Savior Simulator

Chapter 1287 Combat Plan

The second day after returning to the SWAT team, Gao Fei received a call from Yaoguang as soon as he woke up.

Putting down the phone, Gao Fei picked up his girlfriend who was still in bed, held his sleepy pretty face, printed a good morning kiss on her lips, put on his coat in a hurry, and rushed to the captain's cabin for a meeting.

As soon as Gao Fei left, Kona came to the door of the cabin where he and Jiang Feng lived with a bouquet of white roses in her hand, and rang the doorbell.

Not long after, the cabin door opened, revealing a beautiful face.

The moment they looked at each other, Kona found that the appearance of the other party was quite similar to her own human form, so she couldn't help being stunned.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Jiang Feng looked at the unexpected visitor outside the door vigilantly, and had already guessed her identity.

"Good morning, little sister. My name is Kona, and your name is Jiang Feng, right?"

"Well, good morning! What a coincidence, Gao Fei just left..."

"It's okay. Actually, I came here specially to find you today. I want to get to know you and make friends."

Kona gracefully handed over the bouquet.

Jiang Feng took the bouquet from her and smiled helplessly.

"Actually, there's no need to beat around the bush. I know why you're here. It's not convenient to do it here. Let's go to the shipboard fighting exchange ideas?"

"It's exactly what I want!" Kona also smiled, "Actually, aside from the matter of robbing men, I really appreciate your straightforwardness!"


"Phoenix" captain's office.

Gao Fei was sitting on the sofa, looking through the battle plan sent to him by Tianquan.

The purpose of this battle plan code-named "cleaning up" is to seal the large wormhole on the Hive Island, and for this reason, it is bound to have a fierce conflict with the Obiris Zerg entrenched on the island.

Abaddon, the "Emperor of Worms", is not the only territory of Hive Isle. From Vanelon to Mephit Town, it belongs to the sphere of influence of the Emperor of Worms.

Since the death of the Balrog General Bynes, Abaddon lost his number one general, and had to sit in Vanelon himself to restrain the subordinates of Bynes before his death. Prepare for the attack.

Tianquan and Yaoguang didn't want to delay this war until the day when the Zerg launched a general offensive, otherwise the defensive pressure on Blue Star would be too great.

Determined to make a quick fix, the two ladies began the "cleaning" operation this afternoon.

The battle is divided into two phases.

First of all, Kona led Ferrag's demon army, Belmonk led Tyros' demon army, and jointly attacked the Vanelon Fortress occupied by the Zerg, restraining Abaddon and the main force of the Zerg.

At the same time, the special police team boarded the "Phoenix" warship and landed on the Hive Island with a thunderous momentum!
At this stage, there are two main tactical difficulties.

One is that on Vanelon's side, Kona and Belmonk's troops must put enough pressure on the Zerg to prevent Abaddon from leading the main force to return to the Hive Island in time for support.

The second is on the Hive Island side.

With one thousand special police and two hundred magic mechs, facing the millions of Obiris demons on the island, the difference in strength between the two sides was several orders of magnitude. Quick decision!

"After the battle starts, Yaoguang and I must concentrate on performing the ceremony of sealing the wormhole." Tianquan said to Gao Fei, "The sealing ceremony takes a long time, during which we have no time to deal with the insect swarm on the island. You can handle the pressure on your own."

Gao Fei nodded, and thought about it, "I've been monitoring the dynamics on the Hive Island for the past few days, and I have a fairly good understanding of the situation of the insect population on the island."

"Obiris Zerg, in addition to Abaddon, a powerful quasi-abyss lord, there are two more threatening quasi-legendary demons, namely the abyssal scorpion and the gluttonous hive mother."

"The [-] special police officers participating in this battle are all elites with rich experience in actual combat. The combat effectiveness of the [-] magical mechas is also quite powerful. They will fight within the radiation range of the battleship fanlock and deal with ordinary Obiris demons. It's nothing to worry about!"

"However, the abyssal scorpion and the gluttonous hive mother are not ordinary bugs. Both of them have the ability to attack us outside the radiation radius of the mythos."

"The Abyss Scorpion is good at the 9-ring magic 'Meteor Burst', with a range of up to 30 miles."

"Many magic scorpions cast spells together, and hundreds of meteorites fell down like hailstones. That scene is no joke!"

"The gluttonous hive mother is even more powerful. The challenge level is 20. She can also release a large group of gluttonous larvae. She is good at using mental power to remotely control the swarm to besiege the enemy."

"Once surrounded by swarms of gluttonous insects, not to mention special police officers made of flesh and blood, even magical mecha soldiers made of steel will not last for a few minutes before they will be gnawed to pieces."

"According to Kona and I's long-term observation, the number of abyssal scorpions stationed on the Hive Island is usually maintained at around sixty, while the gluttonous hive mother generally does not exceed five."

After analyzing the enemy's situation, Gao Fei volunteered:
"If the two ladies don't mind, let me handle the magic scorpion and nest mother on the island."

"Can you kill all the magic scorpions and nest mothers on the island by yourself?" Tian Quan raised his eyebrows with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

Goofy smiled calmly.

"Dear Madam, I don't like to talk big, and for two hours at most, I guarantee that there won't be even a panting magic scorpion or brood mother on the island."

Tianquan turned to look at Seventh Sister.

Yao Guang also laughed.

"Fourth sister, you don't know, in fact, Gao Fei's biggest shortcoming is that he is too modest."

"He said that he could kill all the demon scorpions and nest mothers within two hours. In fact, he was too conservative. If he went all out, I think one hour would be enough."

Yao Guang nodded, thoughtfully.

"If Gao Fei really has such strength, wouldn't it be a waste to spend time and energy on quasi-legendary level demons?"

"Fourth sister, what do you mean?" Yao Guang's face changed slightly.

"If the battle goes well, you and I will be able to seal the wormhole before Abaddon returns to the island, and we will be able to deal with the worm emperor."

Tianquan analyzed it unhurriedly.

"However, we also have to consider another, worse scenario."

"If Abaddon is alert enough to see through our plan and retreat from Vanelon ahead of time, and Kona and Belmonk can't stop him, it will interfere with the sealing ceremony."

"In this case, someone must contain Abaddon to prevent him from interfering with the sealing ceremony. Of course it would be better to kill him directly."

Tianquan looked at Gao Fei with a smile, with anticipation in his eyes.

"Young people need to exercise more, and they will make progress when they are under pressure. I think we can be bolder and add another burden to Xiao Gao. What do you think, Seventh Sister?" Tianquan said with a smile.

"You don't want Gao Fei to single out Abaddon, do you?" Yao Guang's face darkened, "I object! Anyway, the Zerg Emperor is also a legendary demon at the level of quasi-abyss lord, even if you and I personally deal with it Monsters also need a lot of effort, Gao Fei is not suitable for challenging opponents of this level right now!"

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