Savior Simulator

Chapter 1277 Legendary Gorgeous Belt

Master of Stealing Spells: The number of spells stolen and retained is additionally counted towards the double proficiency modifier.


Proficiency modifier +1, which means +2 spell stealing slots.

Goofy can now keep two more spells.

After looking at the spells he got from Baines earlier, Gao Fei quickly chose the target to keep.

Level 9 "time stillness" and level 7 "delayed burst fireball", the combination of these two spells is sinister and domineering.

Gao Fei had personally experienced the power of this tactic not long ago, and decided to learn from this tactic.

There is also the 7-ring magic "Finger of Death", which is also very good.

But there are not enough slots for stealing, what should I do?

After weighing it up, Gao Fei deleted the "Spell Invalidation Barrier" and filled in the vacant space with "Finger of Death".

The function of "Spell Nullification Barrier" overlaps with that of "Anti-Magic Field".

Especially after Gao Fei invented the "hollow anti-magic field", the "magic invalidation barrier" seemed a bit tasteless.

What's more, this magic has already been recorded in Gao Fei's electronic spell book. In the future, the "imitator" will be upgraded to level 18, and the "Mage Mask" will get a 6-level spell slot, which can also be used to memorize the "Spell Invalidation Barrier".

After Baines blew himself up, the beheading sword and flame whip were destroyed, leaving only one relic at the scene.

Gao Fei picked up the golden belt, identified it with the astrolabe, and couldn't help being secretly pleasantly surprised.

This is a "magnificent belt" of the legendary level, and its function is also upright and simple. The wearer's all attributes are +12!

Goofy has a high-end gorgeous belt with all attributes +6. If he puts on this legendary belt, he will have to spend at least an hour attuning with it to get the buff.

On another battlefield not far from here, Kona was still fighting bloody battles.

Now he doesn't have the time to change equipment!

Casually stuffing the legendary gorgeous belt into the storage space of the astrolabe, Gao Fei directly cast a spell to teleport to Kona.

After a few seconds, Gao Fei walked out of the teleportation array.

The sight in front of him was beyond his expectation.

Kona has returned to her human form and is performing a "magic trick" to clean up the blood on her body.

The demon guards who followed her were also resting on the spot.

Two hundred high-level demons went through a bloody battle, less than a hundred survived, and all of them were injured, but the situation was much better than Gao Fei expected.

Near the camp, huge demon scorpion corpses can be seen everywhere.

Gao Fei took a hasty glance, and visually estimated that more than 30 abyssal scorpions were killed here.

Sacrifice three high-level demons on average to exchange one abyssal scorpion with a challenge level of 19. This exchange ratio is reasonable.

However, the problem is that there are hundreds of enemy magic scorpions, and only one-third of them died here. Where did the others go?
Just when Gao Fei was wondering, Kona came over and showed him a tired smile.

"Ten minutes ago, I received a message from Meryl. I learned that the swarm of gluttonous insects besieging Ferragh suddenly went berserk and started killing each other. I knew that the gluttonous hive mother had been successfully beheaded by you, but I haven't seen you for a long time, I thought you went back to your hometown to find a little wife!"

The corner of Gao Fei's mouth twitched, wanting to correct her speech.

Jiang Feng is obviously his real girlfriend, what does "little wife" mean?
However, this meaningless idea was dismissed in a flash. Kona was just teasing casually, and she didn't have to take it too seriously.

"After solving the nest mother, I encountered a little accident and was delayed for some time, but fortunately there was no delay." Gao Fei explained calmly.

"What accident?" Kona asked curiously.

"Actually, it's my fault for being careless. I didn't realize that Baines was following me. I took advantage of my unpreparedness to make a sneak attack. I almost capsized in the gutter."

"Ah?! This..." Kona's eyes widened, her face full of astonishment, "I'm not surprised that Baines attacked you, after all, he has always been so despicable and shameless, but you survived the surprise attack by the legendary Barlow" , It doesn't look like he was seriously injured, which is incredible!"

"Unless Baines is merciful to you, I can't figure it out. How do you get out of his 'time still'?"

Speaking of this, Kona suddenly pulled out the scimitar, looked around vigilantly, and lowered her voice to warn Gao Fei.

"Be careful! Baines is probably still tracking you secretly!"

Gao Fei couldn't help laughing, grabbed her slender hand, and pushed the scimitar back into its sheath.

"Is there such a possibility that Baines has already been slaughtered by me?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Kona shook her head again and again, "It's a great luck for you to escape Baines' clutches alive, how could it be—"

He choked suddenly in the second half of the sentence, and stared blankly at the dark gold belt in Gao Fei's hand, his face full of disbelief.

"Bynes' legendary gorgeous belt... Good guy! Was Baines really killed by you?"

Goofy nodded slightly.

"'Time still' plus 'delayed burst fireball', Baines's move is really powerful, I was overshadowed by him, but fortunately, I survived in the end."

"As for the subsequent duel, there is actually nothing to say, except for playing dirty tricks, I really don't think Bynes is so strong."

Kona stared at him bitterly, feeling itchy teeth.

This kid had a calm expression on his face, he was obviously pretending to be coercive, but he had no choice but to admit that he had pretended.

Suddenly, Kona's face changed, and she asked tentatively, "Gao Fei, have you been... promoted to legend?"

Gao Fei nodded, quite touched.

"Not long ago, I told you that there were some vague perceptions that I couldn't express, but after killing Baines, those vague perceptions suddenly became clear, making me feel that the sky is wider than ever, and the earth is unprecedented. the vastness of it, and then I broke through."

Good guy!Pretending to be addictive, right? !
Kona was so angry that she wanted to slap him in the face so hard that he wouldn't get too carried away!
Gao Fei sensed Princess Blade's tangled emotions, and asked her casually: "Would you like to do two tricks with me and verify it with your own hands, am I bragging?"

Kona bit her red and plump lips hard, shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Bynes was slaughtered by you, how can I beat you?"

Blinking her nimble eyes, Kona suddenly became happy again, took his hand, and fell into his embrace softly, her voice became delicate.

"Honey, I figured it out! The most stupid thing in the world is to compete with the person you like!"

"Since you have become stronger than me, you must protect me, a weak woman, in the future!"

"A weak woman who hacked with six knives? Thank you for your kindness!"

Gao Fei resentfully complained, and got back to the topic.

"The situation here seems to be fine, but the number of abyssal scorpions is a bit small, and the others have retreated?"

Kona shook her head and pointed to the opposite side of the hillside: "Listen, what's going on over there."

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