Savior Simulator

Chapter 1295 Legendary Dragon Warrior

However, neither of these transformation methods is the optimal solution.

Tyrannosaurus rex's funny little short hands have poor attack efficiency, and what's more terrible is that it can't hold weapons.

The advantage of the earth elemental giant is its rough skin and thick flesh, but its agility attribute is low, and its slow moving speed is also a serious flaw.

Gao Fei was not very satisfied with these two alternatives. He opened the astrolabe and looked at the experience value of the inventory, which was 423700 points.

With the enemy at hand, it would be too stupid to keep so many experience points and not use them to improve immediate combat power.

Gao Fei suddenly thought of another idea!

Why not upgrade the "Dragon Warrior" to level 21 in one go, and transform into a legendary dragon to fight against "Bug King" Abaddon, which is no more reliable than some earth elemental or Tyrannosaurus rex? !

Goofy's "Dragon Warrior" is only level 4.

Upgrading from level 4 to level 21 requires 402300 experience points.

Without the slightest hesitation, massive experience points were poured in, and Gao Fei's "Dragon Warrior" level shot up like a rocket!

From level 4 to level 20, the newly added professional abilities include: "Sharp Vision", "Savage Intuition", "First Aid", "Whirlwind", "Tide of Attack", "Burning Rage", "Lion's Charge" ", "Blade Storm", "Knowing Blow", "Steel Body", "Extraordinary Physique", "Immortal Body" and "Infinite Rage".

Gao Fei has been exposed to all these abilities in the game, and he is already familiar with them and cannot be more familiar with them.

With "Infinite Violence" and "Extraordinary Physique", Gao Fei can permanently transform into a red dragon form, and will not feel tired after transforming for a long time.

Starting from level 21, "Dragon Warrior" officially enters the realm of legends, capable of transforming into a giant adult red dragon.

In terms of defense, it has a natural armor of 25 and a damage reduction armor of 15/legendary.

On the offensive side, natural weapons such as dragon teeth, dragon claws, dragon wings, and dragon tails have a base damage roll of 4d6.

The two signature supernatural abilities "Dragon's Might (Fierce Momentum)" and "Dragon's Breath" have also been greatly strengthened.

Longwei's radiation radius is 240 feet.

The dragon's breath comes in a cluster of 240 feet and a cone of 120 feet, dealing 25d6 searing damage.

The last and most important one.

In the state of transforming into a giant red dragon, the attributes of strength and physique are increased by 25 points and 18 points respectively!
Counting various buffs, after Gao Fei transformed into a red dragon, his strength attribute easily exceeded 70 points, and his constitution attribute also reached 50 points.

Compared with the worm emperor, it even has a slight advantage!

Of course, this is just a data comparison on paper, not equal to real strength.

The current analysis on Abaddon is only based on limited information. Gao Fei has to worry that the Zerg Emperor probably has cards that Kona and others don't understand.

For example, the level of magic is particularly lacking in intelligence.

It is impossible for Abaddon to only have one "Swarm Storm", there must be other powerful spells.

Gao Fei has formulated countermeasures for every conceivable situation.But not afraid of [-], just in case, if there is something that cannot be considered, it can only be arranged by fate.

At this time, a notification to receive the letter suddenly came from the astrolabe.

"Goofy! Abaddon just left Vanelon, and Belmonk and I can't stop him from teleporting!"

In the astrolabe, Kona's eager voice came.

"Do you need our support on the island? Please reply as soon as possible!"

"No need for now." Gao Fei replied calmly.

Of course he knew that Kona and Belmonk were under a lot of pressure.Leaving Vanelon now, their troops may not be able to withstand the counterattack of the Obiris Zerg.

So, then you can only rely on yourself.

"Miss Phoenix!" Gao Fei called to the Battleship Brain, "I'm going away for a while. Before I come back, the battleship and the SWAT team will be entrusted to you. Please try to avoid casualties!"

"No problem! Dear Officer Gao, I wish you success!"

Gao Fei couldn't help being a little moved by the blessing sent by Zhinao through the "Magic Mouth".

Just as he was about to cast a teleportation spell, he heard hurried footsteps behind him.

"Wait a moment!"

Looking back, Jiang Feng quickly climbed up the gangway, his pretty face flushed, and beads of sweat ooze from his forehead, looking very eager.

Gao Fei went up to meet him and held his girlfriend's hand.

"Run so fast, what happened?"

"You still have the nerve to ask?!" Jiang Feng glared at him angrily, "If Kona hadn't sent me a letter, I wouldn't even know what you plan to do next!"

"Kona..." Gao Fei's expression darkened, "What is she trying to do?"

"Don't get me wrong!" Jiang Feng quickly explained, "Kona learned that you were going to the entrance of the wormhole to intercept the worm emperor, and wanted to come to support, but was rejected by you. I am really worried, so let me advise you not to be impulsive!"

In fact, Jiang Feng did not expect that Kona would send her a letter at such a time, which made her very tangled.

As Goofy's girlfriend, she certainly has reason to dislike Kona's over-concern for her boyfriend.

But Kou Na knew that she would be jealous, so she couldn't help but send this letter. It can be seen that this woman has a real affection for Gao Fei...

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng couldn't help feeling a little pity for Kona.

She couldn't sort out this complicated emotion by herself.

"Kona has her responsibilities. It's not suitable to leave the Vanelon battlefield now. If I really need support, I won't try to face it."

While comforting his girlfriend, Gao Fei was also worried.

If Jiang Feng insisted on accompanying him to stop the Zong Huang, how could he persuade her to give up this dangerous idea?
However, unexpectedly, his girlfriend did not make this request that caused him headaches.

"Kona asked me to tell you, I have already said, if you are disobedient, I can't help it!"

Jiang Feng firmly held his boyfriend's hand, his eyes were firm and fiery.

"Honey, I won't drag you down! Just like when you were at Baoding Mountain and Guozhuang Reservoir in Jiuzhaigou, do what you should do!"

Gao Fei's heart suddenly throbbed, and his eye sockets couldn't help getting a little moist.

"Before I leave, can you give me a little encouragement?"

Gao Fei pretended to be relaxed and smiled, moved his face closer, and waited for his girlfriend to come to kiss him.

Jiang Feng hugged her boyfriend tenderly, first chirped, and then whispered in his ear: "Honey, you must take good care of yourself, it doesn't matter whether the mission succeeds or fails, as long as you come back alive, I will let Kona sleep with you for one night!"

"Ah?! Don't make trouble! This joke is not funny!"

"Hey! You just know you're joking!"

Jiang Feng made a face at him and waved goodbye.

With complicated feelings, Gao Fei no longer delays, and directly casts a spell to teleport to the tiankeng where the "Abyss Wormhole" is located.

In the center of the tiankeng, the pitch-black tunnel connecting the Great Wormhole is covered with a golden film of light.

This is the forbidden barrier left behind by Tianquan and Yaoguang after they entered the tunnel.

Even with the magic power of the worm emperor Abaddon, it is impossible to break through in a short time.

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