Savior Simulator

Chapter 209 Custom Mods

Chapter 209 Custom Mods
"Really? I don't believe it!" Jiang Feng stared wide-eyed, "Rich people are not fools, buying a magic device for [-] million? How can there be such a fool in the world!"

Gao Fei smiled wryly, just staring at her without saying a word.

The anger on Jiang Feng's face gradually turned into confusion, and then into depression.

"Okay, I admit that I have little knowledge, and the layout is small. Are you really going to sell the prize to that 1068?"

"Of course I won't sell it, but there's no need to offend the big boss. Just send him away with a few words of entertainment."

Gao Fei wrote back and declined the acquisition deal proposed by "1068".

The buyer didn't mind, and said a lot of polite words like "I have admired Honglong for a long time", "I am your fan", "add a friend and keep in touch in the future". , forcing Gao Fei to add address books to each other with him, and then to get out of the way.

This is just the beginning.

Throughout the next day, Gao Fei received no less than a hundred letters from strangers, and Jiang Feng also received dozens of letters, all of which were similar to them.

Some wanted to buy their reward magic tools, some wanted to join their team, and some claimed to have formed a guild of heaven and humans and invited them to join... Gao Fei and Jiang Feng were so annoyed that they simply modified their mailbox settings to refuse to accept strangers. letters from people.

Thinking about it afterwards, this is actually normal. After all, both of their numbers are on the leaderboard, so it's inevitable that they will attract attention.

"Gao Fei, you said before that you didn't want to compete for No. 1, and you said you were worried about causing trouble if you became famous. Now it seems that your original concerns were indeed prescient." Jiang Feng said with emotion.

"People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. This is inevitable. Don't pay attention to those boring guys. There is still one reward that I haven't received."

The second reward that Gao Fei mentioned is also an exclusive benefit for the top ten in the secret service scoreboard - each person can apply for a custom-made exclusive adventure module!
前5名可以定制10级以上的长模组, 6~10名就只能定制不超过7级的短模组。

"This reward is interesting, doesn't it look like that kind of champion skin?" Gao Fei touched his chin and said.

"Champion skins can only be used to show off, and custom modules are obviously more practical!"

Jiang Feng was a little excited.

"Think about it, there are hundreds of built-in modules in "Savior Simulator", everyone can use it, even if there are any cheats, such as your hidden professional dragon warrior, it will soon spread all over the forum, and it won't be long Everyone has one, but the customized modules are only for us to enjoy, and others can’t play if they want to play. If there are unique professions and special skills in it, wouldn’t it be only us who can learn it?”

"You think too well. I think the customized content does not include any special expertise or unique profession. Tiangong just allows us to participate in the design of the main storyline."

Goofy takes a more pragmatic view.

"We are Party A, right? If Party A doesn't ask for it, Party B will be happy to be lazy!" Jiang Feng said eloquently, "On the other hand, if we describe the customization plan in detail, don't care if it is feasible, and arrange all the requirements that can be imagined for him , maybe the module designer of Tiangong can really make it? Then it will make a lot of money!"

"Hey! Look at your posture. If you catch Toad, you can't wait to pinch melatonin. I don't want to deal with a party like you."

Gao Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Bah! What do you know?" Jiang Feng rolled his eyes at him angrily, "Party B's productivity is like the water in a sponge, if you squeeze it, there will always be some. If I'm not harsh or furry...then I'll be Party A in vain!"

"All right, all right, tell me, what request do you want to make?"

"Well... I want an adventure module for two people to play. It is best to set the commercial city in the early days of the industrial revolution as the stage. It should not only pursue thrills, but also bring some romantic elements..." Jiang Nvxia's eyes are full It is longing.

"Your request is not too harsh. I thought you wanted to design an adventure module with an oriental martial arts background. That would be a bit embarrassing. After all, the background of "Savior Simulator" is a western Wonderland."

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning. I haven't mentioned the specific personality and professional needs yet!" Jiang Feng said enthusiastically, "I want to play the heroine this time, so I have to arrange for me to have both parents die." , The young lady who inherited the family fortune!"

"Very good, can you give me the whole male lead?"

"Two-player module, you already have one!"

"Is it okay to set up a rich and wealthy person for me? The requirements are not high, there is a special car for going out, big lobsters can be eaten one by one, and two beautiful maids can warm the bed..."

"Shut up! You shameless bastard!" Jiang Feng glared, "I've already figured it out, your character is from a wealthy businessman's family... The former wealthy young master is now living on the street, poor and destitute. , so hungry that the eyeballs glow green!"

"Why?" Gao Fei was annoyed by her, and repeatedly protested, "Aren't I from a wealthy businessman's family? Where is my capitalist father? How can I bear to let my precious son live on the street!"

"Oh... I would like to add something here. Your capitalist father went bankrupt trading stocks and committed suicide by jumping into the sea. Your mother died of depression. Your property was auctioned off to pay off your debts."

"Fuck me...Jiang, you are going too far, don't be so cruel to me, right?" Gao Fei was full of grief and indignation.

"Hmph! Who told you to want the pretty maid to warm the bed? This is to give you a vaccination!" Jiang Feng smiled proudly, "Don't worry, I'm so kind, how can I make you suffer all the time? The noble daughter who is short of money, the Virgin Mary who walks in the world, I must save you, a lost lamb!"

"Good guy! You can be a Mary Sue, I'll let you sue!"

"Aren't you an online writer? You have more experience in writing scripts than I do. Help me think of a few good ideas. I want a little sweet article, the one that is sweet, sweet, and toothless, and even more so! You put all your energy into shaping me in the direction of a little fairy who combines beauty, wisdom and innocence, the kind of Bulling Bulling!"

"Please forgive me, I'm not your second party!" Gao Fei got up from the sofa, trying to escape.

"Don't run!" Jiang Feng rushed forward and threw him back on the sofa, pressing him firmly under him, grinning lewdly, "Little boy, it's useless to shout your throat! Listen to the old man's persuasion, Today you have to obey, and you have to obey if you don’t!"

Gao Fei lay on the sofa, while begging for perfection, he still did not forget to stick to the bottom line.

"Okay, as long as you don't force me to write danmei scripts, I can say anything..."

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, and suddenly a sly smile appeared on his face: "Then what if I ask you to write a female queen's harem drama?"

"...Ahem, Comrade Xiao Jiang, let's talk about Danmei scripts."

(End of this chapter)

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