Savior Simulator

Chapter 1289 Assault on Insect Nest Island

Chapter 1289 Assault on Insect Nest Island

So far, the Blue Star countries have not applied strategic nuclear weapons of the level of "Big Ivan" to actual combat—Gao Fei hopes that there will never be that day!
But in the bottomless abyss, he doesn't mind throwing a few "Big Ivan", and invites the bugs to try something new.

Rubbing his hands together, Gao Fei decisively placed an order, applying for 100 tactical nuclear warheads, plus 30 Tsar Bombs!
"You kid... you must be an arms maniac, right?"

When Tianquan saw the application submitted by Gao Fei, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Even if you plan to bomb Abaddon with nuclear bombs, it won't take so much!"

After some bargaining, Tianquan finally reluctantly agreed to Gao Fei to receive 60 tactical nuclear warheads and 12 Tsar Bombs.

With so many nuclear bombs stacked together like a hill, how to carry them is a problem.

Gao Fei didn't panic, and directly took the "shrinking technique", reducing the tactical nuclear bomb to the size of a pistol bullet.

Big Ivan also followed suit, shrinking to 12.5 centimeters and weighing only 103 grams.

In fact, Gao Fei can also superimpose the 3-level "advanced shrinking technique" on top of the 6-level "shrinking technique", shrinking the big Ivan to the size of a bullet, putting it into the pistol magazine, and firing it directly as a bullet.

The moment the bullet is ejected from the chamber, the "Shrinkage Technique" is released, allowing the nuclear bomb to return to its original size and detonate after hitting the target.

Launch a nuclear bomb from a pistol, the only question is what to do with the shooter himself?
For others, the answer to this question can only be to die together.

But Goofy is not afraid.

The "transfigured spirit body" or "safeguard shield" can provide him with security at the site of the nuclear explosion, allowing him to appreciate the grand scene of the nuclear bomb explosion at close range.


The day after the battleship "Phoenix" arrived at Wanyuan Plain.

At [-]:[-] p.m., blue star time, the combat operation code-named "Cleaning" officially started.

Kona led an army of [-] Tanari demons, and Belmonk led the Baatezu demon army, and at the same time launched a fierce attack on Vanelon, who had become a worm's nest!

As Tianquan and Yaoguang expected, in the face of this unprecedented fierce offensive, Abaddon the "Emperor" had no choice but to sit in Vanelon himself and command the army of Obiris Zerg to resist Kona and Belmonk's army. hard fight.

The "Phoenix" battleship took advantage of the vacancy and flew over the Hive Island with lightning speed, regardless of March 21, [-], a wave of carpet bombing first!

On the three-story artillery deck, the bombardment portholes are opened in sequence, and each window reveals a black hole in the missile launch tube, launching guided nuclear warheads one after another.

360 hypersonic missiles roared out, pulling out rows of white sonic boom clouds in the bloody sky of the Wanyuan Plain.

The large-scale insect nests distributed on the island were bombed by nuclear bombs one after another, and they exploded with flashes hotter than the scorching sun, illuminating the sky and the earth brightly.

Groups of huge mushroom clouds soared into the sky, covering the light above the island, as if falling from the polar day to the polar night in an instant.

After a wave of unreasonable nuclear bombs washed the ground, most of the open-air insect nests on the island were completely destroyed and turned into a purgatory with rising flames.

The muddy swamp near the insect nest was also vaporized by the nuclear explosion.

The Styx water in the swamp turned into a turbid mist, covering the already bombed island with a dark red shroud.

The "Phoenix" magic warship lowered its flying altitude and landed smoothly on the dry swamp.

Through the porthole of the battleship, you can clearly see the "Abyss Wormhole" located in the center of the island.

After a stormy bombardment, most of the low-level Obiris demons on the island were dead, and the rest were hard nuts.

The abyssal scorpion, which was left by the "worm king" Abaddon to guard the wormhole, is indeed a quasi-legendary monster. After the nuclear explosion, most of them still survived, wagging their tails, collectively summoning meteor showers, and bombing battleships.

The "Phoenix" sounded the air defense alarm and deployed the ship's fan lock.

A circle of translucent force field shield is like a large bowl turned upside down on a battleship, blocking the meteor fire rain falling from the sky.

Every time it is bombarded by meteorites, the force field shield will tremble violently, as if it is about to collapse.

In order to maintain the force field shield, the fan lock center had to burn the magic crystal crazily, which consumed a lot of energy.

Of course, Yao Guang knew that passive defense could not last long, so he immediately dispatched the top 100 special police officers with special service points, took huge risks to leave the radiation area of ​​the battleship fanlock, searched and killed the abyssal magic scorpions, and the rest of the special police officers stayed on the spot to resist the attack from the enemy. The swarm of insects besieged from all directions.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Tianquan also dispatched 50 magical mecha soldiers from the mecha unit to cooperate with the special police team to hunt down the abyssal magic scorpion.

It is obviously not an easy job to stay away from the battleship and hunt the devil scorpion.

The radiation radius of the battleship fanlock is 10 kilometers. Within this area, all combatants of one's own side can obtain the following benefits:
"Mind barrier", "protection from evil", "resistance to energy", "freedom of movement", "rejuvenation circle", "stone skin", "true seeing", "flying", "dimension door", "acceleration" ".

Once you leave Mysuo, you will not be able to enjoy the benefits mentioned above, and you will have to rely on your personal strength to survive on the Hive Island surrounded by demons.

The 05 team that Jiang Feng belonged to had nine members, all of whom were selected into the hunting team.

For these young people who have carried out countless dangerous missions and have rich hunting experience, as long as they find the magic scorpion, it is half the battle.

Fortunately, with the help of detective magic, the special police soon found a group of abyssal magic scorpions in the depths of a half-destroyed insect nest.

Grenade launchers and rocket launchers clear the way, flash bombs, cloud bombs, and smoke bombs infused with special-effect insecticides are thrown out for free, and occasionally a guided rocket is blasted. of elimination.

Team 05 made rapid progress. It took less than an hour to slaughter all the way to the depths of the lair, and met the eight abyssal scorpions hiding here to summon the meteor shower.

The real good show is just beginning now!
"Jiajia, take Hansheng, Lele and Zhigang with you to deal with those two big scorpions in the north."

The captain, Ma Tao, lined up in the astrolabe team channel.

"Brother Daqing, Xiaotian, and Ma Yun, I and I will each face off against a magic scorpion."

"There are two magic scorpions to the west, they look like a male and a female, who is going to deal with this pair of wild mandarin ducks?" Hao Le asked.

"Leave the pair of magic scorpions to me." Jiang Feng showed his brow-level stick, his pretty face was murderous, "I want to hit two!"

At the shipboard training ground this morning, she had a sparring with Kona. Although there was no winner in the end, she knew in her heart that Kona hadn't shown her full strength.

If Princess Blade changed back into the form of the six-armed snake demon and wielded six scimitars at the same time, and cooperated with the "Black Blade of Calamity" to attack with all its strength, Jiang Feng had to admit that he probably couldn't resist it.

(End of this chapter)

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