Savior Simulator

Chapter 20 Exploring Shipwrecks

Chapter 20 Exploring Shipwrecks
The moss-covered deck is very slippery, and the slope is steep. If you don't pay attention, you will fall and roll all the way to the stern.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng reminded each other to be more careful and slow down to approach the cabin.

The cabin door has been decayed, looking inside through the crack, it is gloomy and dark, which makes one feel scalp tingling inexplicably.

At this moment, Gao Fei received a system prompt and learned that the interior of the cabin was dimly lit, and creatures without dark vision needed fire to illuminate them, otherwise they would have disadvantages in both Perception and Attack rolls.

Barthaka carries a torch with him, which can provide 20 feet of light when lit, but also makes himself a very conspicuous target in the dark.

"If only we were elves or dwarves, we are born with dark vision."

Jiang Feng also felt a little creepy exploring in the pitch-black cabin.

Gao Fei stood outside the open cabin door holding a torch, thought for a moment, then turned to Jiang Feng and said, "I thought about it again. We are facing a very dangerous enemy, we can't just rush in like this, otherwise we may fall into a trap."

"Is this the novelist's way of thinking?" Jiang Feng teased with a half-smile, "Why don't you wait outside, and I'll go in and explore the way first."

Gao Fei shook his head: "Think about the routines of horror movies. In such a ghostly place, it is taboo to act separately. I plan to spend an astrolabe energy to disperse the fog in the cabin and see what monsters and ghosts are hiding inside. "

"There are only 4 astrolabe energies per day. You used up 1 when you pulled me in, and you used up 1 when you explored the path. Then there are only two chances to read the file, okay?" Jiang Feng worried. asked.

"Let's try to pass the level once and get the best reward!"

Gao Fei barely pretended to be confident.

"Okay! Just do as you say!" Jiang Feng was infected by him, and he also showed high fighting spirit.

After the two discussed it, Gao Fei drew an astrolabe energy and tried to remotely detect the situation inside the cabin.

"What did you see?" Jiang Feng asked impatiently.

"It seems to be zombies... There are no fewer than ten zombies dressed as sailors hiding in the dark corners of the cabin."

Gao Fei wiped off his cold sweat.

Hearing what he said, Jiang Feng couldn't help turning pale.

After a few seconds of silence, he pretended to be calm and said: "If there are only low-level undead creatures like zombies in the cabin, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Yang Yanzong's martial arts are designed to restrain the undead."

"It's Su Mo who is not afraid of zombies, not you Jiang Nvxia."

Gao Fei complained in his heart, but he still had to pretend to be manly on the surface.

"When fighting zombies, we switch to God's perspective to strip away the immersive sense of horror. This is just an ordinary game, and there is nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Feng shook his head stubbornly, and said solemnly: "I don't like this kind of practice that is close to cheating. Avoiding the problem can't solve the problem, and facing the fear can overcome the fear."

What she said made sense, Gao Fei was speechless.

"In short, let's take a look at the investigation report first."

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe database, and dug out the newly recorded zombie data from the "Monster Illustrated Book".


·Zombie Sailor
Challenge Rating: 1/4 (50XP)

NE, Medium undead

Health: 30 (3 x 8/full undead hit points; Toughness +6)

Speed: 20 feet

Defense: 10 (Agility -2, Natural +2)

Melee: Slam +3 (1d6+1 bludgeoning damage)

Attributes: Strength 13, Dexterity 6, Constitution -, Intelligence -, Wisdom 6, Charisma 5
Senses: darkvision, passive perception 8
Special ability: Undead traits, damage reduction 5/slash, robustness (health +2HD)


Zombies are one of the lowest undead creatures, their challenge level is only 1/4, their movement speed is very slow, and their agility attribute is extremely low. The safest tactic to deal with them is "flying a kite".

However, the zombie sailors hid in the cabin and couldn't come out, and the narrow space inside the cabin was not suitable for swimming, so Gao Fei and Jiang Feng could only bite the bullet and break in to push the group of zombies.

The special detection effect obtained by spending the energy of the astrolabe can only last for a short 1 minute. Gao Fei has no time to carefully check the facilities inside the cabin, but only roughly notes the area where the zombies are distributed.

Not far from the hatch door, there was a zombie lying on each of the two hammocks. They would slowly climb down from the hammocks and join the battle when they smelled the breath of living things.

Of course, Gao Fei would not give them a chance to calmly prepare for the battle. After entering the cabin, he teamed up with Jiang Feng to launch a surprise attack as soon as he entered the cabin. The zombie's head was smashed, and it lay motionless in the hammock.

Not far away, a group of dazzling flashes suddenly erupted.

Jiang Feng's monk hit a "Sun Fist" and sent the zombie who had just sat up from the hammock flying into the air. He hit the bulkhead and bounced back. Jiang Feng's flashing short sword swung with his right hand chopped off his head.

Although "Sun Fist" has a "fist" character, it can actually be used on monk weapons such as clubs and short swords, and it can also add 2d6 radiant damage.

Jiang Feng's gorgeous "Sun Sword" move was lucky to trigger a critical strike, which doubled the damage. After harvesting the remaining 15 HP of the zombie sailor, the damage still overflowed a lot.

Gao Fei held a torch in his left hand and a blood-stained stick in his right. He walked up to Jiang Feng and reminded him in a low voice: "There are still a lot of zombies on board, so save your energy."

"Well, I overreacted a bit just now." Jiang Nvxia stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, "It's the first time in my life that I met a living zombie, and I was inevitably a little nervous."

"Used to it."

Gao Fei held up a torch to explore the way ahead, followed the impression he had left when he used the astrolabe to investigate, and turned into a corridor leading to the captain's cabin.

When they reached the middle of the corridor, there was a muffled bang behind them. Looking back, several figures with teeth and claws broke through the decayed bulkhead and rushed into the corridor, cutting off the escape route of the two of them.

"There are five zombies blocking the road!" Jiang Feng's voice trembled slightly.

Gao Fei's operating mode is "God's perspective", and he can see it more clearly than Jiang Feng. Just as he was about to reassure her not to be afraid, the heavy and dragging footsteps of zombies came from the other end of the corridor.

Looking at it with the torch, several swaying ghost figures are gathering.

"There are also five zombies at the exit of the corridor. It seems that the only way to break through the siege is to get rid of them all." Gao Fei said.

"I'll leave the zombies ahead to you. Block them as much as possible." Jiang Feng quickly regained his composure. "I'll hurry up and kill the zombies that are chasing after me, and then I'll free up my hands to help you."


For the occupations and monsters involved in the book, I made modifications based on the reference of DND3 and 5 editions.

In fact, many of the changes are so drastic that they have almost nothing to do with the original.

I will introduce the monster data during the story process. As for the occupation, every time the protagonist gets a new occupation in the future, I will post the corresponding setting in the work related.

The two initial occupations updated today are Gao Fei's "Berserker" and Jiang Feng's "Monk (Yang Yanzong)".

 Thank you book friends: Every time you name a name, you have to think of 1 nicknames. This week, you will reward 300 starting coins

(End of this chapter)

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