Savior Simulator

Chapter 219 Franchise Awakening

Chapter 219 Franchise Awakening
"Wow! This sounds great!" Ma Yun's eyes were full of envy.

"Don't ask so many questions, I don't have time to explain to you right now, stay away!" Ma Tao waved to his sister impatiently.

Ma Yun retreated resentfully to the back of a bus, poked out half of her face, and continued to take pictures with her mobile phone.

The highway was too crowded, and it was inconvenient for Jiang Feng to summon sandworms, so he switched his sub-profession to "Shenquan Envoy".

Her main profession "Tiangong Special Police" has been upgraded to level 6, "Shenquanshi" has also been upgraded to level 5, 3 points of free attribute are added to perception, and additionally provides 4 levels of divine protection armor, "proficient dodge" and agility Modified, providing a total of 6 dodge bonuses.

Jiang Feng cast a spell to bless himself with a "Shield of Devotion", which increased the deflection bonus by two points, and finally put on the pair of "Defensive Wristguards" that Gao Fei gave her, and increased the armor defense by 6 levels!
Jiang Feng prepared himself, and spent another 6 points of magic power to bless Gao Fei and Ma Tao with "shields of devotion" one by one.

Ma Tao blessed her and Gao Fei with "attribute strengthening", temporarily increasing strength, agility, physique, and perception by two points each, which was equivalent to adding an extra level of defense to Jiang Feng.

Combining various bonuses, Jiang Feng's final defense level was as high as 30. Even if he stood in the middle of the road and let the wild boars besiege him, the probability of the opponent hitting her would not exceed 5%.

"I'll go first!"

Jiang Feng smiled at Gao Fei, and strode towards the section of the road where the ferocious wild boars gathered with a gun.

The power of the +1 enchanted pistol is not enough to cause fatal damage to the ferocious wild boar. Jiang Feng's purpose is to attract the attention of the wild boars and draw them to his side.

The two ferocious wild boars were the first to rush forward aggressively.

Jiang Feng calmly put away his pistol, raised his finger to the ferocious wild boar rushing forward, and chanted the magical prayer representing "declaration and order" in a low voice.


For the 1st ring "command spell" she is casting at this moment, if the subject cannot pass the will saving throw, within the next round, they will be forced to obey her mental commands, such as "come over" and "stop still". , "Get down", "Flee" or "Drop the weapon in your hand" and other five actions.

Jiang Feng chose the word "upside down". The ferocious wild boar who got hit seemed to have been hit by a stick suddenly, and immediately fell to the ground, motionless, and remained like this for six seconds.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Feng flashed the enchanted brow-leveling staff, dodged another ferocious wild boar's charge, cooperated with the free specialty "Proficient in Tripping", swung the stick across the pig's trotters, tripped the huge wild boar to the ground, and rushed up It was a "Flame Punch", hitting the ferocious wild boar hard on the face.

In addition to the 5d2 damage dice derived from the basic martial arts, the fist of the 6th-level "God Fist Maker" surrounding the pure white holy flame will also be counted as 2d6 light and fire damage. In addition to Jiang Feng's own +3 agility attribute correction, this punch will cause damage to the ferocious wild boar. 18 points of damage, and by the way, the bristles all over his face were set on fire, and 1/4 of his life was removed.

The wild boar whose face was on fire screamed in pain, struggling to get up, but was attacked by Jiang Feng, and fell to the ground with a stick, crashing.

At the same time, the ferocious wild boar that she had previously immobilized with the "command technique" stood up and rushed over with a roar.

The flanking awareness is not bad, but unfortunately it is useless against Jiang Nuxia, whose defense level is as high as 30. With a cool wave, the eyebrow-level stick is like a poisonous snake biting a pig's trotter, tripping it to the ground.

At this time, the first ferocious wild boar finally found a chance to get up, straightened out a pair of sharp fangs, and stabbed Jiang Feng with vengeance.

In the end, he was out of the way without any suspense, triggering Jiang Feng's third free specialty "Tit for Tat", and he was hit head-on, causing stars to shine in his eyes and blood on his head.

It's just such a simple routine of tripping + dodge and counterattack, played by Jiang Nuxia to the pinnacle of proficiency.

Two ferocious wild boars with blood mold, you stand up and I fall, I get up and you rush to the street, and you are beaten by Jiang Feng in turn, without even touching her clothes from the beginning to the end, you were beaten to death alive, It was so tragic that even the passers-by who were watching couldn't help feeling a little bit of sympathy.

"Wow! Uh... big sister, so handsome!"

Ma Yun was delighted to see it, and she almost revealed Jiang Feng's identity when she was cheering behind, but fortunately she changed her words in time.

Ma Tao glared at his sister angrily, and cast a "sanctuary spell" on her.

This 1-ring magical spell can put a protective shield made of holy energy on the subject. Unless Ma Yun actively provokes the ferocious wild boars, the wild boars will not be able to break through the shield and cause damage to her.

Ma Tao's professional configuration is level 5 special police + level 5 priest. He first summoned 4 wolves and ordered the pack of wolves to trap a ferocious wild boar in front. The ferocious wild boar is mangled.

There are two ferocious wild boars left, and Gao Fei will deal with them.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, he didn't want to become an overly flamboyant red dragon and cause public panic, so he switched his sub-profession to "Astrologer" and waved four "magic missiles", hitting two ferocious wild boars screaming and throwing them away. He got off the car that was being ravaged, turned around and rushed over aggressively.

Gao Fei's Tiangong Special Police has been upgraded to level 7, and the astrologer is still level 1. Only relying on "magic missiles" to deal with these two big fat pigs with rough skin and thick flesh is like scraping, and the efficiency is too low.

Fortunately, the two magic tools Tiangong customized for him have been delivered, so I just took this opportunity to inspect the goods.

Gao Fei first took out a two-foot-long, crystal-clear crystal magic wand. The runes engraved on the surface of the wand were like pieces of snowflakes, exuding a chilly air. It was his special service point championship prize "Frost Star Wand".

Holding the magic wand and pointing forward, Gao Fei silently recited the activation spell, and the head of the wand burst out with extreme cold magic power. The passengers in the surrounding vehicles couldn't help shivering, as if the season suddenly changed from midsummer to midwinter!
"Come on, little piggy, uncle treats you to ice cream!"

Gao Fei sneered and activated a magic wand energy, aiming at the two ferocious wild boars rushing side by side, and released the 3-ring evocation magic "Frost Nova"!
A group of pale cyclones quietly appeared between the two pigs, burst suddenly, and the cold current erupted in an instant spread to a radius of 20 feet around, causing 40 points of cold damage and 36 points of cold damage to the two ferocious wild boars. deceleration state.

Gao Fei only needs to release another "Frost Nova" to kill the two fat pigs in seconds.

However, he didn't want to waste the energy of his wand, so he put away the "Frost Star Wand", and switched his sub-profession from "Astrologer" to "Berserker" who didn't have a chance to make an appearance during the entire duty!
(End of this chapter)

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