Savior Simulator

Chapter 254 Picking a Weapon

Chapter 254 Picking a Weapon

Before Gao Fei could explain, Umberto turned around and blamed Claire.

"You should know that I have always been against underage gangsters, why did you bring this too young Mr. Justice to me?"

"Brother Umberto, of course I know your rules, but Musk's situation is very difficult. Apart from coming to you, no one can protect this poor boy."

Then, Claire introduced Musk's family situation. Both of his parents died, and he was begging for a living in a circus. His life was already difficult, and he offended two ruthless villains.

Claire noticed a trace of sympathy in Umberto's eyes, and said to him while the iron was hot:

"Don't look at Musk's young age, he has a lot of abilities, and what's more rare is his quick mind. Mike and Billy from our circus, you know? These two villains couldn't take advantage of Musk when they joined forces. Cheap, but he was severely injured by him, and he is still lying on the bed now!"

"You mean 'Hercules' Mike and 'Flying Knife' Billy?" Umberto was dubious, "Musk really injured them all by himself, and you really didn't help?"

"I swear to the gods, I never interfered!" Claire replied seriously.

"Claire, I know you're not a braggart, but the things you just said are too outrageous!"

On the other side of the bar, a young man with a mustache interrupted with a smile.

"Mario, I'm telling the truth, believe it or not!" Claire replied angrily.

Umberto frowned, and seemed to suspect that Claire's introduction to Musk was too much adulation, so he said to Gao Fei: "Musk, if you are really as brave and clever as Claire said, I will I suppose you would have no objection to a test."

"Brother Umberto, if I can pass the test, you will allow me to join 'Street Angels'?" Gao Fei asked.

"Yes, I always keep my word."

"Okay, what is the content of the test?"

"Yesterday, the cook at the tavern told me that there are often strange movements in the sewer, most likely due to giant rats making noise. Musk, you have to help us clean up the sewer and get rid of all the monsters hiding in the gutter."

"No problem, I'll go right now!"

Gao Fei received a system prompt and knew that this was a side mission, so he took it without thinking.

"Don't be impatient, I have something to warn you in advance." Umberto patted Gao Fei on the shoulder and motioned him to sit down, "The sewer system in this city is very complicated. It is no exaggeration to say that it is like an underground labyrinth. There are all kinds of shady monsters entrenched, besides giant rats, there are kobolds, ooze monsters, scavengers and other more dangerous guys, every once in a while, we have to go down and clean it up."

Umberto stared into Goofy's eyes, solemnly reminding him to be safe.

"Musk, I don't ask too much of you. Going to the sewer to kill three giant rats is enough. You can't provoke other more dangerous monsters now. Remember to cut off the tail of the giant rat and bring it back to me for business."

"I remember, Brother Umberto."

"Also, I'll ask Claire to go with you, lest you get lost in the criss-crossing pipeline ditches."

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Brother Umberto, if you let Sister Claire accompany me, you won't be afraid that I will cheat and use the giant rat that Sister Claire hunted to pretend to be my prey?"

"You took the initiative to say this, which shows that you are indeed an honest child." The corners of Umberto's lips rose slightly, and he turned his head to tell the young man with a handsome mustache: "Mario, wait a minute and you also go to the sewer with Musk, Responsible for overseeing this trial, understand what I mean?"

"Understood!" The young man with a mustache smiled and nodded, and then introduced himself to Musk: "Little guy, my name is Mario Ricardo, known as 'Honest and Honest Ricardo', don't expect me to be in front of me." Face cheating!"

"Damn! You cunning thief, how honest and honest you are!" Claire cursed with a smile, and then said to Gao Fei, "Mario is brother Umberto's deputy, and the number one member of the Patus Street Pickpockets Association." Thief'! Musk, I have to give you a piece of advice, when Mario is wandering around you, please be sure to keep your wallet tight!"

Gao Fei suppressed his smile, secretly opened the astrolabe, and checked Mario Ricardo's data.


Mario Ricardo's sharp eyes turned Gao Fei twice, and asked him, "Brother Musk, are you not carrying a weapon?"

Goofy nodded frankly.

"Go to the sewer to clean up the giant rats. You can't do without someone who can take advantage of it. Brother Musk, what kind of weapon are you good at?"

"This..." Gao Fei didn't know how to answer for a while.

The weapon he is best at is the battle axe. However, his current occupation is an imitator rather than a berserker. The imitator is a very strange profession. He does not have a weapon proficiency item. If he switches to a mask, he is good at the weapon corresponding to the mask.

Seeing his hesitation, Umberto stood up, walked around to the wine cabinet next to the wall, grabbed an empty wine bottle placed on the side of the second row of the wine cabinet, and rotated it 360 degrees, followed by the wine cabinet behind the wine cabinet. With the sound of gears turning, it slowly moved inward, revealing a secret door.

"follow me."

Umberto opened the secret door and beckoned Gao Fei to come in.

Claire and Mario also followed.

Gao Fei walked into the secret room of the bar with curiosity, and found that it was a weapon arsenal. On the weapon rack placed against the wall, there were all kinds of cold weapons such as swords, bows and crossbows, but unfortunately there were no guns.

"What kind of weapon do you need? Choose one yourself. It's my gift to you." Umberto said to Gao Fei.

"Thank you bro!"

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and checked it, and found that the weapons collected in this room were all refined products. He couldn't help admiring Umberto's generosity.

He stopped in front of the weapon rack and thought for a minute before finally picking up a sheathed rapier.

The 12 magic masks of the imitator correspond to 12 basic occupations, and the types of weapons they are good at are different.

If Gao Fei pursues the universality of weapons, he may only choose a dagger that can be used by twelve professions.

However, short and light simple weapons such as daggers are really congenitally deficient. The damage roll is too low, and the attack distance is too short, which is not much better than bare-handed combat.

Gao Fei finally chose the rapier. He valued that this weapon has both lightness and high critical strike rate, and the basic damage roll of 1d6 is not bad.

Except for warlocks, mages, monks, and druids, other magic masks can match the rapier-clerics and warlocks need to use "divine weapons" and "contract weapons" to obtain the proficiency of the rapier.

(End of this chapter)

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