Savior Simulator

Chapter 213 2 Worlds

Chapter 213 Two Worlds
Gao Fei walked into the smoking area alone and sat down beside Ma Tao.

"Brother Tao, do you have something on your mind?"

Ma Tao casually pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray and glanced at him listlessly.

"It's okay, it's just random thinking."

After a moment of silence, Ma Tao spoke again.

"During these days in the hospital, I was bored and thought about a lot of things."

Gao Fei nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"When Jiajia came to visit me the day before yesterday, she gave me a pretty souvenir book. It was the kind of notebook we signed with each other when we graduated from high school. I guess she was already thinking of quitting."

"She only gave you a personal souvenir book, which shows that she cares about you very much and doesn't want you to forget her." Gao Fei said softly.

Ma Tao sighed, and said with emotion: "After all, Jiajia is only 18 years old, the same age as my sister, and still retains the mentality of a high school student. It is too cruel for a little girl like her to fight against vicious monsters."

Gao Fei nodded, feeling the same way.

Ma Tao didn't mention Li Jiajia again, and took out a girly pink souvenir book from the storage space of the astrolabe, and opened a page, which was full of words.

Gao Fei quickly turned his head to the side.

Ma Tao smiled and punched him.

"Stop pretending, baby, it's not about privacy, it's something I scribbled in my spare time."

"What did you write?" Gao Fei asked curiously.

"I draw a line in the middle of the notebook, write the rules of the game world on the left, and write the bad things in reality on the right."

Ma Tao spread out the souvenir book, laid it flat on his knees, and talked non-stop.

"The logic of the game world is clear and the clues are clear. Every foreshadowing is like a grass snake gray line. It is traceable and reasonable. Players need to complete the corresponding plot to upgrade. Sometimes the skills of dealing with people are more important than fighting monsters."

"The real world is a mess, there is no drama, no sense of ritual, no logical clues, what you think is a foreshadowing may actually be nothing, no plot milestones, no negotiation checks - even if there are, you can't advance Receive verification prompt."

"You fight monsters, if you can beat them, you can fight them, if you save enough experience points, you can upgrade them, if you can't beat them, you will die."

"An event is triggered in the game, and a group of monsters appear. The ins and outs are explained clearly to you. It is clear and clear. Every cause must have an effect, and every effect must have a cause."

"In reality, you can't predict what disaster will happen tomorrow, and you don't understand why some mutant mice gather in groups, while others turn into giant mice like blowing up balloons. No one can explain to you why cats grow wings, The black dog will turn into a hellhound, and until the day you die, you won’t be able to figure out why some wild boars simply grow bigger and stronger, while others spark like lightning.”

"You make me want to break my head, but I can't figure out why in the real world where this person can't be resurrected after death and can't read the file to start again, there are such a group of stupid idiots with tough heads. Obviously, the police have issued repeated orders to prohibit donkey friends from entering the mutant monster rampage Traveling in other areas, but someone did it against him, just to find excitement, and in the end, he cried and shouted to the police for help."

"I can't figure it out even more. Baoding Mountain has been blocked by the police with live ammunition, why there is such a lunatic who wants to be popular in his dreams, racks his brains and sneaks into the mountain. In order to hype the popularity of the so-called live broadcast, he frantically went to the Tianchi on the top of the mountain to film nine Head Dragon King... Tell me, this is something a normal person can do?"

"Our world is full of such people, but this kind of people can still become famous and praised by countless fans. Do you think this world is extremely sick!"

"Yes, our fucking real world, no matter how you look at it, is more absurd, more illogical, and more like a garbage game than the game world!"

"What's even more sad is that this is the reality. We have to survive in this fucking real world. We weave some logic that seems reasonable and use it to trick ourselves into believing that the world can still be saved. Dogs of this garbage game Shit server, still barely running..."

"We can only fool ourselves like this, like a bunch of religious people."

The more Ma Tao talked, the more excited he became, he suddenly closed his notebook, lit another cigarette, took two puffs, and gradually calmed down.

"Brother Fei, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. If I had a choice, I would rather live in the game world forever. At least it is more in line with the rational world I imagined, and it is more logical."

After hearing what Ma Tao said, Gao Fei reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said with deep emotion:
"Brother Tao, you ask me where is the root of all this madness? To put it bluntly, this is capitalism, this is the era of consumption, everyone is a commodity, everyone is also a consumer, this is the best era , and the worst of times.”

Ma Tao nodded, smoked a cigarette silently, stood up and said to Gao Fei.

"Brother Fei, you will be the captain of the next special mission."

Gao Fei was noncommittal, just staring at him with a wry smile.

At the end of the stalemate, Ma Tao shook his head helplessly: "It's fine if you don't want to, I won't make it difficult for you!"


The day after Ma Tao was discharged from the hospital, he went back to his hometown with Gao Fei and Jiang Feng.

In the car, Jiang Feng learned that the destination of the trip was a tourist town under the jurisdiction of Mei County, and he naturally thought of a famous historical figure.

"Is your home the hometown of Mr. Dongpo?"

"Big Beard Su is my hometown and my idol. Not only is his article well written, but he is also a big foodie!" Gao Fei replied with a smile.

"I also like... Dongpo meat, and Dongpo elbow." Jiang Feng couldn't help swallowing.

"That's easy! I'll arrange it for you tonight. Dongpo elbow is my father's signature dish."

Gao Fei's parents received a call from their son yesterday and learned that he was going to bring his girlfriend home. They were so happy that they didn't sleep well all night, and they waited eagerly at the door early.

"Uncle and aunt, good afternoon!"

After getting out of the taxi, Jiang Feng came forward to say hello shyly, holding the fruit he bought on the way.

Gao's father is relatively introverted, he smiled and nodded in silence.

Gao's mother was so happy that she didn't hesitate to say, "You can just call me Madam!"

Holding Jiang Feng's hand, he looked up and down this tall and beautiful girl, first asked her zodiac sign, and then inquired about the family situation, as if treating her as a prospective daughter-in-law, his enthusiasm was too high, which made Jiang Feng feel embarrassed .

When he got home, Father Gao took out some good tea from his collection, brewed a pot, and poured tea for the two young people with his own hands.

Jiang Feng was a little flattered, and quickly got up to thank him.

Sitting there drinking tea, Gao Fei felt that he had been honored by Jiang Feng, and that he was not treated with such a high standard when he went home alone.

(End of this chapter)

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