Savior Simulator

Chapter 204 Fighting the Dragon King

Chapter 204 Fighting the Dragon King
Seeing the gorgeous data listed in the astrolabe, Gao Fei's self-confidence was unprecedentedly high, he spread his dragon wings and flew into the air, hovering a hundred feet above Tianchi.

The red dragon's huge body blocked the sun, casting shadows over the lake, and soon attracted the attention of the Nine-headed Dragon King. Nine heads emerged from the water one after another, looking up at the giant dragon hovering above his head.

Gao Fei tried to cast "taunt", but failed without any suspense.

But he was not discouraged, and kept throwing taunts, tried eight times in a row, and finally succeeded in breaking through the "Iron Will" of the Nine-headed Dragon King, lured it out from the center of the lake, and followed him to the shallow water of the lake, covered with blue scales His smooth back slowly emerged from the water.

Gao Fei noticed that in just ten minutes or so, the tattered body of the Nine-headed Dragon King, which was bombed by the missile, was basically healed!
The "regeneration" physique is so terrifying!
Gao Fei wanted to lure the Nine-headed Dragon King to fight on land, but this monster was too attached to the water and would never wade ashore, so it just stood in the shallow water without moving its nest, stretched its neck, and grinned at him with all nine heads. Let out an angry growl.

This result made Gao Fei very helpless.

However, after thinking about it, I was too greedy. Being able to lure the Nine-headed Dragon King to the shallow water area and successfully avoiding the extremely unfavorable underwater combat was a good start.

After adjusting his mentality, Gao Fei suddenly flapped his wings and accelerated his flight. Taking the Nine-headed Dragon King as the axis, he flew in circles around it, trying to find a breakthrough.

Compared with its huge body, the intelligence attribute of the nine-headed cold snake lizard is pitifully low, and it was quickly overwhelmed by the dazzling aerobatics of the red dragon, not knowing what the other party was going to do!

The nine heads are facing in different directions, and the nine pairs of eyes are trying to catch the red figure flashing in the air. The big eyes are full of confusion and seem at a loss.

The opportunity is coming!

Gao Fei suddenly changed direction in the air, and dived straight behind the Nine-headed Dragon King!
This move of the raptor descending from the sky completely exceeded the expectations of the Nine-headed Dragon King. He moved his feet hastily, trying to avoid the red dragon's collision.

However, his body is too large and clumsy, and he can only turn flexibly by relying on the buoyancy of the lake water. Now that he has left the deep water area, he can only stagger on his four stubby lower limbs. There is no time to avoid the big red dragon that swoops over at a high speed like a meteor. Goofy hit his head on the back.

The violent collision of the two giant beasts stirred up waves on the lake.

The back of the Nine-Headed Dragon King was deeply stabbed by the dragon horn, and the blood gushed out like a spring, washing away countless scales that had fallen off.

Gao Fei found that the first round of dive impact failed, so he retracted his wings and landed on the shallows.

While the Nine-headed Dragon King was busy keeping his center of gravity balanced, the nine dangling heads didn't even have the time to reach out and bite, so he stomped decisively, triggering an "earth shock"!
With a bang, the sand splashed and the angry waves surged to the sky!

The seismic wave was excited from the red dragon's feet, fueled by the raging lake water, and spread to the Nine-headed Dragon King in an instant, like adding fuel to the fire, and finally knocked down this huge monster.

Gao Fei was overjoyed, his strong hind limbs exerted force, leaped high out of the water, spread his wings to assist in gliding, and landed on the body of the Nine-headed Dragon King who was overturned on the ground, buried his head and bit a snake's neck, and his claws Hold the twisting and struggling head of the snake, and at the same time forcefully tear it.

The strength attribute of the red dragon soared to 30 points after being enhanced by spells. It played a role at this critical moment. With a click, a slender neck of the Nine-headed Dragon King was torn off, and his head fell into the water. The blood from the broken neck was like a water gun.

Regardless of spitting out his mouth full of blood and flesh, Gao Fei took a deep breath, and then suddenly spewed out a cone-shaped flame, forcing back the other eight snake heads that twisted their necks and rushed to bite, focusing on burning the one that he had just bitten off. For the snake neck, apply burns on the wound as much as possible to delay the regeneration of blood and flesh in the neck.

Gao Fei was soberly aware that it would be difficult for him to kill the Nine-headed Dragon King with a "regeneration" physique through close combat. After achieving the tactical goal, he immediately left and soared into the sky!

It's a pity that the action is still a little slow.

Just after flying ten meters high, a turbulent cold current swept over from behind.

Gao Fei didn't dare to look back, and continued to flap his wings, raising his flying altitude until he returned to the altitude of a hundred feet, before he made room to overlook the lake.

The remaining eight heads of the Nine-headed Dragon King all straightened their necks, and they were blowing out extremely cold air towards the sky, forming a white cloud above the lake, freezing the water vapor, and turning into flying frost.

Gao Fei checked the battle report automatically recorded on the astrolabe, and found that when he ran away just now, he was hit by three cold currents at the same time, and suffered a total of 51 points of cold damage, all of which were absorbed by the "cold barrier".

Although he was not injured, Gao Fei was not happy.

From this damage figure, it can be seen that the cold air exhaled by the nine-headed dragon king can indeed double the damage to the red dragon with the subspecies of fire.

Gao Fei was only sprayed once, and the energy of the cold barrier was wiped out a lot. If he continued to fight with this momentum, and was sprayed two or three times, the cold barrier would be broken down.

After that, I can only resist the cold current with my physical body, how many rounds can I last?

What's more, I was slipping fast just now, and I was only sprayed by three cold airs. If I am unlucky next time and am hit by more cold air from snake heads, wouldn't the damage I receive be multiplied several times... …

The more he thought about it, the heavier Gao Fei felt.

However, avoiding or procrastinating will not solve the problem, but will give the Nine-headed Dragon King more time to repair the wound, making his situation worse.

Thinking about this problem clearly, Gao Fei had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue flying around the Nine-headed Dragon King at high speed, looking for an opportunity to make a surprise attack.

The Nine-headed Dragon King had just suffered a loss, and had already realized what kind of tricks the red dragon was playing. Eight long necks stretched out in different directions, chasing the figure of the red dragon, blowing out cold currents in turn.

Gao Fei felt like he was playing a flight simulation game, concentrating all his energy on avoiding the barrage, and if he was not careful, he would be hit and crashed.

After circling the Nine-headed Dragon King for a dozen times, he finally found a good opportunity, and suddenly swooped in, dashing, biting, and breathing out the dragon's breath, repeating the previous set of operations.

This wave scored twice, successfully biting off the Nine-headed Dragon King's neck again, and then fled in the air with wings flapping.

Gao Fei's luck this time was relatively bad. On the way to escape, he was hit by four cold currents and concentrated fire. The cold barrier deducted 62 points of energy, and the remaining 7 points of energy were no longer enough for the nine-headed dragon king to spray.

The consolation is that the Nine-headed Dragon King has lost two heads, and the two adjacent broken necks are not enough for the visual blind spot, at least they are a small flaw.

(End of this chapter)

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