Savior Simulator

Chapter 197 The Last Mission

Chapter 197 The Last Mission
"You've got it!" Ma Tao disapproved of Jiang Feng's guarantee, "I'm worried that your parents-in-law will go crazy together and become a pair of mandarin ducks with the same fate."

"Extraordinary! I'm so annoying!" Qi Tian rubbed his hair vigorously, and shouted anxiously: "It doesn't matter so much, this is the last battle, right? Right?! I'll go tomorrow, the last time! After this battle, I don't care about anything else, I immediately pack up and go home for vacation!"

Ma Tao smiled wryly and took out a cigarette, but he didn't light it. He just took it in his hand and smelled it, to get over his addiction.

"As the captain, I can't be absent, so Jia Jia stays at the station—"

"Brother Tao! I...I'll go too." Li Jiajia said suddenly.

"Jiajia, you don't have to force yourself."

"It doesn't matter, it's not the first time I'm forced to do it anyway...Brother Tao, is tomorrow really the last mission? Don't lie to me..."

Li Jiajia's tearful eyes were full of hope.

Ma Tao lowered his head, crushed the cigarette in his hand into crumbs, raised his head suddenly, and made a solemn promise to her.

"Jia Jia, don't worry! After tomorrow, let alone the company commander, even if the station master comes to beg me personally, I won't do anything!"


Although reluctant, Gao Fei's teammates reluctantly accepted the company commander's call to assist him in hunting down the only remaining "king of heaven" monster in the Jiuzhai area-the Nine-headed Dragon King.

After breakfast the next day, five members of the 05 team came to the parking lot outside the hotel, waiting for Po Jun Shisan to come to join them.

Seeing the familiar police van, Gao Fei naturally thought of his brother Wang Daqing who also served as the driver in the team, and felt sad again.

Not long after waiting, the company commander came.

With Po Jun Shisan's body size, of course it wouldn't fit in a small van, and the police car could only drive up to the foot of the mountain, so it was useless for mountain climbing.

In order to save time, the company commander applied to the headquarters for advanced spell-casting authority through the "Misuo Link". After approval, he took Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Qi Tian, ​​and Li Jiajia and teleported directly to the destination of the trip.

The teleportation point is located on the top of the mountain.

Gao Fei shook his head, woke up from the dizziness caused by the rapid transfer of space, and was immediately shivered twice by the cold wind blowing on his face.

The teammates beside him were also shivering from the cold.

"Strange, why is it so cold on the mountain?" Qi Tian muttered in confusion.

"Every time the altitude rises by 1 kilometer, the temperature drops by about 6°C. The Tianchi Peak where we are located is more than 1000 meters higher than Jiuzhai County. The temperature in the county today is 27°C. Under normal circumstances, the temperature on the top of the mountain should not be lower than 20°C. That's right."

Ma Tao recalled the knowledge in his middle school geography textbook, rubbed his hands that were almost frozen and said, "However, in reality, the temperature here is close to freezing point, so there must be something wrong!"

Gao Fei's Freedom Specialty is equipped with "Perseverance" and has a constant "endure the environment" effect, and he quickly adapts to the temperature on the top of the mountain.

Looking at the vast lake covered in clouds and mist in the distance suggests a possible explanation.

"The scientific name of the Nine-headed Dragon King in the monster illustrated book is 'Nine-headed Cold Snake', which belongs to the cold subspecies. It is said that its nine heads can breathe supernatural cold air, just like the red dragon is good at breathing fire... Where are we now? Although it is still two miles away from the lake, it might also be affected by the cold air exhaled by the monster, so it became extremely cold."

"Nine times out of ten it is like this!"

Jiang Feng took off his coat, put it on Li Jiajia whose face was pale from the cold, stomped his feet, and said depressedly:

"If I knew it was so cold on the mountain, I should have brought a cotton coat with me when I set off."

"Sister Feng, the cotton coat is too rustic, let Brother Fei buy you a mink!"

Qi Tian was frozen like a dog, but it didn't stop him from making troubles with a smirk.

Jiang Feng turned his head to look at Gao Fei, his beautiful big eyes flickering.

"There's no problem! Old girl, after this mission, let's go buy a fur coat!" Gao Fei braced himself and said, "Brother, I'll buy you a weasel fur, is it right?"

"Bah! I don't want it, the weasel stinks to death!" Jiang Feng laughed and cursed and punched him, "I'll save up my own money to buy... um, fox fur!"

"You're not too coquettish!" Gao Fei was full of disgust.

Li Jiajia couldn't stand these two turkeys, so she couldn't help interjecting: "Brother Fei, Sister Feng, actually the fur of the weasel is not smelly, it is a high-end raw material in the fur industry, and of course, the fox fur coat is not showy..."

"Look, girls from big cities are good at it, we country bumpkins don't follow the fashion, I'm satisfied with a cotton coat." Jiang Feng laughed at himself cheerfully.

Ma Tao whispered a few words with the company commander, took a medicine box from him, took out five bottles of magic potion, kept one bottle for himself, and distributed the other four bottles to his teammates.

"This is the 'cold protection potion' specially prepared by the company commander for everyone. After taking it, it will last for two hours. During this period, it will be immune to the effects of low temperature in nature, and it can also absorb 120 points of magic or supernatural cold damage in total—including the extremely cold breath of the nine-headed dragon king. .” Ma Tao introduced to everyone.

Jiang Feng, Qi Tian, ​​and Li Jiajia took the potion, and they felt warm all over, and the chill disappeared.

Gao Fei didn't feel cold at first, so he stuffed the anti-cold potion into the storage space of the astrolabe, and it wouldn't be too late to take it after he started playing.

Po Jun Thirteen was in a spiritual connection with the Tiangong headquarters. After finishing the call, he turned to Gao Fei and the others and said, "I just received an entrustment from Ms. Yaoguang in person. Let us drop by and help her with something."

"What orders does the station master have?"

As Gao Fei inquired, he still complained in his heart: If it is placed in the game world, this is a typical "side mission".

"An old friend of the station master lives in seclusion in the cave on the cliff of the main peak of Baoding Mountain. Since the silver flash erupted, there have been endless mutated birds and beasts on the mountain. The place where that person lives in seclusion is no longer safe, so the station master entrusted me Send someone to visit that friend and persuade her to move to Tiangong and settle down."

After briefly explaining the mission content, the company commander's eyes fell on Gao Fei.

"Gao Fei, I'll leave this errand task to you. I'll take the other team members to investigate by the lake first, and wait for you to come back and join us."

"After a long time, it's just running errands... It's really a classic side mission like a textbook."

Gao Fei complained resentfully, feeling that he was being overqualified.

Tucao goes to Tucao, the errand that the station elder sister personally explained can't be shirked.

"Company commander, why did you only let Gao Fei deliver the letter by himself?"

Jiang Feng asked a little worriedly.

"Because he is the only one who can fly." Po Jun Thirteen replied.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, this was really the case.

Gao Fei turns into a red dragon, and can fly directly to the main peak of Baoding Mountain soaring into the clouds, and arrive at the secluded place of that extraterrestrial expert.

For others, just climbing to the top of the 5588-meter-high peak is strenuous enough, let alone looking for the hermit's cave on the smooth cliffs.

(End of this chapter)

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