:
"The richest man, have you upgraded yet?"

"I've been promoted!" Ma Yun said excitedly, "My Artificer has been upgraded to level 3, and the maximum HP has been increased by 4 points. From now on, I can analyze the configuration of 1-level magic!"

As she spoke, she sat on the tree stump and took off the pair of silver high-heeled shoes on her feet.

"If you want to pick your feet, do I need to avoid it?" Gao Fei covered his nose and hid,

"Pick your head! I'm analyzing the 1st-level spell 'oiling the soles' attached to the shoes! Also, what do you mean by covering your nose? My feet don't stink!" Ma Yun said angrily.

"Whether it stinks or not, it's not elegant to take off your shoes in public, you still have to pay attention to your ladylike demeanor!"

"It's your shit!"

Student Xiao Ma put on his shoes resentfully, washed his hands in the pond in the forest, then took out the magic book, ink bottle and quill, used the tree stump as a desk, and buried himself in copying the spell configuration that he had just analyzed from the silver shoes.

After reaching the story milestone, not only Ma Yun's Artificer was upgraded to a level, but the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman who just joined the team also each added a Hit Dice, HP+10.

The scarecrow was upgraded to 4HD, with a natural defense of +1 and a new attribute of 1. He hesitated for a long time between agility and intelligence, and finally accepted Jiang Feng's suggestion. .

Tin Woodman raised to 5 HD, proficiency modifier +1.Since it is an odd level, neither the natural defense nor the attribute points will change.

There are still no bonus classes in this chapter.

Choose one of three bonus feats: Alertness, Power Attack, and Combat Casting.

Ma Yun does not take the "melee mage" route, and first excludes "violent attack".

Compared with "vigilance" and "combat casting", the latter is obviously more suitable for the mage profession.


Combat Casting (Prerequisite: Can cast at least one spell): Character has advantage on Concentration checks; does not suffer attacks of opportunity when casting spells in melee.


After being upgraded to level 3, Ma Yun's magic shoes have completed level 2 coherence, and the daily charge has been increased to 3 rounds. In addition to "oiling the soles of the feet", she can also use the energy of the magic shoes to cast the 2nd-level spell "shifting shape".


Reposition: Within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level, two designated subjects switch places; subject can resist the spell's effects with a successful Will save.


"Shape-shifting" is probably the lowest level of all teleportation magic. It can be used not only on oneself and teammates, but also on hostile creatures and even inanimate objects. It has infinite magical effects!
"It's a pity that my mage level is too low, and I still can't transcribe the level 2 'transposition' into my spell book."

Ma Yun said regretfully.

Gao Fei also has the same regret.

Ma Yun's artificer can analyze and learn "Transformation" after upgrading to level 5, while his imitator needs to be upgraded to at least level 6 to imitate this 2nd-level magic, which is still early.

"Richest man, can you learn 1st-level spells now?"

"That's right, the level 1 spells recorded in Ivanola's magic book include 'Magic Missile', 'Debilitating Ray', 'Mage Armor' and 'Shield', I can learn them all, but even if all these spells are Learn, I can only memorize 7 spells at most, so I have to give up a 0-level trick." Ma Yun replied depressingly.

A mage can master an infinite number of spells, but the number of spells that can be memorized and prepared every day is limited, which is equal to the spellcasting level + intelligence modifier.

Ma Yun has mastered five 0-level tricks, including "Fire Arrow", "Magic Trick", "Mage Hand" and "Dancing Lights". The "restoration" performed.

There are five first-level spells to be learned next, in addition to the ones she mentioned just now, there is also a "sole of the feet" that is analyzed from the silver shoes.

"Oil the soles of the feet" can be activated with magic shoes, no need to remember, and the remaining four 1st-level spells are very practical, and she doesn't want to give up any of them. In the end, she can only choose one of the 0-level tricks, and she doesn't remember it for the time being.

"The richest man, can you lend me your magic book?" Gao Fei finally got to the point.

"Brother Fei, my magic can use it too?" Ma Yun raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"With the 'Mage Mask', my imitator can copy spells from other people's magic books."

Gao Fei took out a blank magic book from the astrolabe storage space, and shook it at Ma Yun—he bought it at the system store for 50 gold coins.

"Damn! This is all right?! Your exclusive profession is too perverted!"

Ma Yun was full of envy and hatred, and reluctantly lent the magic book to Gao Fei to copy.

Gao Fei switched the "mage mask", and borrowed the ink and pen from Xiao Ma to copy + paste with one hand, and copied all the 0~1 level spells listed in Ivanola's magic book to his own magic book .

That is, it is so convenient in the game, but in reality, copying books is not so easy, and it is even more difficult to learn the copied spells-the learning progress depends entirely on how high the intelligence attribute is.

After all, the imitator is not a real mage. Gao Fei and Ma Yun have the same level, but the number of spells that can be memorized every day is pitifully small, only two 0-levels and one 1-level.

After some careful screening, the last spells that Gao Fei memorized included 0-ring "Fire Arrow" and "Dancing Lights", plus 1-ring "Mage Armor". Wear a chain shirt without the weight to get in the way of spellcasting and combat!

Ma Yun hasn't finished the game yet, and plans to spend the energy of the astrolabe, skip the long break, and continue to the next chapter of "The Wizard of Oz".

Gao Fei checked the time, and it was already past 5 pm, so he said to her and Jiang Feng, "You two continue to play, I have to go offline to buy vegetables and prepare for tonight's dinner."

"That's right, Snow Bean Hoof Soup!" Jiang Feng was the only one with quick thinking in this area, "I'll go offline too, let's go to the supermarket together."

"It's enough for me to buy groceries alone. It's rare for the richest man to have a chance to play for a while. You can then form a team with her."

"But "The Wizard of Oz" Chapter 3 also needs two teammates. Without you, Xiaoyun and I may not be able to pass the level perfectly..."

"Change to another mod, and clear Chapter 2 of "The Revenge of the Prince" first." Gao Fei suggested.

"good idea!"

After quitting the game, Gao Fei spent half an hour buying all the vegetables and started working in the kitchen.

In addition to a pot of snow bean hoof flower soup stewed slowly, three cold dishes were prepared, husband and wife lung slices, garlic and white meat, and hot and sour jelly, all of which are the best to go with wine.

(End of this chapter)

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