Savior Simulator

Chapter 228 Activated Armor

Chapter 228 Activated Armor
The results of the appraisal were incomplete. Only when Dorothy's mage level reached the synchronous requirement, the magical power corresponding to the pair of silver shoes would be revealed.

However, everyone has read the original "Wizard of Oz" when they were young. It is not difficult to guess that the magic awakened after the silver shoe completes the final synchronization is either flying or teleportation. In short, it can make the heroine realize her wish to go home.

Gao Fei remembered that Ma Yun's artificer had a unique professional ability, which could analyze magic items, extract the corresponding spell configurations from them, and transcribe them into the spell book, just like transcribing a spell scroll.

Ma Yun has not yet obtained the spell book for transcribing magic, but out of curiosity, Gao Fei still suggested that she try to analyze the "sole oil" attached to the silver shoes.

Ma Yun tried according to his instructions, but the result was very regrettable.

"Brother Fei, the system prompts 'analysis failed'! It also said that I can only analyze the 0-ring magic now, and the configuration of 'sole oil' is beyond my knowledge, and I must be upgraded to at least level 3 before I can analyze this 1-ring magic." magic."

"That is to say, how many rings of magic can your mage cast at most, can he analyze all the enchanting crafts that are not higher than this ring number from the magic guide or construct?"

"That's how I understand it too!"

"Okay, put those magic shoes on first, and then search the other rooms in the castle. The second key plot item, the old witch's magic book, should be nearby."

Ma Yun put on the silver shoes, and was surprised to find that the magic shoes would automatically adjust their size. They were a bit big when they first put them on, but after two steps they fit perfectly.

She explored in the castle, and not far away, she saw a wall made of thick wood. There was a gap in the wall, and she could barely squeeze through sideways. Opposite was the study of the old witch Ivanola.

Through the hole in the roof, a ray of sunlight casts down.

Ma Yun looked around, and soon noticed a majestic steel full-body armor standing against the wall, holding swords in both hands, like a common decoration in western noble castles.

Next to the plate armor is a desk.

The lamp that was originally placed on the table has been knocked down by the accident just now. The lamp oil was spilled on the table, and some books were burned, and sparks were faintly visible in the ashes of the parchment.

A thick book bound in leather, dropped on the floor near the desk, had survived the fire and gave off a slight magical aura in the gloom, the plot prop Dorothy was looking for.

"Brother Fei, Sister Feng, I saw the magic book!" Ma Yun didn't relax her vigilance despite being excited, "But I don't think this task is that simple, there may be traps nearby!"

"Xiaoyun, you guessed it right, did you notice the plate armor next to the desk? I checked it with the astrolabe just now. It is an 'activated armor'. If you approach it within 20 meters, the alert function of the activated armor will be activated. , I will draw out my sword and hunt you down!"

Jiang Feng warned in a deep voice.

"No wonder! I have always thought that armor is weird, it really is not a good thing! I will try to see if I can lure it away, and then take the opportunity to run over and take the magic book."

Ma Yun took two steps back, keeping a safe distance from the "activated armor", picked up an ink bottle on the spot, and threw it with a rounded arm.

The ink bottle hit the plate armor and immediately shattered. The splashed ink flowed slowly along the smooth silver armor, while the plate armor was still standing quietly by the wall, neither reacting nor affected by the slightest impact. damage.

"What the hell! Can't even move, is it really alive?"

Looking at the plate armor, Ma Yun wondered to herself.

Gao Fei frowned, opened the astrolabe, and checked the details of this "activated armor".


·Activated Armor CR1
Challenge Level: 1 (200XP)

Absolutely neutral, medium-sized construct creature


Speed: Walk 25 feet

Defense: 18 (full armor +9, Dex -1), touch 9, flat-footed 18
Melee: Crafted longsword +5 (1d8+2 slashing)

Attributes: Strength 15, Dexterity 9, Constitution -, Intelligence -, Wisdom 10, Charisma 5
Skills: Perception +2
Senses: Blindsight 60 ft. (no perception beyond 60 ft.), passive perception 12
Special Abilities: Construct trait, mimicry (looks like normal plate when stationary), damage reduction 5/bludgeoning, alertness (first strike advantage, immunity to surprise)

Constructed creatures have no constitution attribute, but when calculating their health, the value of "damage reduction armor" can be equivalent to constitution correction.

Judging from the investigation results, the "activated armor" belongs to the lowest level of constructed creatures, without the ability to think independently, and can only perform the guard mission according to the program preset by the owner.

In addition, the perception radius of "living armor" is only 20 meters (60 feet), and even if an attack launched from this distance hits it, it cannot counterattack.

It's a pity that Ma Yun's artificer has no other weapons except the scissors in his hand, and he hasn't learned any long-range attack spells.

If she just stood at a distance and threw stones, with her pitiful 8-point strength attribute, she could hardly penetrate the defense of the living armor, which was tantamount to wasting effort.

Rush up and stab it with scissors?

Purely suicidal.

Gao Fei turned his gaze, looked at the pair of shiny silver high-heeled shoes on the feet of the young mage, and thought of a good idea.

"The richest man, with the pair of magic shoes on your feet, you can cast 'oil on the soles' once a day, which doubles your movement speed to 10 feet per round within 60 minutes."

"The living armor is bulky, and its movement speed is only 25 feet per round. It will definitely not be able to catch up with you who has been blessed with 'sole oil'. You can use the speed to lure it away from the desk, and then run back to pick up the magic book."

"This method is good, but the room is very narrow, and the floor is full of debris, so be careful when luring the enemy." Jiang Feng warned.

"Okay, I'll give it a try!"

Ma Yun knocked on the heel, and the pair of silver high-heeled shoes under her feet immediately burst into magical aura, and "oil the soles of the feet" was activated.

The girl walked towards the desk with light steps.

As soon as she entered the warning range, the activated armor immediately turned her head to look at her, and behind the iron mask, two groups of lights like will-o'-the-wisps appeared.

Immediately afterwards, the armor drew out its long sword, took heavy clanging steps, and approached the girl directly.

Ma Yun held her breath and hid behind the bookshelf, only showing half of her face to observe the position of the activated armor.

When it got close, it immediately turned around and ran to the other side of the room diagonally.

After two rounds, she lured the living armor to the door.

Ma Yun tried to push the door, and the door creaked open.

Outside the door is a dark corridor, empty and empty, and at the end of the corridor is a staircase leading to the lower level of the castle.

(End of this chapter)

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