Chapter 235
After hearing Gao Fei's persuasion, Joseph Cooper's eyes regained some brilliance, and he looked up at the young barbarian prince seriously, and it took a long time before he broke the silence.

"Young man, I vaguely see the heroic figure of the young Karl Olaf from you. You are indeed the successor of the Olaf royal family, but if you want to become the master of the Holy Axe, noble blood is not enough, you must prove yourself His strength and courage are also worthy of Karl Olaf's blood."

Upon hearing this, Gao Fei knew that the plot was on track, so he asked the dwarf, "Uncle Joseph, how can I prove my strength and courage?"

"follow me!"

The dwarf jumped up from the bench, turned and walked away.

Goofy followed him through the workshop and into a spacious courtyard.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a giant made of steel lying horizontally. At first glance, it looks a bit like "activated armor", but it is much larger, no less than 6 meters long from head to toe.

"Uncle, is this a construct?" Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"That's right! This is the highest masterpiece of my life, it's called 'Electric Shock Warrior'!"

Joseph Cooper folded his arms across his chest and looked at the steel giant with pride in his eyes.

"It looks very powerful, can you make him stand up and move around?" Eve asked.

" masterpiece is not yet finished, and I can't move it yet." The dwarf rubbed his nose awkwardly.

"Since it's called the Electric Shock Warrior, it must be able to discharge electricity?" Gao Fei asked with great interest.

"Theoretically yes, but not yet." The dwarf said, stroking his bushy beard. "My masterpiece is only one last key part away from completion. If you can manage to get me this part so that I can complete the Zap Warforged, I will give you the tomb map of King Olaf's tomb."

"Tell me first, what parts do you need?" Gao Fei asked cautiously.

"It is the core device that allows the warforged to release lightning, a magical device that can absorb and store electrical energy from the surrounding environment!"

"That sounds a bit like a solar battery..."

"What is a solar battery?" The dwarf looked confused.

"Uh, it's nothing, let's get on with the business, where can I get the device you need?" Gao Fei didn't want to drag the topic too far.

"Go north from here, about 20 miles away, in the depths of the Gobi Desert, there is an ancient gravel cave, in which there is a ferocious green-footed dragon snake."

Speaking of the green-footed dragon snake, the dwarf's face became extremely solemn.

"Young man, if you and your companions can kill the green-footed dragon snake, take its lungs and bring them back to me, I will give you a map of the tomb passage of King Olaf's tomb, how about it?"

At the same time, Gao Fei received a system prompt asking him if he would take on this side mission to help the dwarf mage hunt the green-footed dragon snake and complete the construction project of the electric shock warrior.

Gao Fei had a private chat with Jiang Feng through the astrolabe, and both of them felt that this task was of great significance.

If you refuse to help Joseph Cooper and go directly to explore the royal tomb, you will inevitably encounter many extremely dangerous traps. Due to the lack of thieves partners in the team, relying on human flesh to walk through the traps is basically courting death. Don't even think about passing the level perfectly!
Since the map of the tomb passage is indispensable, Gao Fei has no choice but to accept the entrustment of the dwarves first, lead his teammates to the Gobi caves, and try to hunt down the green-footed dragon snake.


The frost giant is also robbing tombs on the island, and there is not much time left for Gao Fei. He bids farewell to Joseph Cooper, returns to the pier and buys five horses, and the group rushes on the road.

After riding for more than 20 miles on the desolate Gobi Desert, I saw a bare hill standing in the flat Gobi Desert from a distance, which is the place where the green-footed dragon and snake are entrenched.

Seen from a distance, this rocky hill is not very high. After urging his horse to look closer, Gao Fei found that the distance from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain is no less than 300 meters. Unable to find a foothold for climbing, master rock climbers are also terrified when they see this scene.

On the shady side of the rocky mountain, at a height of about 200 meters above the ground, a dark cave can be vaguely seen, with a diameter of about three meters by visual inspection, which must be the entrance of the green-footed dragon snake's lair.

Before arriving, Gao Fei asked Joseph Cooper, and learned that the green-footed dragon snake is a magical beast between a dragon and a boa constrictor.

This monster has a head that looks like a blue dragon, and is also good at breathing lightning like a blue dragon, but its body is smooth and slender like a python.

If this is the end, then the green-footed dragon snake is very similar to the "Jiao" in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

But the green-footed dragon snake also has a very strange physiological feature, that is, it has feet, and there are many, many feet!
If the dwarf uncle's description is not too exaggerated, an adult green-footed dragon snake has at least 12 pairs of legs. From this, it is not difficult to imagine that in addition to the head of a blue dragon and the body of a python, it also has the characteristics of a centipede!
When the green-footed dragon snake gathers 12 pairs of legs and fits them tightly on the abdomen, it can use its abdominal muscles to crawl on the ground like a boa constrictor.

And when it spreads its legs, its movement mode changes from crawling to crawling, like a big centipede, which can easily climb on smooth walls perpendicular to the ground.

Because of this, green-footed dragon snakes like to set their nests in places that are difficult for other creatures to reach, such as bottomless potholes or unattainable cliffs.

The pair of hard horns on the top of the green-footed dragon snake can dig through the sand and dig tunnels, and the interior of its lair is always covered with criss-cross tunnels, like a complex maze.

Suspicious by nature, the blue-footed dragon snake lurks in the depths of the maze, uses complex tunnels to ambush intruders, and collects valuables from its prey like a giant dragon, piles them up in its lair, and curls up in a pile of treasures to sleep peacefully .

Gao Fei got off his horse and stood at the foot of the mountain looking up at the cliff.

He didn't have rock-climbing tools at hand, and it was too difficult to climb the smooth cliff with his bare hands. He hesitated whether to use the magic power of "Dragon Warrior Heart" to become a red dragon and fly up directly.

Seeing his plan, Jiang Feng said in a low voice: "Change into a dragon not only takes the number of times of berserk, but also accumulates exhaustion. It's too wasteful just to climb mountains."

Gao Fei nodded, and asked her: "How about you climb up with the 'Flying Walk' first, and then throw the cable down from the cave entrance, and we climb up along the cable?"

"This method is feasible, but it is too troublesome and time-consuming, and I am worried that the green-footed dragon snake will be disturbed during the climbing process and rush out of the hole to surprise us."

"Is there a better way?"

"Of course." The corners of Jiang Nuxia's lips evoked a confident smile, "My monk has learned the 'Void Escape'. Under sufficient light, he can open the 'Any Door' by spending 8 points of true energy. Bring two companions, teleport directly to the entrance of the grotto."

(End of this chapter)

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