Savior Simulator

Chapter 231 Goblin Wilderness

Chapter 231 Goblin Wilderness
In the jungle of the material world, nodes connecting the fairy wilderness and the material plane can occasionally be found. These mysterious portals are collectively called "fairy channels".

Sometimes a traveler who enters a glade, enters a pond, or enters a ring of mushrooms passes through a "fairy passage," and to other observers the traveler appears as if out of thin air. It's like disappearing!
The time flow of the Feywild and the material world are not synchronized.If a traveler stays in Feymoor for ten days, when he returns to the material world, he will find that only one day has passed.

"Miss Dana, my second question can I leave the Fairy Wilderness and return to my hometown, Alfheim?" Dorothy asked vigorously.

" that in the Material Plane?"

"That's right, to be precise, it is in the south of the new continent in the world of Vales."

"This is troublesome." Dana Ivy frowned slightly, "Ordinary flying or teleportation spells cannot cross the barriers of the planes. You may have to cast high-level magic like 'Transportation' to return to your hometown."

"Sorry, I'm really not an archmage, and of course I don't know high-level magic like 'Transportation'."

Dorothy shook her head dejectedly.

Dana thought for a while, and then said to her: "If you can't teleport across planes, you might as well go to the Emerald City, the capital of the Kingdom of Oz, and ask Master Oz to cast a spell to send you home."

"Master Oz, the lord of the Emerald City, is said to be a great mage, almost omnipotent!" someone interrupted from the crowd watching behind Dana.

"Then where is the Emerald City?" Dorothy's eyes rekindled hope.

"Walk west along the path paved with yellow bricks outside the castle gate, pass through the jungle and mountains, and reach the middle of the kingdom, and you will see the gorgeous city built with emeralds as bricks and tiles. ’ replied Dana.

"Okay, thank you for your advice! Miss Dana, I'm on my way now, head to the Emerald City, and ask Master Oz for a way to get home." Dorothy made a decision.

"Dear lady, it's a long way from here to the Emerald City. There are wild beasts and monsters in the mountains. It's too dangerous for you to travel alone. May I accompany you?"

Dana said earnestly.

At this time, Ma Yun received a system prompt.

"Brother Fei! Sister Feng! The system asked me if I would let Dana Ivy join the team, and would you like to take her on an adventure together?"

"Adding her to the team will make it easier at the beginning of the adventure, but it will also lose a team quota..." Jiang Feng was a little hesitant.

"The richest man, what is Dana's occupation?" Gao Fei asked.

"Let me see... ranger, she is a level 4 ranger."

"What's the specific model?" Gao Fei continued to ask.

"The classic ranger paradigm, also known as the 'ranger.'"

"Hey! Classic Paradigm is just a term for high EQ. In fact, it is the most ordinary ranger. Forget it, don't take her with you."

In Gao Fei's view, these NPC teammates who are not forced to join by the plot, in addition to providing some dispensable side tasks, the greatest value is that their profession may become a reward option for perfect clearance.

If Dana is a powerful and hard-to-obtain ranger type like "Beast Tamer" or "Sandworm Knight", it's okay to bring her, but the reality is the most common ranger type, so it's unnecessary .

Jiang Feng also felt that there was no need to take her with him.

"Xiaoyun, if you refuse Dana to join the team, you can free up a team formation spot. In the subsequent adventure chapters, you can at least form a real player teammate. The strength of this NPC, Dana, is not as strong as For real players, without her, it will be easier to get the perfect pass reward."

"Sister Feng, in the next chapter, who will team up with me, you or Brother Fei?" Ma Yun asked anxiously.

"My monk module has been cleared. Next, I plan to attack "Prince's Revenge" and get the hidden profession 'Dragon Warrior' as soon as possible. In this way, our game progress can be kept in sync. In the future, you need Call me when you form a team, and I will also practice Berserker." Jiang Feng said.

"Thank you, Sister Feng!" Ma Yun grinned happily.

Gao Fei coughed dryly, and said resentfully: "The richest man, you are really not loyal enough, you just robbed my partner..."

"That's right! Sister Feng, wouldn't it be nice if Brother Fei is left out because of teaming up with me?" Ma Yun scratched her head, "It makes me feel like a third party who destroys your relationship with Brother Fei... "

"Hey! What are you two talking about!" Jiang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Xiaoyun, do you still remember the team formation skills that Qi Tian said before? If you refuse Dai Na to join the team, there will be an extra team quota. In some adventure chapters, you can invite two allies, and you and I can come in to help you, Brother Fei, so there is no such thing as being indifferent!"

"Oh! That's good, that's good!" Now Ma Yun felt relieved, "Sister Feng, when you play the Berserker module in the future, if you can form a team, you can pull my artificer into it. Help me!"

"Okay, Xiaoyun, then I'll thank you first!" Jiang Feng said cheerfully.

Gao Fei smiled wryly to himself.

After all, classmate Ma Yun lacked game experience, so she didn't realize that Jiang Feng's idea of ​​forming a team just now was not as perfect as it seemed at first glance.

In fact, Jiang Feng was also his and Ma Yun's partner, so he was under a lot of pressure, and he was also very nervous about the schedule.

Fortunately, school will start in half a month. With homework and military training, Xiao Ma doesn't have much time to spend in the game world, so Jiang Feng doesn't have to be so busy.

After finishing the prologue of "The Wizard of Oz", classmate Xiao Ma is still unsatisfied, clamoring to move on to the next chapter, looking like an internet addicted girl!

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Mom and Dad were still in the provincial capital. A phone call came to tell her to go down to the dormitory building and go to the mall to buy dormitory supplies together.

Ma Yun reluctantly went offline, and Ma Tao's complaints came from the team channel.

"Ma Yun! When will Mom and Dad go home?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? It will take a week anyway!"

"It's terrible, can you persuade them to go home early?"

"I've already persuaded them, what can they do if they don't listen."

"My parents buy you something, why do you have to drag me?"

"Look at what you said, as if you are not your own. If my parents want to buy me blankets and quilts, don't they have to give you some too?"

"I don't need it!"

"This is your parents' love for you. You can't refuse it. Don't struggle. Get off the assembly line quickly and take a taxi to the gate of our school. Don't make your parents wait too long. We still have to have dinner together at night!"

"Oh, heaven, earth! I, Ma Tao, are so unlucky. Everyone else is an only child, but I have a younger sister. It's so annoying!"

"Ma Tao, what kind of nonsense are you talking about! Look at how other people become older brothers, and learn from it!"

"Learn a hammer! Hurry up and find a boyfriend, even if you pay to rent one? Don't bother me with this kind of thing in the future!"

Ma Tao went offline angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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