Savior Simulator

Chapter 1279 Alliance

The devil regards vitriol as an art of speech.

The most vicious taunt is but a "wit" in the eyes of the devil.

Connor was so annoyed by Belmonk's one-liner, but she didn't dare to confront him face to face, for fear of offending the big man behind him.

Gao Fei saw Kona's embarrassment, and took the initiative to change the topic.

"Your Excellency Belmonk, is it convenient for me to reveal who is your adoptive father?"

He thought that Belmonk would prevaricate, but the result was unexpected.

"Brother Gao Fei, it just so happens that my dad mentioned you in a letter and said that you left a good impression on him."

"It's a pity, I know it's too late, otherwise, in Mephit Town, I would have kidnapped you to Tyros! Alas, it turned out to be a mistake, and Kona was cheaper!"

"Your adoptive father has seen me?" Gao Fei felt that something was wrong the more he heard it.

"Don't you know? My godfather is the current emperor of the Kolas Empire, His Majesty Roland I!" Belmonk announced proudly.

Isn't His Majesty the big boss of Tiangong?
Gao Fei suddenly woke up, and quickly asked Kona and Belmonk: "Do you know that His Majesty Roland is also the founder and chairman of our Tiangong?"

Kona shook her head blankly.

"Is there such a thing?" Belmonk also looked very surprised, "I've heard of the name of Tiangong, but I don't know much about it. It turns out that it is also the property under my father's name, so it's no wonder."

"I'm not an official employee of Tiangong. I usually only contact Tianquan one-way. I don't know the background of the high-level, otherwise..."

Kona hesitated to speak, her expression became a little subtle.

Gao Fei saw what she was planning, and asked along the way: "If you knew each other's identities from the beginning, and you both have Tiangong backgrounds, would you still maintain a hostile position in the bloody battle?"

Kona weighed for a long time with a serious face, and said slowly: "If it's me, I will maintain a hostile position on the surface, cooperate in private, and join hands to kill the common enemy in a way that does not attract suspicion, such as Bynes!"

Belmonk nodded with a smile, fully agreeing with Connor's position.

"We didn't start the bloody battle, and we shouldn't end it. I don't want to sacrifice myself for such a boring thing, but I don't mind taking advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune from the war!"

Good guy!Sure enough, they are all twenty-five boys!
Gao Fei complained secretly, but he could understand Kona and Belmonk's choice.

If you ask the devil or the devil, why are they hostile to each other, so that the bloody battle between the two clans continues to this day, until death?

I'm afraid the other party can't tell why.

The opposition between chaos and order is too vague for individual demons or devils. If it is not for the accumulation of evolutionary capital, no one is willing to go to the battlefield to die.

"From the perspective of self-interest, since bloody battles cannot be avoided, you should find a smart enemy to play with you, and turn the bloody battlefield into a profitable business for both parties. In my opinion, Kona is a Great partner."

Belmonk flattered Princess Blade, and then told hell jokes.

"It's like that old joke: You kill the enemy's worst sniper and replace him with a more accurate one, what good will it do you?"

"Who are you calling lame?!"

Kona couldn't bear it anymore, and finally exploded, showing the "Black Blade of Calamity" in her hand.

"I said myself, can I?"

Belmonk quickly apologized with a smile.

As a legendary devil, Belmonk's ability to bend and stretch really made Gao Fei amazed.

The three chatted for a while, and finally got down to business.

Belmonk was assigned by his adoptive father to assist Kona in defending Ferrag Fortress. On this basis, he proposed to cooperate with Kona to fight against the crazily expanding Obiris Zerg.

The two sides belong to hostile camps in name, but they both have the background of Tiangong behind their backs. Of course, Kona will not refuse the olive branch thrown by Belmonk.

However, Kona and Belmonk's identities are extraordinary, and they have to consider the negative impact of "collaboration with the enemy". It is inconvenient to openly form an alliance, so they ask Gao Fei to act as an intermediary.

Gao Fei's communication crystal has long been stored in the "Secret Imprint" of Kona and Belmonk, and they can be contacted at any time.

After the talks, Belmonk led the troops back to Tyros Fortress.

Goofy and Kona also brought their guards back to Fort Ferragh where the smoke had not cleared.

After finally repelling the Zerg army, the residents of Ferragh finally gained temporary peace and could take a little rest.

Goofy returned to his guest room in the castle and slept for eight hours.

Wake up feeling refreshed and energized.

Habitually open the astrolabe, intending to check the time.

At this moment, Xingpan issued a system prompt that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

"You have an important email, please check it as soon as possible!"

"I haven't received an email for a long time...Huh? No!!"

Gao Fei suddenly woke up.

Since falling into the bottomless abyss, the astrolabe has been disconnected from Tiangong's server.

How is it possible to receive emails without Internet service?

"Could it be that……"

Gao Fei took a deep breath and opened the mailbox with anticipation.

As a result, I was pleasantly surprised to find that... the network service was disconnected for two full months, and it was miraculously restored!
"Damn it! Heaven! Earth! It's not easy!"

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!"

"This ghostly place in the backcountry is finally connected to the Internet!"

"I can finally surf the Internet!"

Gao Fei jumped up excitedly, like a teenager with severe Internet addiction.

After calming down his excitement a little bit, Gao Fei read the letter.

The email was from Yaoguang, informing him of good news.

The intensity, duration, and damage caused by the magic tide that Blue Star erupted this time are all unprecedented!
After more than two months, the magic tide finally ebbed, and the disasters around the world were brought under control.

According to the recent monitoring data from the "Silver Flash Weather Station", Ms. Metatron predicts that in a week at most, the concentration of Blue Star's magic power will return to the normal level.

Except for a few magic-rich areas, most of the world will return to a magic-free environment.

Yet it is not yet time to relax.

The darkness before dawn is precisely the most dangerous stage.

The senior officials of Tiangong believe that the crazy Obiris Zerg will never give up their attempt to invade Blue Star easily, and will launch a desperate offensive through the abyss wormhole in the final stage of the ebb tide of magic power.

There are no less than a thousand large and small wormholes at the exit of Blue Star, distributed all over the world.

One-tenth of the wormhole exits, including Ghost World Island, have formed a magic power-enriched area. Even if the magic tide recedes, it will not be closed automatically, and it can still be used as a springboard for abyssal creatures to invade Blue Star.

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