Savior Simulator

Chapter 211 Freedom From Fear (Seeking Subscription)

Chapter 211 Freedom From Fear (Seeking Subscription)
"Student Jiang, it's too much for you to say that! No matter how unsatisfied I am, at least I still have you!" Gao Fei protested aggrievedly, "We can be regarded as bastards looking at mung beans, and our eyes are right!"

"Bah, bah, bah! You are the mung bean!" Jiang Feng quickly and solemnly clarified, "I'm young and innocent, and my pure girlish heart was deceived by you."

"Okay, I'm mung bean, then you will become..." Gao Fei smiled and said nothing.

"Shut up! You bad guy, you plan to cuckold me now, what will happen in the future!"

"Sister Feng, my brother Fei talks too much, he is definitely a coquettish man, you have to watch him more closely in the future!"

Watching the excitement all day long is not afraid of big troubles, and takes the opportunity to add fuel to the flames.

The four of them talked and laughed, fought and fought, and walked up the stairs to the upstairs ward.

Jiang Feng knocked on the door, and it was indeed Li Jiajia who came out to answer the door.

The moment they looked at each other, Li Jiajia froze for a moment, her face a little embarrassed.

"Jiajia! What kind of expression are you showing? It looks like you've been caught rape..." Wang Daqing said nothing.

Jiang Feng was also possessed by a playwright, and immediately switched to a sad and angry expression, just like Wu Dalang's upper body.

"Jiajia, my Jiajia! Why did you appear in this man's ward? Could it be that love will disappear? Isn't it just me in your heart? No, this is not true, I absolutely cannot accept all this!"

"Cut! Cut!" Gao Fei made a pause gesture, "Student Xiaojiang, your expression is contrived and slightly exaggerated, this is not acceptable, start over!"

"You guys, don't set up a dragon formation at the door, let me get out!" Ma Tao shouted angrily from the ward, and he seemed to be recovering well.

Gao Fei walked into the ward with a smile, looked at his right leg, and said with a regretful face: "Brother Tao, it's embarrassing! I heard that your leg was broken and you had a plaster cast, so I came to see you with a paint brush." , I was about to show my skills, but the result was good, the plaster was removed, how can you make me graffiti!"

"Then what do you want?" Ma Tao asked angrily.

"Well, Nurse, Nurse? Come on, put the dude back in the plaster cast, and take it off when I'm done painting on his leg!"

"Worzine Immortal Banban! I don't have a bad friend like you!" Ma Tao angrily grabbed a handful of bananas and hit Gao Fei on the head.

"Brother Tao! Look at you, you are very energetic. You are recovering well. When will you be discharged from the hospital? I will treat you to a good meal and celebrate."

Qi Tian went to the hospital bed and said.

"Okay Xiaotian, I'm promising, something will happen." Ma Tao smiled and patted him on the shoulder, "Let's have a meal later, and I will arrange you to be the vice-captain for the next special mission."

"What about Brother Fei?"

"Send him as cannon fodder, and it's over!"

"Wow, you are so poisonous!"

The teammates who fought side by side reunited, and everyone chatted happily. Only Li Jiajia kept silent, and seemed a bit out of group.

Jiang Feng noticed her abnormality, and joked with a smile: "Jiajia, don't be angry, I don't blame you for empathizing."

"Sister Feng...Actually, I..." Li Jiajia was a little embarrassed.

"Jiajia, do you have something on your mind?" Wang Daqing asked.

Li Jiajia hesitated for a while, but finally mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Actually, after returning from Jiuzhaigou, I have been having nightmares these days, and I feel a lot of mental pressure. Later, I talked to Brother Tao and felt the need to quit..."

"Quit what?" Jiang Feng asked eagerly: "You also want to quit Tiangong and give up this career?"

"Sister Feng, to be honest, do you really think that a weak and incompetent person like me can be qualified for the mission of the Tiangong special police?" Li Jiajia looked sad, "I quit one day earlier, which is a relief for myself and can also make room for others. What's wrong with letting more talented people join Tiangong to take on this glorious and heavy mission?"

"Jiajia! You are wrong!" Wang Daqing's face darkened, "Frankly speaking, in the first two days after you joined the team, your performance was not satisfactory. It was because of your weak background and lack of experience, not your lack of talent. Or courage!
"Later your progress was obvious to all. After Ma Tao and I were injured and retired one after another, you still persevered to the end. This is enough to prove that you are qualified to stay in Tiangong!"

"Brother Daqing, thank you for your encouragement, but this is not entirely true."

Tears welled up in Li Jiajia's eyes.

"The reason why I was able to make some small progress and persevere until the end is entirely because you took care of me in every possible way. In order to let me gain more experience points, you sacrificed your own interests and always left me behind on the battlefield. platoon, to avoid direct attack from monsters, how can this be said to be my own skill?"

"Taking a step back, if I were replaced by someone else and also received your care, then his role in the team would only be more important than mine, and he would perform better than me. Isn't that true?"

"Jiajia, what you said is not unreasonable, but you should understand that human beings are animals with emotions, and everything cannot be judged by profit and loss alone."

Gao Fei also joined the ranks of comforting Li Jiajia.

"Even if you change to a teammate who is more talented than you, it will not be able to replace your position in our hearts, and may not even get along with us in harmony. It is not worth losing you for this."

Li Jiajia sighed, a little more confused in his eyes.

"Brother Fei, what you said is indeed reasonable, but I'm not confident, I'm afraid, I hate myself for not living up to my expectations, but what can I do?"

"Jiajia, you don't have to force yourself." Ma Tao finally spoke, and said to her calmly: "You just need to be responsible for your own life, don't look at other people's eyes, I respect your choice, even if you quit the 05 team, After quitting Tiangong, we will still be friends in the future."

"Brother Tao is a pure man!" Qi Tian exclaimed with complicated emotions.

"Ma Tao! Don't make trouble, can you?" Wang Daqing was anxious, "Don't tell me, you are really willing to let Jiajia go!"

"I'm really reluctant, but so what?"

Behind Ma Tao's calm tone, there was a trace of imperceptible bitterness.

"Brother Daqing, you have been a soldier. You know better than me that the value of a soldier is to protect those compatriots who are unable to protect themselves."

"It's the same with us special police. It is precisely to allow those who are unwilling or unsuitable to fight and kill to freely pursue their ideal life. We have to fight all kinds of mutant monsters and do our best to provide a peaceful world for the world. An environment of stability that ensures people's freedom from fear."

"No matter how noble the reason, a person should not be forced against her will to do a job she doesn't like, otherwise we are not defending freedom, but destroying it!"

Wang Daqing opened his mouth, wanting to refute but didn't know what to say.

Everyone was relatively speechless, and the ward fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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