Savior Simulator

Chapter 1292

Chapter 1292
The "Phoenix" is also an intelligent construct in essence. Although it is shaped like a battleship, it is actually a distant relative of the Seven Sisters of Tiangong.

The construction core of the battleship is equivalent to a super intelligent brain, which has an order of magnitude more powerful computing power than all the supercomputers of Blue Star combined!

On this ship, Gao Fei's authority is second only to Tianquan and Yaoguang, and he can directly connect to the shipboard brain through the astrolabe.

With the help of the computing power and huge database of the intelligent brain, Gao Fei analyzed the physiological characteristics and genetic map of gluttonous insects, traced back to the source, and deduced the physical characteristics of the mother of the insect swarm—that is, the gluttonous nest mother.

In just 2 minutes, Zhinao drew a profile picture of the nest mother and sent it to Gao Fei's astrolabe screen.

The insect swarm on the island can be traced back to four independent gluttonous hive mothers, all of which were the larvae produced by these four big monsters.

The matching degree of the photos deduced by the brain and the body is no less than 99.95%.

Based on this, Gao Fei can cast the 8-ring prophecy magic "perception location" to lock the location of the nest mother.

He randomly selected one of the four nest mothers as the first target to track.

As a result, it was pleasantly surprised to find that the four hive mothers were all hiding in the same place—a hidden insect nest at a depth of [-] meters underground in the northern part of the island.

Gao Fei raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction, opened the astrolabe, and took on a newly refreshed 3A-level task: find and kill all the gluttonous hive mothers on the battlefield!
Gao Fei skillfully applied various buffs and protective spells, his figure gradually faded, he escaped into the spirit world, and then directly teleported to the depths of the underground insect nest.

Four hive mothers, not far from each other, each left a small part of the swarm to act as guards.

When it comes to hunting nest mothers, Gao Fei is definitely a professional player.

Teleported in with ease, before the swarm noticed him, he calmly made a spell-casting gesture.


Softly chanting the spell that symbolizes "time", Gao Fei activated the 9-ring magic "time stillness", and instantly accelerated himself to the extreme, while the world outside him stagnated.

The distant roar of cannon died away.

The buzzing of insects in the nest also disappeared.

The swarm froze in mid-air, and the four nest mothers maintained a posture of focusing on remote control of the swarm, motionless, like statues.

In this world where the timeline is relatively static, only Gao Fei can act freely, and the time limit is only 30 seconds.

Stopping for half a minute is enough for him to complete the task.

Gao Fei opened the storage space of the astrolabe, took out four tactical nuclear bombs, canceled the "shrinking technique", and stuffed them under the bellies of the four gluttonous nest mothers, carefully avoiding contact with them.

The nuclear bomb is placed, and there are six seconds left.

Gao Fei held the remote control and stood right in the middle of the nest mothers.

5, 4, 3, 2...

Countdown, last second.

Gao Fei unhurriedly pressed the remote control, and at the same time instantly "transformed the spirit body", escaping into the spirit world.

In the next second, four nuclear bombs detonated simultaneously.

The entire underground insect nest was submerged in intense flashes.

Gao Fei stood on the edge of the spirit world, watching the site of the nuclear explosion, his eyes were so bright that he couldn't see anything clearly...

There was a strange hissing sound in the ear, and then a rumbling roar.

Fortunately, he was in the form of a spirit body, otherwise he would be deaf in both ears on the spot.

The huge destructive power caused by the nuclear explosion completely destroyed the underground insect nest.

The [-]-meter-thick rock and soil layer was also torn apart by the explosion, and the shock wave pushed the flames, which sprayed into the sky through the huge crater, like a volcanic eruption.

The four gluttonous nest mothers located in the center of the nuclear explosion were instantly incinerated by tens of millions of degrees of heat comparable to the center of the sun, leaving no bones left.

Gao Fei didn't stop and teleported directly back to the bridge hall.

Looking at the nuclear explosion zone fifty miles away from here, admiring the magnificent and terrifying strong light radiation and the huge mushroom cloud, it is more visually shocking than visiting the scene in person.

The gluttonous hive mothers on the island were all nuked.

The gluttonous swarm lost the will of their brood and turned into a mess of scattered sand. Most of them were swallowed by the storm and flames from the nuclear explosion, and the remaining ones were not a concern.

The battleship opened the fanlock shield to resist the shock wave and deadly radiation transmitted from the nuclear explosion zone.

The Tiangong special police who went out to hunt the abyssal scorpions had already retreated back. Under the protection of the fan lock, they looked at the nuclear explosion site in the distance, deeply shocked, and fell silent for a while.

After a long time, the special police came back to their senses and asked each other who was so vicious and rushed into the insect nest to detonate the nuclear bomb? !

"At least three nuclear bombs were detonated visually."

"Who did it? It's too exaggerated!"

"I heard it's Brother Honglong."

"Oh...that's all right."

When everyone learned that this simple and rude operation was done by "Brother Red Dragon" who just returned to the team yesterday, they all showed expressions of "it really is so", no one was surprised.

Bridge Command Hall.

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and received the 3A-level task reward.

Astrolabe energy +5.

Secret service points 3.

The task experience value is 30.

It's been a long time since I received a mission reward, it feels so good to have a good harvest.

Hunting and killing four gluttonous hive mothers with a challenge level of 20, a total of 10 combat experience points were obtained, plus the mission rewards, Gao Fei's accumulated experience points, broke through the 40 mark in one fell swoop, enough to start a sub-profession from scratch Reach level 20.

Special service points, as usual, are still used to exchange for specialties.

Gao Fei first chose two legendary specialties, "Castle in the Air" and "Grandmaster of Weapons".


Castle in the Air: When learning and using high-level specialties and special abilities, all prerequisites are deemed to be met.

Weapon Master (Pre: Weapon Master): Using any weapon, the attack roll has an advantage, which counts as a double proficiency modifier; the weapon automatically penetrates any type of damage reduction armor below legendary, and the damage roll automatically takes the maximum value.


The legendary specialty "Weapon Master" is very powerful, but it is not easy to acquire it. You must first master the pre-specialty "Weapon Master".

"Weapon Master" is a quasi-legendary specialty, and the prerequisites are "Advanced Weapon Specialization" and "Advanced Weapon Specialization".

However, "Advanced Weapon Specialization" and "Advanced Weapon Specialization" must take the two basic specialties of "Weapon Specialization" and "Weapon Specialization" as prerequisites...

Trouble visible to the naked eye!
Gao Fei first learned "Castle in the Air" in order to avoid the above-mentioned interlocking prerequisites and directly learn "Grandmaster of Weapons".

With 10000 special service points left, Gao Fei skipped the legendary feat list and used it to exchange for a mythical feat that is very suitable for slaughtering swarms of creatures, called "Death Knell Halo"!
Death knell aura (precondition: "blood-sucking aura" or "blasphemy aura"): expend a piece of mythical power (astrolabe energy) to activate the aura for up to one hour; continuously suppress all hostile creatures within 300 feet "quick self-healing", " "Renewal of broken limbs", "regeneration" and similar special constitutions; every time you kill a hostile creature, absorb half of the opponent's HP to heal yourself, and continue to suck blood after full blood, you can gain a temporary life value at most equal to your maximum HP.

(End of this chapter)

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