Savior Simulator

Chapter 248 Whip of Thorns

Chapter 248 Whip of Thorns
On the brightly lit stage, five acrobats are performing stacked arhats to form a "human tower".

On the top of the tower is a light and scantily clad actress, and as the pedestal is a stocky and strong man who bears the weight of four people, sweating profusely and flushed.

According to Musk's memory, Gao Fei recognized the strong man as Mike, a strong man in the circus, with a strength attribute of 19 and an intelligence attribute of only 8, with standard well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

The next program of the circus tonight is the popular "Blindfolded Throwing Knife".

The first to step onto the stage was a voluptuous girl in underwear, who made a pose on the stage, and then stood with her back against the cross.

Two more servants came up to the stage and tied the girl's hands firmly to the cross, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Finally, to the cheers of the audience, Billy the Knife Flyer, one of the famous circus characters, came onto the stage, a short man with a mustache and a false smile on his oily face.

Goofy used the astrolabe to scout Billy, his agility was 18, and his other attributes were average.

Standing about 10 meters away from the cross, Billy threw two throwing knives and nailed them on both sides of the neck of the girl serving as a human target, almost sticking to the flesh, causing exclamations from the audience.

Immediately afterwards, Billy took out a gauze scarf from his pocket, blindfolded his eyes seriously, raised the flying knife and aimed again and again, until the appetite of the audience was whetted, and then he waved it out.

The throwing knife hit the door of the girl's face, and the audience screamed suddenly. Many people who watched the performance for the first time couldn't help but jumped up from their seats, their faces full of shock.

Billy on the stage also hurriedly tore off the veil, pretended to be full of grief, and rushed to the cross, hugging the girl who was stabbed, crying and blaming himself.

Just when this good show reached its climax, the girl on the cross suddenly raised her head and shook off the long hair that covered her face.

It wasn't until this moment that the audience realized that the throwing knife that Billy had just thrown was held in the girl's mouth and did not cause any harm to her.

Billy retracted the throwing knife, cut the rope that bound the girl's wrist, and took a curtain call with his partner.

The audience in the audience witnessed this unimaginable reversal, and their emotions changed from shock to surprise. They were all hooked and applauded vigorously.

The same drama has been repeated countless times on this stage, but as long as there are new audiences who don't understand the program design, "Flying Knife" Billy is not afraid of being cheered.

The next program is tonight's grand finale, "Beauty and the Beast".

"Red-haired" Claire held a whip and stepped onto the stage with the lion Simba.

Let’s warm up with regular programs such as brazier jumping and fire hoop drilling first, mainly because Simba is working hard.

From time to time, Claire swung her whip and released the "flash technique", creating gorgeous lighting effects on the stage to heighten the atmosphere.

Gao Fei was in the background through the gap in the curtain, watching intently for 6 seconds and then received a system prompt: Successfully imitated the "flash technique"!
Opened the astrolabe and took a look, "Flash" really appeared in the "Imitation" column.

A spell learned by imitation can be removed at any time, or replaced with another spell of the same level.

Anyway, idle is idle, Gao Fei simply continued to watch Claire's performance.

At this time, the soundtrack on the stage suddenly changed from festive to hasty, and the drummer of the band beat hard, creating an atmosphere of imminent crisis.

The audience in the audience was affected by the live soundtrack, and the smiles on their faces disappeared one after another, replaced by curiosity and nervousness.

In the center of the stage, Simba the lion, who was originally very obedient, seemed impatient with being forced to perform. He stopped and roared sharply, appearing very anxious.

Claire quickly swung the whip, lashed at Simba, and angrily scolded the lion, urging it to continue jumping through the fire hoop.

Every time the lion was whipped, he let out a painful roar, which made the timid audience jump up from their chairs and move their feet towards the exit of the theater.

Goofy can see more clearly from the background, Claire seems to be waving the leather whip whizzingly, but in fact he didn't really hit Simba.

Simba communicates with the hostess, and his painful expressions and angry roars are just acting.

Under the nervous gaze of the audience, the lion finally seemed to be unable to bear it any longer, and suddenly grabbed the whip that was being whipped, snatched it off, threw it on the ground, and tore it off with one paw.

Claire, who had lost the whip, showed a face of astonishment just right, and staggered back.

The male lion raised its head and roared angrily, opened its bloody mouth wide, and pounced on the mistress who abused him.

Claire screamed and ran, dodging XZ around the stage.

The male lion chased after her fiercely, and the distance kept shortening.

Claire looked back while running, and found that the lion's sharp teeth were almost touching her plump buttocks. In desperation, she jumped into a dive, jumped through the burning fire circle in front, rolled on the spot, and stood up.

Glancing back in a hurry, she found that the lion jumped over the fire ring and was chasing him. Claire had to run in another direction. After a full run-up, she leaped over the blazing brazier with a standard triple jump.

The lion Simba also flew over the brazier and continued to chase and kill the mistress.

The beast and the tamer on the stage have a role reversal, and now they become a lion chasing the tamer girl, forcing her to go through fire rings and braziers, trying to use these obstacles to delay time and escape from the lion's mouth .

Including Gao Fei, many viewers already knew that this thrilling scene was just a pre-designed program effect, but they still watched with straight eyes, held their breath, and did not dare to breathe.

The chase between the beast and the beauty has finally reached its climax.

The unarmed Claire was forced to a dead corner away from the fire ring and brazier. In front of him was a lion barking his teeth and claws, and behind him was the auditorium. There was nowhere to escape.

At this moment, Claire snapped his fingers suddenly, and a green vine with magical power appeared out of thin air in his hand. The vine was covered with thorns, like a long whip.

She waved this "thorn whip" to force the lion back, then turned to face the auditorium, flicked her wrist, and the vine whip swept past a little girl sitting in the front row, and swept her away and held it in her hand bouquet.

Claire remotely controlled the long whip to wrap the bouquet and sent it to the lion Simba.

The male lion, whose face was full of anger just now, his eyes became extra gentle, he lowered his head to sniff the fragrance of flowers, and let out a low growl of admiration.

The "Whip of Thorns" in Claire's hand only lasted for a few seconds, and then disintegrated into disordered magic power by itself.

The taming girl returned to her lion, caressed Simba's golden mane, bent down to pick up the bouquet of flowers on the ground, pulled out flowers one by one with a smile, and threw them to the audience, causing a frantic fight.

In the end, Claire didn't forget to step off the stage, hugged the little girl holding the bouquet just now, kissed her on the cheek, and thanked her for using flowers instead of whips to help her tame the mad lion.

(End of this chapter)

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