Savior Simulator

Chapter 1300

Twelve bullets flew into the "anti-magic field" almost simultaneously.

Gao Fei pre-applied the "Shrinking Art" and "Advanced Shrinking Art" on the pistol bullets, which were suppressed by the "Anti-Magic Field".

The small bullet then returned to its original appearance.

There are twelve huge "tsar bombs"!
"Abadon! Eat me 'Big Ivan' twelve strikes!!!"

Twelve hydrogen bombs hit Abaddon's body, triggering the firing pins, and detonated at the same time. The total equivalent of the explosion was 12 billion tons of TNT! !
The second after the shot was fired, Gao Fei used the "Mage Mask" to instantly cast the "Delayed Hedging Shield".

Real men never look back at the explosion.

However, twelve big Ivans exploded at the same time. This scene was so dazzling that Gao Fei had to lower his head and close his eyes, and extended his sincere condolences to the Zonghuang.

Fortunately, this is the "dimension killing field", an independent demiplane.

If it was detonated outside, the entire Hive Island would be blown up to the sky, and the special police and even the warships on the island would not be spared.

The terrifying roar echoed in the "Dimensional Killing Field".

The sky and the earth are bright.

The shock wave crushed all the huge stone pillars around the arena, and the vegetation, sand and stone were incinerated and evaporated by the high-temperature radiation.

Gao Fei stood in the "force field shield", and the power of the nuclear explosion to destroy the world was isolated by this layer of translucent force field enchantment as thin as an eggshell.

After 12 seconds, the hazard shield is released.

At this time, Gao Fei had already switched his sub-profession back to "Dharma Stealer" and transformed into a spirit form.

He didn't return to flesh and blood until the shock waves from the nuclear blast subsided.

As for the follow-up nuclear radiation, with his physique, it doesn't matter if he takes it hard.

The land where the arena is located has been blown into a literal abyss.

Abaddon, the worm emperor, was bombarded by twelve big Ivans, and there was still a small group of rotten meat wrapped around his brain, shining with a dim divine brilliance.

Even a legendary demon can't withstand the twelve rounds of Big Ivan's bombardment.

Abaddon survived, thanks to the protection of a trace of divine fire in his body.

The Zonghuang once devoured the fragments of the "source of divine power", but the divine power contained in this fragment, in order to protect him from surviving the nuclear explosion, has now exhausted the last trace of energy.

Ripples of magic power surged in the abyss.

The wreckage of Abaddon is still struggling to cast teleportation spells, trying to escape the site of the nuclear explosion.

However this is futile.

As soon as the teleportation array under Abaddon shone with a gleam of light, it was suppressed by the "dimension killing field" and turned dim.

"Dimensional killing field" has its own "dimensional lock" effect.

As long as Gao Fei is still here, no one can leave.

Goofy jumped down from the abyss and landed floatingly in front of the wreckage of Abaddon.

With a flick of the finger, a beam of green light hit the squirming mass of flesh and blood.

The last wreckage of the Zerg Emperor instantly disintegrated into void dust.

While casting the "Dissociation Technique", Gao Fei also used the technique of stealing spells to drain Abaddon's last value.

Legendary Spell Thief, who can steal and keep legendary magic.

"Good harvest."

Gao Fei smiled slightly, "Swarm Storm" has already started.

In addition to this legendary magic, Abaddon also has two 9th-level spells-"Summon Giant Worm" and "Howl of the Banshee".

Gao Fei thought for a while, and replaced the "Advanced Command Spell" in his spell list with the strongest group death magic below the Legendary level, "The Banshee's Howl".

There was also a "Summon Giant Worm", which Gao Fei felt was dispensable, and he threw it away along with the other spells he had stolen from Abaddon.

After successfully killing the worm emperor Abaddon, Gao Fei fulfilled Yaoguang and Tianquan's entrustment, and was about to leave the "Dimensional Killing Field" when his face suddenly changed slightly.

Unknowingly, "Tiangong Special Police" has been promoted to another level.

Level 22 SWAT, free attribute +1.

The level cap of the sub-profession has also been extended to level 22.

Gao Fei left the "dimension killing field", and just returned to the entrance of the abyss wormhole, he received a task settlement reminder from the astrolabe:

Successfully killed "Bug King" Abaddon and completed the S-level mission!
Astrolabe energy +6!

Reward 10 special service points!
Reward experience value of 30!
With 10 points, in addition to exchanging regular rewards, you can also do two things:

A: Exchange up to 3 points of free attributes.

B: Apply to expand a sub-profession to the legendary level and customize the legendary professional ability.

In the end, the bosses are all over, and Gao Fei doesn't urgently need to improve his attributes now. Customizing the legendary class is obviously a more attractive option.

There are only three sub-professions that Gao Fei commonly uses. Among them, "Spell Thief" and "Dragon Warrior" have been upgraded to level 21, and imitator is still at level 20, which has not yet entered the legendary realm.

Legendary Spell Thief, the two core skills of Sneak Attack and Spell Stealing, increase with the level and do not need to be strengthened.

Legendary dragon warrior, the core ability is a berserk dragon, as the level increases, it grows in stages.

A level 21 dragon warrior who can transform into a mature red dragon.

From level 25, transform into an old red dragon.

From level 29, transform into an ancient red dragon.

From level 33, transform into an ancient red dragon.

From level 37, transform into the ancient red dragon.

As for what will become after level 40?

Goofy doesn't know yet, it's too early to think about it.

At least until level 40, the evolution path of the Legendary Dragon Warrior is clear, and there is no need to change it for the time being.

Only "imitator" is a completely original profession. At the beginning, only the first 12 professional abilities were set. Later, Gao Fei took the opportunity of participating in the Tiangong high-level annual meeting to entrust Dr. Vader to help the imitator. Expands to level 20.

Now, he has put the imitator's path to an end.

After entering the legendary realm, the imitator does not have a clear direction for development.

Then it is self-evident what choice should be made.

Gao Fei decided to spend all the reward points for S-level tasks in exchange for expanding the authority of the imitator again.

For this, he needs to write a setting by himself, and Tiangong will design the imitator's legendary professional ability according to his own wishes.

Of course, Gao Fei knows well that the strength of his own legendary professional ability should not be too outrageous, otherwise he will definitely be stabbed!

After closing the reward page, Gao Fei opened the spell list again, and used his free time to study "Swarm of Swarms".

The "legendary magic" of prostitutes is cool to use!

Gao Fei practiced casting spells repeatedly until the magic pool was exhausted, and he finally mastered "Bug Storm".

Taking out the "Pearl of Mana Regeneration" and replenishing the mana, Gao Fei checked the time. An hour had passed since Yao Guang and Tian Quan entered the Wormhole.

Gao Fei stayed outside the wormhole, feeling bored, so he sent a letter to Yaoguang, telling Abaddon that he was walking peacefully, and by the way, asked if the sealing ceremony was progressing smoothly, and whether he needed to go in to help.

Yaoguang replied quickly, praised him greatly, and said that the sealing ceremony was going well and he didn't need his help.

"If you still have the energy left, take care of Vanelon, Kona and Belmonk may need your help." Yao Guang said in the reply.


The book will be finished tomorrow.

The new book "The Gluttonous Warlock" has been released, please bookmark and recommend!

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